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Deals Pt. 1

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN ZABUZA ISNT DEAD!?!?" Was the rather loud shout from both tazuna and sakura.

Naruto cleaned his ear out with his pinky finger before giving the two screamers a blank stare." Its just as I said. That hunter nin was fake, they had zabuzas sent all over them." The blond stated in a bored tone.

Team seven and tazuna were sitting around a dinner table located in the kitchen of tazunas two story home. Tsunami, tazunas daughter, stopped washing dishes and faced the table with a worried look on her face.

"Makes sense." Kakashi stated while not looking away from his icha icha book." Something felt off about that hunter nin." He mumbled out.

"But if that fake hunter ninja is zabuzas accomplice, why didn't you take care of them?" Sasuke asked while looking at the blond jonin." I mean why let them get away?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto sighed softly before resting his head on his hand." The fake hunter nin was most likely special jonin in strength. I couldve dealt with them easily but whos to say that zabuza only had one more little helper?" He motioned towards kakashi." Kakashi was low on chakra and wouldn't be able to protect you guys if there was more enemies than just the hunter nin." He explained calmly.

Sasuke growled- he actually fucking growled- at naruto." Im fully capable of protecting myself!" He pointed at the blond with an irritated look on his face." Don't sit there and treat me like a child!" He added heatedly.

"Oh so you can take on a jonin then?" Naruto questioned with a raised eyebrow. Sasuke frowned but didn't reply." As much as you hate it uchiha-sama-" naruto spoke the name in a sarcastic tone."- you and sakura both are still genin. In fact you guys are still fresh out of the academy and are in no way, shape or form, ready to take on a jonin. Now a low level chunin? You and sakura could take on one each, you've proved that with the demon brothers." The blond stated calmly as he crossed his arms over his chest. He didn't see sakura wince when he brought up her first kill." Now until you and sakura are strong enough to advance to the rank of chunnin, its mine and kakashis job to keep you alive. And wether you like it or not, you will fallow orders." The blond finished with narrowed eyes glaring across the table at sasuke who just huffed and looked away.

"Moving on." Kakashi coughed into his fist, breaking the tension in the room." With the damage done to zabuza, I give it a week before hes fully healed. So we need a plan." He stated lazily.

"Well whatever it is I wont be involved." Naruto commented." I still have to take gato out and impersonate him until zabuzas dealt with." He explained after seeing the curious looks on the genins faces.

"So.. gatos actually gonna be gone then huh?" Tsunami stated, catching everyones attention." I.. I never thought hed actual be taken care of." She added with a hint of disbelief in her voice.

Tazuna got up from his seat, walked over to his daughter and hugged her." I know honey, but I told you these shinobi are the real deal.." he told her softly as he rubbed her back in a soothing manner.

Kakashis gaze switched over to naruto." When will you be heading out?" He asked the blond.

Naruto gave the man an eye smile." Tonight. Im gonna spend a few days doing recon first. I wanna get the guards patterns down along with gatos. I wanna know the mans schedule so I can get him when he least expects it." Kakashi nodded at that. It was a sound plan." Youll have to deal with zabuza without me, think you can handle it?" The boy teased.

Kakashi snorted at the jab." I think I can. I doubt he'll use water clones again. They took to much chakra from him last time. Im sure he'll wanna deal with me himself, with all his strength this time." Naruto just shrugged.

The blond got up from his seat at the table and stretched." Well good luck guys." The blond gave them all a wave." Im gonna head out and get started, ill see you all later!" With the final farewell the blond jonin simply fated out of existence.

"Will he be okay sensei?" Sakura asked in a worried tone as she look at kakashi.

The man simply turned a page in his book." He'll be alright." He replied with a nod.

*with naruto*

The blond was dashing through the tree tops heading toward gatos strong hold. It was the middle of the night and he was a few miles out of town so he didnt have to worry about any of gatos mercenaries seeing him. He had sent out a few clones to find gatos place and wasn't disappointed.

Gatos place was actually a three story mansion that was surrounded by concrete walls on all four sides. After that wall was the guard houses. The guard houses were just 4  large one story wooden buildings that surrounded the walls of gatos place. Then after the guard houses there was another concrete wall that surrounded the place.

For anyone else itd be a bit of a challenge to get into the place undetected. But for naruto it was childs play.

The blond suddenly came to a halt on a tree branch when he felt a small but noticeable burst of chakra. He then looked up at the night sky when he heard a crow call. His ringed eyes narrowed as he saw the faint outline of a crow flying over head, heading towards the chakra burst he had felt. His eyes widened significantly when he saw the mengekyo sharingan that was implanted in the crows head. It was the same as the one he had ripped out of donzos head.

The blond growled and dashed towards the area where he had felt the chakra come from. It only took about two minutes before he dropped down from the trees and landed inside of a small clearing that was about twenty feet wide.

He watched with a batted breath as the crow flew down from the sky and land on someone's outstretched arm. It was then that naruto noticed not one, but two figures hiding in the shadows.

"Hello naruto-kun, I see you got my invitation.." came the calm yet emotionless voice.

The blond watched the two figures step out of the shadows and into the moon light where naruto could see them fully and the blonds heart skipped a beat.

Standing before him was one of the leafs most notorious and hated traitors. The man who had all but killed off the entire uchiha clan in one night.

Itachi Uchiha.

And standing next to him was a giant... blue shark man with a bandaged sword on his back?

Taking a calming breath, naruto relaxed his stance and looked at the two men before him." Itachi uchiha.. to what do I owe the pleasure?" Naruto asked the man.

"Aw, no greeting for me gaki?" The blue guy asked with a fake sad tone.

"Kisame. We are not here to joke around." Itachi stated calmly. The now named kisame just chuckled and held his hands up in surrender. Itachi looked back at naruto and narrowed his sharingan eyes when he saw the boys eyes and his jonin vest." For one so young, to wear that vest means youre stronger than you look." He said out loud.

Naruto took note of the black cloaks with red clouds the two men were sporting." What is it you want itachi-kun?" He asked calmly." Surely a man of your skill has something far better to do than visit little old me." He innocently.

Itachis face stayed blank as he answered." Our leader has asked kisame and I to come and collect you. Id rather you come peacefully naruto-kun. I don't wish to fight." He stated. He might of looked calm but naruto could tell the man was prepared for anything.

"I see.." he replied." What happens if I say no?" He wondered curiously.

"Then kisame and I will be forced to take action and who knows whatll happen then. No doubt your friends and my foolish little brother would try to intervene and then wed have to kill them just to get to you." Itachi answered with narrowed eyes.

Naruto tensed up at that, his ringed eyes narrowed as he gritted his teeth." I see.." he held back the growl that threatened to come out. He forced himself to calm down. The only advantage naruto had now was the fact that his face was hidden by the trees shadow, neither itachi nor kisame could see his eyes.

"So whatll it be brat?" Kisame asked in a bored tone." Please refuse, id like to take a leg or an arm from you." The shark like man stated, pulling the bandaged sword from his back.

Naruto sighed softly. He was in between a rock and a hard place right now. If he refused and tried to fight them hed lose. He wasn't delusional and believed that he could take out both itachi and kisame by himself, especially without kurama backing him. Stall them for a while? Sure. But killing them would be much harder.

If he refused and tried to run for help, the two S-ranks would hunt him down and kill anyone that got between him and them. Naruto wasn't about to put his friends lives or tazunas family in harms way just to protect himself. That wasn't who he was.

So he resigned himself to his fate and sighed." Ill make you a deal itachi-kun." He began, making sure the two nuke nin were listening he continued." Let me finish this mission up and ill come with you willingly."

" no dea-"

"How long will this mission take to finish?" Itachi asked, cutting his partner off.

Said fish man looked at itachi with a shocked look on his blue gill-filled face." What? You cant be serious itachi." He stated in a dumbfounded tone.

"A week tops." Naruto answered, he too ignored kisame." Team seven and I have been assigned to help a local man build and protect his bridge. I have to take out gato and impersonate him until kakashi and his genin deal with zabuza and the fake hunter nin. After that ill come with you willingly. Just promise you wont go near team seven." The blond finished in a serious tone. Hed never forgive himself if his friends got hurt because of him. No, if sacrificing himself means they got to go home safely then he would do it without hesitation.

Itachis eyes narrowed suspiciously." Youd give yourself up just like that, just in order to complete your mission?" He asked calmly.

Naruto shook his head." No. Id do it to keep those I care about safe from people like you. But what would you know about caring? You did murder your entire family in one night, except for your mother and little brother that is." Naruto stated with narrowed eyes.

No one saw it but itachis finger twitched. The man kept his composure though." Yes. How is mother dearest by the way?" He asked, his tone was sarcastic." Maybe I should visit her or sasuke just to check up on them-"

The sharingan wielder was cut off  when a blue ball of pure chakra formed in narutos hand, kicking up the wind around them." You make one move towards either of them itachi!-" the blond growled out in a tone that sent a shiver down itachis spine, even if he didn't show it."- and one of us will die here tonight. I may not be able to kill both of you, but im sure I could at least kill you before your fish friend intervened." The blue ball of chakra grew from the normal baseball size to about the size of a basketball." Test me bitch!" He shouted out over the winds his rasengan was picking up.

"This kids got some spun- erk!" Kisame was cut off as Naruto suddenly appeared in front of him and shoved the glowing ball of chakra into his gut."ahh!" He roared out in pain as the rasengan exploded, sending him flying backwards into the forest.

Before itachi could move he found the tip of a katana resting just under his chin. His red eyes spun and morphed into their mengekyo form. The new eyes glared down at naruto who was standing in front of him, holding his blade up to his throat. The strange thing though was that the boy didn't have his eyes open.

"Do not test my patience itachi. And never threaten the lives of those I care for. Youll live longer that way. Now do we have a deal?" Naruto asked in an eerie calm voice.

"One week naruto-kun. Do not make us track you down.." itachi replied coldly. Suddenly the sword was taken away from his throat and naruto jumped back a few feet, hiding his face with the shadows of a tree.

" one week. Ill be on the bridge waiting for you. Come only after kakashis low on chakra, that way he wont be able to stop me from going." Naruto turned his back to the man.

"We will see you then.." itachi replied as he watched the blond vanish into the forest just as kisame burst through the foliage and into the clearing. He had his sword drawn and a pissed off look on his face. There was also a rather large chunk missing from his gut that was slowly healing.

"Where is that little fucker?!? Im gonna fuck him up I swear to kami!" The shark man growled up, baring his razor sharp teeth.

"We will see him in a week." Itachi replied as he stared blankly at narutos previous location." And its your own fault for letting your guard down. Now come..." the man turned away and began walking towards the tree line with a pissed off kisame fallowing behind him.

*with naruto*

Naruto was about two miles away from the forest clearing when he suddenly came to a stop and leaned back against a tree trunk. He let out a heavy sigh as he thought about his encounter. No doubt kisame will be pissed off that he hit him.

"Really naruto? One of us will die here tonight.." the blond muttered before chuckling mirthlessly." You must be going crazy.." he stated to himself. He let out another sigh as he looked up towards the full moon." You need to wake up soon kurama.. I need you to wake up.." he whispered softly.

Was he scared? Yes. Very. But he didn't know what else to do. He knew that akatsuki wouldn't kill him so he wasn't worried about dying. He was worried about what the old man was gonna do to him when he saw him again.

He couldn't take the chance of sending a message to either the hokage or kakashi to inform them of what happened. No he couldn't risk ruining the deal he had with itachi. Who knew what the man would do if he tried to call for help or back up?

No he needed to look at the bright side of things. This would be an amazing opportunity to find out whos in charge of akatsuki and where their HQ was. He also had no intention of being held captive for too long. He didnt exactly know how he was gonna get away from a group of blood thirsty S-ranked nuke nins, but hed burn that bridge when he got there.

For now he had a mission to complete and he was gonna get the job done no matter what.