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Haku was running down the dirt road with all her speed. She could see the large gates of the leaf village looming over the forest in the distance. She had agreed to deliver narutos message to the hokage and after that she left, letting zabuza talk money with the blond boy.

She had run for two days, only resting for fifteen minutes every few hours to deliver this message and the sheathed katana that was on her back. Naruto said the blades name was amaya, he also told her not to grabbed amaya by the handle or else shed die.. painfully. So she made naruto wrap the blade in a layer of bandages, just to be safe.

She stopped musing as she came to a stop in front of a small guard shack, two chunnin were sitting behind a counter and watching her with raised brows as she huffed in an attempt to catch her breath.

"You alright there kid?" Kotetsu asked the young girl.

Haku huffed and waved an arm towards the village gates." Naruto... uzumaki.. message.. hokage.." she huffed out." Urgent!" She added quickly.

Kotetsu looked at izumo and gave the man a shrug. They seemed to have a mental discussion with one another before izumo sighed and stood up.

"Fine." Izumo got up and walked out of the shack, stopping next to the huffing girl." Ill take you to hokage-sama now." He muttered in a depressed tone as he grabbed her by the elbow and the two vanished in a body flicker.

Kotetsu gave the empty spot an amused look before going back to what he was doing before the girl arrived.

•hiruzens office•

Hiruzen giggled pervertedly as he turned the page in his little orange book, all the while praising his student for his wonderful creation.

"Oh sasame-chan, you naughty girl you." He giggled out.

"Hokage-sama!" His door burst open and the aged leader- in a blur of movement far to fast for any normal ninja to see- chucked the book through his glass window- shattering it- and gave the intruder his most dignified look.

Izumo stood there with a curious look on his face as he gazed at his hokage, then he looked at the now broken window before looking back at the hokage.

Hiruzen cleared his throat." Izumo-kun. What can i help you with today?" Hiruzen asked the chunnin.

"Uh.." izumo walked back to the open door and pulled a young girl into the room before gently shoving her towards the mans desk." This girl said she has an urgent message from naruto." He stated, waving his hand at haku.

Hiruzen eyed the girl with a narrowed gaze. His eyes lingered on the bandage wrapped sword that was tied to her back." So.. who are you and why did naruto send you to deliver a message instead of using his clones?" Hiruzen asked the girl.

Izumo took that as his cue to leave and did so, closing the door behind him.

Haku stepped forward and reached into her weapons pouch. Hiruzen watched the girl pull a small scroll out and hand it to him." He said it would all be explained in the scroll." He took the scroll and she then pulled the bandaged sword off her back and laid it on his desk." He said to give you this as well.." she added.

Hiruzen put the scroll down and picked up the bandaged weapon. He undid the bandages and let them fall away before he gazed at the sheathed sword. He took notice of the seal written on the handle and frowned. This was definitely amaya, the question he had now was why did naruto send it to him?

He gently set the sentient sword on his desk and picked up the scroll once more. Unrolling the scroll he hummed before he read the message.

' hey old man! Its me, naruto. If youre reading this then haku didnt just steal my shit and run, thats good! Tell her thanks for me.

Anyways, im here in wave and gato took a vacation, generously leaving me in charge.. thats slang for hes dead by the way.

Anyways old man we got problems. I ran into itachi and his pet fish. They threatened to kill team 7 if i didnt go with them so i told them to give me till after this mission, then id go with them of my own free will. Itachi agreed so i got a little under a week left before i get taken.

Now heres the problem. I cant risk getting into contact with kakashi or do anything thatll set itachi and kisame off or else its game over. Thats why i sent haku with this message instead of my usual clone.

Now haku is zabuzas little apprentice or whatever but since i killed gato i took charge of them. I still need zabuza to battle kakashi until the scarecrows tired, total dick move, i know. But it needs to be done and i have to be taken by itachi. Not only is this a wonderful chance to see whos running akatsuki but i can find out who their main players are. The only problem im having right now is trying to come up with a plan to get out.

Now, if shit goes sideways and i cant get out well.. keep everyone safe for me yeah? Ill try to return before the chunnin exams start and ill try to come back in one piece.

Tell hinata and hinabi im on an extended mission. I dont want them knowing what im doing.

Ill see you around old man.

P.s. send blue contacts with haku! Very important!

~ naruto'

Hiruzens face was grim as he finished reading the note. He rolled the scroll up and set it down on his desk before leaning back in his chair and looking at haku. The girl had been fidgeting nervously for some time now.

He took a deep breath and haku straightened up." Thank you haku, for delivering this message." He said.

"No problem, hokage-sama." Haku answered with a small bow. She usually wouldnt refer to anyone as 'sama' except for zabuza. But she also realized that she was in the presence of someone who could kill her in the blink of an eye. So she made the exception.

"Tell naruto that I understand, but make sure he knows i dont like what hes doing. Tell him ill inform his sensei of whats going on and have him put the toads on standby. Tell him that if he cant get out then to send chakra to his summoning tattoo and the toads will reverse summon him to safety." Hiruzen told the girl." And ill have an anbu member bring you the contacts naruto asked for when you reach the village gates." He added.

Haku gave the man a respectful bow." It shall be done hokage-sama. I will head out now." Hiruzen nodded and the girl walked towards the door.

"Oh and haku." He called out, getting her to look back at him. He sent her a soft smile." Tell your master that there is always room in the leaf for new ninja." He saw her eyes widen a bit before she silently nodded. She then left the office, closing the door softly behind her.

He let out a tired sigh." You and your stupid plans will be the death of me naruto." He muttered softly as he got to work on a letter to send to jiraya.

• with naruto- battle day•

Naruto - in his gato transformation- was standing at the unfinished end of the bridge, surrounded by about two hundred of gatos mercenaries. He and 'his' men could hear the battle between zabuza and haku against team 7 through the dense fog that hid him and the mercenaries. He could also see that 'his' men were getting antsy. They obviously wanted to kill zabuza and the rest of the ninja out there.

He could also feel kisame and itachis presence about a mile away and knew that they were ready to pounce. He was also very thankful for the contacts the old man had given haku- which he was currently wearing. It wouldnt do for akatsuki to find out about his eyes so soon. No, they'd be his trump card.

He let a small frown grace his face. He hated keeping kakashi in the dark and knew that the man would be raising hell once he returned to the village, but it was something that needed to be done.

He snapped out of his thoughts as the thick mist around them began to clear away. His eyes narrowed slightly when he could see the ninja ahead.

Sakura was standing guard in front of tazuna, a kunai in her right hand and a worried look on her face.

Haku was standing over the unconscious body of sasuke. Seems the uchiha lost to the girl, but he didnt go down without a fight. He could see a few tears and burn marks on hakus clothing. The girl was also breathing a bit heavily.

Zabuza and kakashi were on their knees in front of one another, both were clearly exhausted and they each had their own cuts and bruises that marred their clothes and exposed skin.

'Show time' naruto thought as he began to clap, gaining everyones attention.

"Very nice zabuza, haku. Youve done well.." 'gato' stated with a smirk on his face as he walked forward, the mercenaries fallowed closely behind him. Each of them had their weapons drawn.

"Gato.. what are you doing here?" Zabuza asked with narrowed eyes.

"Ive decided that youre to expensive and i dont wanna pay you anymore. So my friends here are gonna kill you and those leaf nin there." Gato told him with a snarl.

Zabuza and gato looked at one another, neither said anything for a few moments before they both burst out laughing, much to the confusion of everyone else around them.

"Nah im just kidding!" Gato grinned like an idiot.

"Huh?" Was every mercenaries reaction to the confusing sight before them.

"Kisame! You can come play with these goons for me!" Gato shouted out and not even a second later the giant blue man appeared on the bridge. He and his scaly sword began to cut through the men.

Ignoring their screams and cries for mercy, naruto walked forward and cancelled the gato henge.

"Naruto?" Kakashi panted out as he watched kisame kill the men. His eyes focused on the black cloak with red clouds on it." Naruto whats going on?" He asked in a worried tone.

He didnt need to see the blonds face to know that the boy was smiling sadly at him." They threatened to kill you guys if i didnt agree to this.." naruto stated sadly." And you know how much i care for my comrades.." he added softly.

Kakashi looked at zabuza and haku, both of whom didnt seem at all surprised by any of this. It finally clicked." You paid them to keep us busy didnt you? So i couldnt try to stop you.." he sounded a little hurt.

"It was a good plan." Came the emotionless voice of itachi uchiha as he simply appeared behind naruto, said blond didnt even flinch at the mans arrival.

"Naruto?" Sakura called out as she stepped forward." Who are these people?" She asked, only to be held back by kakashi.

"Stay back sakura! Thats itachi uchiha, S-rank missing nin and killer of the uchiha clan." Kakashi stated.

Sakuras eyes widened as she stepped back in shock. Her gazed locked onto narutos sad blue eyes.. wait! Blue eyes? Where did his ringed eyes go?

"Sup zabuza-chan?" Kisame greeted his old teammate and fellow member of the seven swordsman as he put his sword on his back and stopped next to itachi.

"Kisame." Zabuza nodded as he got to his feet." You look well, didnt take you for a child snatcher though." He added.

"Eh, were just after whats inside him." Kisame replied with a lazy shrug.

Zabuza just scoffed.

"Zabuza, haku." Naruto called out." Your money is back at the mansion. All of its there." He stated with a nod.

"Naruto, dont do this!" Kakashi yelled out as he stood up with narrowed eyes.

Naruto took his headband off and threw it to kakashi who caught it while itachi began to strip him of his weapons." Hold onto that for me, will ya kakashi?" Naruto asked with a small wink.

Itachi finished taking the blonds weapons before he stood straight. He looked at his partner and nodded. Kisame just grinned like an idiot.

"Are you ready to go naruto-kun?" Itachi asked the boy. He was quite surprised by the boy. The blond had kept his word about going with them. Granted itachi had seen haku run off towards konoha to no doubt give the hokage a message from naruto... but what kisame didnt know wouldnt kill him..

Naruto nodded." I am." He answered simply.

Kakashi tried to run forward and was kicked back by zabuza. He landed next to sakura and glared at the swordsmen. " im getting paid extra to keep you here for a few more minutes." Zabuza told him with a shrug.

"Now." Itachi began." I can not allow you to receive any help from your prisoner, so-" he grabbed naruto by the shoulder and pulled him to the side before his other hands fingers were engulfed by purple chakra." Five prong seal!" He called out before ramming his glowing finger tips into narutos gut, right over the kyubis seal.

"ARG!" Naruto spit blood as he was bent over itachis hand. The added seal sent a jolt through his body and knocked him unconscious. But before he went out he noticed that even with the seal on.. he could still feel kuramas and his own chakra running through his veins. It would seems that itachi couldnt lock a gate that was already opened..

"Naruto!" Sakura yelled out, scared and worried for her friend. But she new that even if she dashed forward to help him, she wasnt strong enough to take on someone like itachi, let alone both him and his partner.

"You should thank him, kakashi-senpai." Itachi called out in his emotionless tone as he picked narutos unconscious body up and threw it onto his shoulder. Kakashi glared past zabuza and at him." Kisame wanted to kill you all just to get him. But naruto-kun saved you all by sacrificing himself. You should be thankful."

"Im gonna hunt you down itachi! And im gonna gut you!" Kakashi growled out as zabuza held him back.

"Yes, we'll see about that. Good day- oh and tell sasuke-kun i said hello." Itachi nodded before he, kisame and naruto vanished in a flock of crows.

Kakashi yelled out in anger as they got away. He charged forward and sent a kick to zabuzas chest, but the man evaded and kicked him away. It seems his anger blinded him for a moment. He took a calming breath and stared at zabuza.

"Haku." The swordsman spoke out." Are they gone?" He asked.

There was a moment of silence before the girl answered." Yes. I cannot feel their chakra anymore, zabuza-sama." Haku answered.

"Thank kami." Zabuza sighed in relief as he put his sword on his back and held a hand out to kakashi, stopping him from attacking once more." Sorry bout all that. Narutos orders. But he also wanted us to give you a message."

Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the man." Go on." He ordered. If naruto had something to tell him then hed listen.

"He said to tell you, after hed been taken, that the hokage knows about whats going on. He said to tell you to head home for answers and that amayas waiting at home for you." Zabuza relaid the message he was given by the blond brat.

Kakashis eyes widened a bit as he relaxed. So the hokage knew what was going on? Naruto must've gotten word to him somehow. That was good. He now knew to kick the hokages fucking ass for keeping him in the dark about this, especially when it involved akatsuki!

"Fuck!" Kakashi shouted, throwing the kunai in his hand away.

"Sensei?" Sakura spoke up." Who.. who took naruto?" She asked him with a worried look in her eyes." And why?"

Kakashi gave her a sad look." The people that took naruto are very bad people sakura-chan, and theyre very strong. As for why.. i cant tell you that." Even he, one of konohas top shinobi, couldnt break that law, even if naruto was okay with it.

Sakura frowned at that answer." What are we gonna do?" She asked him.

Kakashi sighed." We grab sasuke and go home. Gatos dead and zabuza and haku arent a problem anymore." He looked at zabuza for conformation and received a nod from the man." Waves no longer in danger. Plus, i have to speak to hokage-sama.."

• with naruto- some time later•

Narutos eyes slowly opened and he let out a groan. He tried to move his arms but noticed that they were tied to the wall behind him. He started to panic for a moment only to remember what happened and then he quickly calmed down.

He took a look around to see where he was and frowned. He was in a small dark concrete room that looked like a cell if the barred door the room had was anything to go by. His hands were tied behind his back and chained to the wall behind him.

He looked down at himself and scoffed. The fuckers took his jonin vest. He worked hard for that damned thing! And they took it! What a bunch of bitches. He could also feel the skin of his left hand, meaning that they took his bandages as well. Total dick move on their part.

He let out a sigh as he thought about the bright side of things. He could still feel his and kuramas chakra, which meant that itachis five pronged seal hadnt been able to close his reaper death seal. Which was good. If all else failed and kurama didnt wake up, hed just have to take the chakra from the fox himself, even though he hated the idea of doing that. It made him feel guilty knowing he was probably gonna have to break a ground rule the fox set up the first time they met.

He heard some shuffling come from his cell door and looked up. His 'blue' eyes met two red sharingans." How long was i asleep? And where are we?" He asked the man.

Itachi stayed silent for a few moments before replying." You were asleep for three days and as of right now.. youre currently at akatsukis main base.."

"Fan-fucking-tastic." Naruto muttered sarcastically.

".. leader-sama wishes to meet with you tomorrow. So rest up naruto-kun. Youll need your strength." Naruto looked up at that, just in time to see something get thrown at him. He moved his head to the left and let whatever it was impact the wall next to his head.

He watched itachi walk away from his cell before he looked at the wall next to his head and frowned in confusion. There, sticking out of the wall.. was a kunai.

He looked back at the cell door and frowned.' What game are you playing here itachi?' He thought to himself as he used his mouth to pull the kunai out of the wall before letting it drop behind him and into his left hand. He then went to work. These chains wouldnt cut themselves.


Naruto froze as he heard the deep booming voice of kurama....


Edit- hey everyone, so wattpad decided to make the next chapter - taken pt.2- seemingly fucking vanish and it wont let me re-add it to where it needs to be, so if youre new and you want to see the next chapter then go to my profile, you should be able to see it there.

Sorry for the inconvenience everyone!