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Deals Pt. 2

It was the middle of the night and the moon was covered by clouds. A hawk silently flew over gatos compound, its eyes were narrowed and it was taking note of every single guard it saw as it flew in circles over the area.

Finally after a moment the hawk dived down towards the roof of the large mansion, once it was only a few feet from the roof the bird went up in smoke and naruto dropped down to the roof, landing silently.

Naruto stood up and dusted himself off before looking around. It had been two days since his run in with itachi and kisame and the blond had been trying to think of a way to get in contact with either kakashi or the hokage to in form them of whats happened. But so far he hadnt been able to do anything. He could feel them, itachi and kisame. He could feel their chakra signatures just at the very edges of his senses, almost as if they were mocking him, daring him to go back on their deal.

Naruto silently growled as he walked down the side of the building and stopped just above a window. He pulled a kunai out and used the blade to unlatch the top part of the window before he slid the glass down and climbed through, into the dark room.

His eyes quickly adjusted to the dark and he saw that this was just an empty room. Seriously there was nothing in it.' Of course this dude would buy a fucking mansion just to leave the rooms he doesn't use empty. What a way to rub his money into the faces of the poor.' The blond thought to himself.

He shrugged, itd be a good spot to lie low until his clones mapped the building out for him. With that though in mind he created well over a hundred clones that were transformed to look like tiny spider. He stared at the dark mass of spider that he created and shivered.

God it was a freaky sight to see so many creepy crawlies in one area.

"Scatter. I want this place mapped by morning. Whichever one of you finds gato, keep an eye on him until the other clones dispel. After that dispel and ill deal with the fucker." Naruto whispered out his ordered before he concealed himself, using the shadows of the rooms corners to hide both him and his presence. He shivered once more as he watched the mass of spiders crawled towards the door and vanish under said doorway. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before he allowed his conscious to seep inwards.

He opened his eyes and found himself standing in his mindscape. The sound of heavy breathing reached his ears and he turned around to see kurama. The nine tails was still passed out, lying on his side with a content look on its giant fox face.

"Im sure he will wake up soon." Came the sweet feminine voice of amaya. Naruto looked over his shoulder to see his mothers look alike standing there with a small smile on her face.

"I hope so."  The boy replied softly. He looked back at kurama and sighed. He felt amaya lay her hand on his shoulder.

"Are you scared naruto?" She asked." About going with this itachi fella and his pet fish." Naruto snorted at that.

His shoulders sagged a bit." Of course im scared amaya. No, in fact im fucking terrified!" The blond answered before running a hand through his hair.

Amayas brows furrowed at her wielders answer." Why are you scared? Are you not confident in your abilities?"

"This has nothing to do with my confidence amaya, if this was a regular jonin or hell, even a group of jonins. Id be perfectly fine." He rounded on her and looked her in the eyes." But this is a group of low to high S ranked ninja that have been specifically hand picked and put together to combat and capture tailed beast. Tailed fucking beasts amaya! What the fuck could I possible do to them? Especially if kurama isnt awake to help me!?" Naruto yelled out, his eyes displayed the fear he truly felt.

"I will be by your side-"

"No." Naruto cut her off, his voice going soft." No you wont amaya. I have no doubt that itachi and kisame will strip me of any and all weapons before blocking my chakra. And I will not allow them to get ahold of you." He grabbed her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze." You are one of the only things I have from my mother and you are one of my most precious things. I refuse to allow them or anyone I deem unfit, to even get close to you let alone touch you." He then chuckled." That is unless were cutting them down, but that isnt the case here." He added.

Amayas eyes softened at that. She knew how much naruto loved his parents, his mother especially. Hell you could call him a mammas boy and hed agree with you. She also knew that anything he received from his parents were treated almost like holy objects. He would never do anything to risk harm to them.

"If you do this then you will be alone." She spoke." You will not have any back up unless you come up with a plan to get into contact with the hokage." She told him.

"I know." He replied with a sigh, letting her hand go." But I don't know how to get into contact with the old man." He admitted sadly.

Suddenly it was as if a light bulb went off inside amayas head." That's it!"


"You don't need to get into contact with the hokage. Have someone do it for you." She stated as if it were the most obvious thing.

"Im not following." Naruto replied with a blank look in his eyes.

She wanted to smack him. That's how obvious it was." Once you take out gato youll be in charge of all his money and employes." She stated as she grabbed him by the face and began to shake him." Dumbass! Pay zabuza to get a message to the hokage! No! Even better! Get the fake hunter nin to do it since zabuza will be needed in the upcoming battle!"

"Amaya youre a genius!!" Naruto shouted out as hug picked the girl up in a hug and swung her around.

"D-dizzy! Naruro s-stop!" Amaya called out. Naruto dropped her and she fell onto her back, her eyes were swirling around in her head.

"Sorry." Naruto replied, chuckling sheepishly." Anyways, im gonna go do that! Keep an eye on kurama will ya? Thanks!" He didn't wait for a reply before he vanished from his mindscape.

Amaya, who was still lying on the floor, just raised a shaky hand and gave off a thumbs up." S-sure." She stuttered out as the world began to stop spinning.

•real world•

Narutos ringed eyes snapped open just as his clones began to pop. He smiled under his mask and walked out of the shadows. He had a plan now and hopefully itll work.

He walked towards the door and silently opened it before creeping out of the room and into the brightly lit hallway. He turned himself into a fly and flew down the hallways, passing by the guards he saw and headed towards gatos office.

Standing in front of gatos office doors were two men that looked like samurai. Naruto didn't pay them much thought as he slipped under the doorway and into gatos... office?

The room was huge! Seriously it looked like an apartment in here. One part of the room was used as a living room, against one of the walls was a bed that looked as if someone had pushed two king sized mattresses together. It had nightstands on either side of the bed and then across from the bed was a walk in closet that was bigger then narutos apartment. And finally, sitting in front of a wall that was made of giant windows, was a big wooden desk that had papers stacked neatly on top of it.

The blond transformed back into his human form and silently looked around the dark room for his target. He looked at the bed and had to stop himself from laughing.

Lying in the center of that giant bed was a short little man no bigger then 4'5. Inari-sama above the man looked like a tiny child, except for the fact that his head was bald, and was that a wig lying on that nightstand? His face was filled with wrinkles and naruto had to admit. This guy looked stupid.

He silently made his way to the doors and pulled out a paper tag that had a silencing seal written on it. He attached the tag to the door and the paper light up, signaling to naruto that he could now make as much noise as he wished to without anyone on the outside hearing him.

The blond took a deep breath as he faced the bed once more. He hated killing, but hed hate killing this guy a little less.

He walked over to the light-switch and flicked the light on, illuminating the room. Gatos eyes snapped open.

"W-what?" He called out in a daze as he covered his eyes with his hand." Who the fuck woke me up?!?" He called out as he sat up.

"Good morning mister gato!" Naruto greeted cheerfully.

"Who the fuck are-" gato stopped talking as his beady eyes locked onto narutos headband. The man crawled over to the nightstand that was on his left, while also showing naruto that he did in fact sleep naked, and grabbed his glasses.

'Mentally scared.' The blond though with a disgusted look on his masked face. 

Gato put his glasses on and looked at the blond, his eyes filled with fear." G-guards! Guards intruder!" He screamed out." How the fuck did you get in here and where are THE FUCKING GUARDS!" He cried out.

"Stop yelling!" Naruto roared out, scaring the man into silence." Fucking hell." Naruto rubbed his ears." For such an old midget, you got a pair of lungs on you, ya know that?" The blond asked sarcastically.

"W-who are yo-you?" Gato asked fearfully, his body shaking.

"Im naruto, don't worry about your guards they cant hear you. And im here to kill you by the way." Naruto stated plainly, almost as if this was an everyday thing.

Naruto had done this sorta thing a lot throughout his career as a ninja. It was always the same thing. He surprises his target, they scream for help, help that never comes, then they-

"Please, ill give you anything! Money, land, women! Anything! Just don't kill me please!" Gato begged as he sobbed like a little girl. He even pissed himself. Great.

'There it is. The begging.' The blond though to himself. He pulled a kunai out and began to twirl it around.

"Alright alright, calm down. God youre so ugly when you cry." Naruto spoke in a annoyed tone. His words seemed to work as gato began to calm down." Now I need to ask you some questions alright?" Gato nodded quickly." Good good. Wheres zabuza and his little partner?"

"Th-they have a room in the basement!" Gato replied quickly, his fear of dying was beginning to leave him.

"Good boy." Naruto eye smiled." Now, I know you've had people – mainly women and little girls- kidnapped. Where are they?" He asked kindly.

"In a warehouse! Down at the docs! I keep all the slav- er, women! I keep the women there!" The short man replied quickly. 

"Alright, that's all I needed from you." Naruto told him with a small nod.

"S-so.. so youll leave me alone? Youll let me live?" Gato asked in a hopeful tone.

Naruto eye smiled at the man." Of course not." Gato lost his hopeful smile.

"B-but you said you wouldn't kill me!" He cried out.

Naruto looked confused." I never said that." The boy replied." I just told you to calm down." He chuckled out as he raised his kunai.

Gatos screams and cries for help were never heard, not even by the two guards stationed right outside the doorway.

•in the hallway- 10 minutes later•

Gatos office doors swung open and the two samurai/mercenary guards stood at attention and saluted to the short man that left the room.

"Gato-sama!" They both greeted their boss who was fixing one of the wrist buckles that were on his maroon colored suits.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Take me to zabuza thing one, thing two." Gato ordered harshly.

Both men frowned." This way sir." 'Thing one' stated as he began to lead them down the hall and towards the elevator.

Not even five minutes later gato and his goons were standing outside of zabuzas room. Without even knocking the two guards barged into the room, fallowed quickly by gato.

The room was dark and the only light inside the room was from a small lamp that was between two twin sized mattresses. The room was bare and gato could see zabuza lying on one of the two bed, wrapped in bandages.

Standing next to his bed was a girl no older than 14. She had long black hair, a pale face, brown eyes and wore a white kimono. Her face was tight and it seemed as if she was forcing herself not to sneer, especially when she saw gato.

"What do you want now gato? Come to chew me out once more?" Zabuza asked with a gruff tone.

"Actually.." gato began before he went up in smoke.

"Wha-" two kunai shot out of the smoke and buried themselves deep within the necks of the two guards.

Zabuza was on his feet, his hand wrapped around the handle of his massive blade and his little friend had a fist full of senbon, both waiting to attack.

The smoke cleared and they saw naruto standing between the now dead guards, the blond was waving the smoke away.

"You!" Zabuza growled out as he gripped his sword tighter.

"Me." Naruto replied cheerfully.

"Im going to assume gatos dead?" Zabuza stated with narrowed eyes.

"Not just dead but super dead." Naruto replied sheepishly.

•inside gatos walk in closet•

The cut up dead body of gato was limply hanging from one of the numerous clothes racks. His face was cut up and his throat was slashed. His lifeless eyes were frozen in eternal fear as he lifelessly hung between two suit jackets.

•back with naruto•

Naruto cleared his throat after he kicked the rooms door shut." Now before you get all cutty cutty stab stab on me-" he chuckled at his own jab." Im actually not here to fight.

"Zabuza-sama, give me the order and ill cut him down!" The girl stated with narrowed eyes.

Zabuza held his hand up to stop the girl." Wait haku. He obviously came all this way to talk. Lets hear him out." Zabuza ordered.

"Of course zabuza-sama." The now named haku answered before putting her senbon away, her brown eyes still glaring a hole into narutos head.

"What do you want kid?" Zabuza asked the blond.

"Gatos dead. Therefore im currently holding every cent the man had, that includes your payment." Naruto told the man.

"Whats stopping me from just killing you and taking the money?" The swordsmen asked with a raised eyebrow.

Naruto chuckled." Youre still half dead and I could easily kill you before killing your little hunter nin here." Naruto motioned towards haku." Im not an elite jonin for nothing zabuza." He added.

Zabuza grunted in annoyance. The damn kid was right. He could easily deal with the two of them.

"Now, I have a job for you guys, mostly the lady there." Naruto pointed at haku.

Zabuza limped in front of the girl and glared at naruto." Explain why a konoha jonin would hire a missing nin and his helper. Especially a konoha nin we just tried to kill." Zabuza ordered.

"Im currently being hunted down by itachi uchiha and kisame. Youd know him, he also has a giant sword like you." Naruto waved towards zabuzas blade.

"Why would kisame be after you?" Zabuza asked.

"Im a jinchuriky and their groups hunting all nine of us down. In fact I already agreed to go with them in order to stop them from killing my team and tazunas family." The blond sighed." But I need to get a message to the hokage and I cant risk being seen trying to break our deal. So I need haku to take the message to the leaf." Naruto stated.

"Whats in it for us and why just haku?" Zabuza asked curiously.

"I need you to battle kakashi and team seven on the bridge in a weeks time." Naruto told them." Itachi and kisame are expecting you to battle kakashi until hes exhausted, that's when I show up and go with them. And ill pay you double of whatever gato was gonna pay you." Naruto told them with a shrug.

"All of the money at once?"

"Half now and half later. Im not taking the chance of you two running off until the jobs done." Naruto replied with narrowed eyes.

"Ill do it." Haku stepped forward.


"We need the money zabuza-sama. And im not a missing nin, im not even registered as a ninja so they should let me in. So-" she looked at naruto with a serious gaze." Ill do it. What do you need delivered?" She asked him.

Naruto eye smiled at the girl." Well.."

*cliff hanger*