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Akatsukis Mistake!

Hey everyone! This is gonna be one of my longest chapters yet! Coming in at 5097 words!

Anyways, i hope you all enjoy this chapter!


Itachi and kisame escorted naruto into a huge room. Seriously. The room was about thirty feet wide and a good fifty feet tall. Naruto assumed they were deep underground somewhere as there'd be no way to hide such a huge building from view above ground. The room seemed to be made out of a dark grey colored concrete and one half of the floor was covered in a shallow pound. In the middle of the pond was a giant monstrous looking statue that had a bunch of closed eyes on its face and ten tentacle looking things sprouting out of its back. Its hands were positioned in a classing praying pose and it had giant metal shackles on its wrists.

Narutos brows furrowed as he realized that he was now looking at the stone husk of the ten tails. He hadnt even realized that he had stopped to stare at it until kisame shoved him forward.

On the dry part of the room was six people dressed up in identical black robes that had a red cloud design printed on them. They were also standing in a large circle. Naruto was pushed forward into the middle of the circle as itach and kisame took their places, which completed the circle of people. Naruto was now surrounded by S-Ranked missing ninja.

"So this is the nine tails huh?" A rather loud and annoying voice asked. Naruto instantly recognized hidan as the speaker." To bad i cant just sacrifice him to ja-"

"Jashins a pussy!" Naruto cut him off.

Hidan growled." What the fuck did you just say you little shit?!?"

"Suck it you heretic!" Naruto replied heatedly.

"Really?" Kurama spoke up in disbelief." Stop patronizing him you idiot! Read the room!"

Naruto stopped paying attention to hidan and looked at the rest of the people around him. Most of them looked emotionless except a blond guy. He looked familiar but naruto didnt really remember him.

"Why you-?!?"

"Enough hidan." Came the emotionless tone of an orange haired man that had black piercings all over his face. Naruto locked eyes with him and had to stop himself from growling. The orange haired man had the rinnegan." So. You are naruto uzumaki. The nine tails jinchuriky." The man stated.

"Yeah, nice to meet you..?"


"What a stupid name." Naruto scoffed." What about the rest of you?" Naruto asked, spinning in a full circle in order to see everyone surrounding him until he got back to pein.

Suddenly a giant plant man sprouted out of the ground right in front of pein. The plant man was half black and half white. Said plant guy kneeled in front of pein.

"Pein-sama, i bring some news.."

"What is it zetsu?" Pein asked as he stared down at the kneeling figure.

"My spies have uncovered orochimarus next plan. He plans to fool the sand village into helping him attack konoha in the third round of the up and coming chunnin exams."

Naruto let out a growl. Now he had to get home.

"Will we intervene in order to get his ring back?" A hunched over man asked, the only part of him naruto could actually see was the top part of his face and the corn rows he had in his hair. The thing that stuck out to naruto though was the fact that this 'man' didnt look alive at all. 

"No. Let him be." Pein replied coldly." We will deal with him later. Now back to the matter at hand.." all eyes shifted back to the blond who was just standing there with a raised eyebrow.

"Do you know who we are naruto-san?.." pein asked him with a small hint of curiosity in his plain tone." You do not seemed too startled being here.."

"All i know is youre all a bunch of idiots." Naruto replied with narrowed eyes. He jerked his head towards the ten tails." Do you know what that is?"

"Do you?" The only female of the group asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yeah you dip shits." Naruto replied." Thats kaguyas husk, youd know it as the ten tails. You plan on sealing the tailed beast into that to revive her, then what?" Narutos eyes filled with amusement." Do you plan on trying to control it?"

Absolute silence filled the room and naruto burst out laughing." Oh inari above you do! You actually think you can control the ten tails? You think you can control a god?" Naruto laughed louder. 

"I am a god.." pein stated with narrowed eyes. Naruto looked at him like he was stupid." And you some how know too much of our plan. That will have to change. Tobi." He called out.

"Tobi is here!" A swirling distortion appeared in front of naruto as he watched a cloaked man with black short hair appeared out of the portal type thing." Tobi is here because tobi is a good boy!" He shouted out in a childish tone. 

"Good. Put the nine tails here in a genjutsu. He knows to much and we cannot allow him to escape." Pein ordered.

Naruto instinctively activated his rinnegan, even though no one could see his eyes thanks to his blue contacts. He watched as tobi turned around and he frowned.


"Me!" Tobi replied.

Narutos eyes narrowed as he saw the mans face, or lack there of. Tobi was wearing an orange mask that only had one eyehole in it.

"Thats him.. the masked man..that chakra.." kurama growled out.

"So the fake madara shows himself?" Naruto asked, stopping tobi in his tracks.

"Excuse me?" Tobi asked, gone was the childish tone and in its place was a dark deep voice.

Naruto stepped forward and gave him an eerie smirk." Oh ive been waiting to meet you." Naruto told him." Kyubis told me so much about you. How you ripped him out of my mother, used me as a hostage.."

"So the beast told you did he?" The fake madara chuckled darkly as he activated his mengekyo sharingan." It doesnt matter, i already have you so fall before me." He ordered as his sharingan began to spin.

Naruto locked eyes with the man and stared him down. He felt the man try to place a powerful genjutsu on him but the joke was on madara. His rinnegan made it near impossible to trap him in any sort of genjutsu. But hed let the man believe he won.. for the moment anyways..

The room watched as naruto stepped up to 'tobi' before kneeling in front of the man. Tobi laughed in a childish way and deactivated his sharingan." Tobi did it cause tobi is a good-"

"Wanna know something?" Everyone, including tobi, looked at naruto who stared up at the masked man." As soon as i lose these chains, im gonna rip both of your arms off." Naruto told him.

"...oh?" Tobi tilted his head. There was the echoing sound of chains hitting the floor and naruto eye smiled up at him.

"My.. would you look at that.." everyone stared at the chains that laid on the floor behind the blond.

Before anyone could react, two golden transparent hands grew out of narutos chest. Said hands moved faster than most jonin did, grabbed the stunned tobis arms and pulled. There was the sound of ripping flesh, tobis screams and the sound of blood splattering.

"AHHH!" Tobi cried out as his arms were ripped off. Naruto shot forward and kicked the man in the chest before throwing his hand up towards pein.

"Youre not a god." Naruto stated before he flexed his fingers and all the piercings in the stunned peins face were ripped out and his lifeless body slumped to the ground.

" how did he get lose?!?" 'Tobi' roared out from his place on the floor before his sharingan activated and he and zetsu were sucked into the distortion, vanishing.

Naruto glared at the room before he was suddenly sent flying by a powerful punch. He idly saw kisame standing where he used to be. Naruto spun in mid air and landed on the shallow waters surface before he came to a stop.

"You must be dumb kid." Kisame growled as he pulled samaheda from his back. The other akatsuki member stood next to him while konan stood in a protective stance in front of peins body.

Naruto cracked his knuckles." I didnt become an elite jonin by being dumb fish for brains." Naruto reached up and ripped his bloody mask from his face, showing of his whiskered cheeks and his fanged grin." And itachi-kun." He tilted his head a bit and smirked at the uchiha slayer." Next time you go and try to seal off a jinchuriky from his tailed beast.. make sure theres a seal there in the first place yeah?"

The akatsukis eyes widened as narutos chakra spiked. The boy exploded into golden flames. The flames died down, showing that naruto had activated his chakra cloak, though this time it was different.

Instead of him being covered in golden flames, only his hair, shirt and sandals were glowing a bright golden color while his pants remained black. His whisker marks were thicker and much darker as well while his tanned skin had become paler.

Naruto looked down at himself and smirked." My, this is new. Usually when i use this much chakra im covered in a golden cloak." He claimed in a cheerful tone.

"You think a stupid power ups gonna save you from us?" Hidan shouted out as he gripped the handle of his scythe.

Naruto smirked." Shut up hidan before i cut your arm off again.."

Hidan froze as the memory of him getting his arm cut off by that damned anbu appeared in his head. He growled as narutos eyes seemed to ignite into golden  flames, only for the flames to disappear, showing off the boys rinnegan.

"You.." hidan growled.

"Me." Naruto smirked as a black rod slid out of the palm of his right hand.

"You have the rinnegan." Konan stated as she pulled out a kuani.

"Yeah and your boyfriend there-" naruto waved a hand towards the downed body behind her." Yeah hes not a god. All hes doing is using chakra rods to control dead bodies. Youve all been played as fools." Naruto laughed out.

"Capture him." Konan ordered in a cold tone, her honey colored eyes were alit with furry as the blond boy continued to grin at her." Take a limb or two but keep him alive!"

"Now youre talking my language!" Kisame grinned." Ive been wanting to take a leg or two from the brat."

"You best keep your pet fish in check itachi!" Naruto yelled out as he threw his hand out and used gravity to throw kisame across the room." Now.." narutos tone became cold and emotionless as he readied himself." I grow tired of seeing your faces, but i do hope inari-sama is pleased with the sacrifices im about to give him.."

• konoha•

Kakashi stood on the side line of training ground seven and watched as sasuke sparred with one of his shadow clones. He could see that sasuke was getting more and more frustrated with ever strike or kick he preformed. His clone of course was easily keeping up with the boy and kakashi assumed its what was pissing sasuke off.

"Take this!" Sasuke roared out as he dashed forward. He jumped into the air, spun and lashed out at the clone with a kick. Only for the clone to catch him by the ankle and slam him into the ground.

"Enough." The real kakashi called out, ending the spar.

"No!" Sasuke shouted out as he stood back up. He was clutching his injured ribs while panting and glaring at the clone." I need to keep going.."

"I said enough!" Kakashi growled out, stopping sasuke from continuing. His clone vanished and sasuke glared at kakashi.

"Why?!?" Sasuke yelled." I need to get stronger! Why are you holding me back?"

"Because youre just gonna get yourself hurt." The jonin replied, readopting his lazy tone." Youve been pissed off since we got back and its effecting your training sasuke. So tell me. Why are you so angry?"

"You dont need to know." Was the boys irritated replied as he began to softly poke his tender ribs.

"Dont make me pull rank, genin." Kakashi replied with a narrowed eye.

Sasuke growled before scoffing." He was right there alright!" Sasuke exploded, his face red with rage." Itachi was right there and i was to weak to stop him from taking naruto!"

"Thats why youre so angry?" Kakashi asked with a disbelief look in his exposed eye." Why do you even care about what happens to naruto? I thought you hated him?"

"Hes annoying." Sasuke grumbled." But i dont hate him. Despite him being my age, hes strong and he has helped me in my training." The uchiha stated with a huff." I just dont understand why itachi took him.."

Kakashi snorted, getting the genin to glare at him." Listen sasuke. Ill let you in on a little secret." Kakashi began." Naruto didnt get taken by itachi and his partner.. he willingly allowed himself to get captured."

Sasuke looked incredulous." Why would he do that?" He asked.

Kakashi eye smiled." To get info on itachis group. Think of it as one big recon mission."

"So hes not dead?"

Kakashi withheld a flinch." No. No hes not dead.." he answered.

"Well when will he he back?" Kakashi just shrugged his shoulders and sasuke huffed." Well then i still need to get stronger in order to face itachi. I cant let him escape like he did last time."

'Sure kid..' kakashi though in a sarcastic tone." We'll do that later, but first we need lunch and i wanna check up on sakura too. She should still be at the hospital training under tsunade-sama.."

• back with naruto•

Naruto ducked under hidans scythe and kicked the man in the gut. Naruto was then punch in the ribs, only for him to be replaced by deidra who yelped out in pain as he was sent flying away thanks to kakuzu.

Naruto appeared in deidras previous spot, which was right next to the hunched over sasori. A giant metal bladed tail thing that was attached to sasories back was swiped towards him, only for a golden hand to shoot out of narutos rib, grabbed the blade and crush it under its grip.

"Shit!" Sasori growled out as he jumped away from the boy.

"Lets go people!" Naruto shouted out in glee as he locked blades with itachi. His chakra rod began to slowly cut through itachis kunai." Everyone line up for a free ass kicking from yours truly!" Naruto shouted out as he dropped to the ground and kicked his foot out towards itachis legs, only for the ichiha to jump away and flash through hand signs.

"Fire style: great fireball jutsu!" Itachi spat out a giant ball of fire that shot straight towards naruto.

"To slow!" Naruto yelled out as he vanished in a golden flash only to reappear behind a shocked konan with a rasengan in his free hand." Rasengan!" He slammed the ball into the women's back and smashed her face first into the ground, only for her to explode in.. paper? The same happened to peins downed body. Naruto frowned." Origami styled jutsu?...Thats so cool!" Naruto stated, a bit jealous that he didnt have something that cool.

"Focus less on the paper and more on the seven people in front of you brat!" Kurama scolded the boy. 

"Right right, sorry." Naruto apologized as he looked up and immediately jumped to the left as a ball of fire, a stream of lighting and a shark made out of water hit the ground of his previous location, causing a large explosion that left a human sized crater in the floor.

Naruto landed and had to block hidans scythe with his chakra rod." Im gonna enjoy cutting you up blondie!" Hidan grinned in a psychotic manner.

"Shut up heretic."

"Why you-!?!" Hidan was cut of as narutos chakra rod sliced right through his scythe. Naruto then used his free hand to punch the man in the jaw, shattering the bone and sending him flying across the room.

"Damn!" Naruto stated in an awed tone as he looked at his fist." I didnt know i could hit that hard!"

"Yes you can thank me later for your little power up." Kurama replied with a snort.

Naruto didnt reply, he just grinned at kisame who was dashing towards him." Here let me help you." Naruto gripped the man with gravity and pulled kisame towards him at an alarming rate. A golden chain shot out of narutos back and shot forward, impaling the air born fish man before the chain lifted kisame up into the air and threw him towards deidra who yelped once more and tried to run, only for him to get crushed by kisame.

"You are good naruto-kun.." came itachis emotionless tone as he activated his mengekyo sharingan.


"But not good enough. Amaterasu.." black flames appeared out of no where and shot towards the blond.

"That looks dangerous!" Naruto yelped as he jumped over the oncoming flames. He watched the flames hit the wall before they began to melt the wall.

"Got you!"

"Fuck!" Naruto shouted out as kakuzu appeared above him before the man smashed a rock hard fist into the blonds gut, sending him flying towards the ground. Naruto hit the ground hard. Hard enough to create another crater in the floor. Naruto let out a groan as both hidan and kisame appeared over him, each of them swinging their weapons down toward him.

"Nope!" Naruto body flickered out of the way and appeared a few feet away from the group of ninja, he noticed that konan seemed to have left the party with peins body." You guys are strong." He stated." Except him-" he pointed at deidra who was lying unconscious a few feet to the left of the group. Naruto kinda felt bad for him. He did use deidra as a replacement before throwing kisame at him.

"You should give up naruto-kun.." itachi told him as blood began to lead out of his left eye. Using any of the mengekyos abilities were very taxing on the uchiha." This fight is only delaying the inevitable.." he added.

Naruto sighed." Sorry itachi, but i cant do that." Naruto held up a single hand sign." But i can even the playing field a bit more! Shadow clone jutsu!" Six identical clones appeared around naruto, each of them were glowing as well, which surprised naruto.

"Hmm. Seems you've duplicated my chakra as well, nice." Kurama spoke up with a nod.

"Alright boys, lets power up!" The real naruto ordered.

"Yes sir!"

The seven narutos exploded into golden flames, each one of their bodies were now fully golden with black markings running across their clothing.

"This is not good.." itachi whispered out.

"ARRRHH!" Hidan let out a war cry as he raised his now two bladed scythe before he charged. He wouldve said more but his jaw was shattered, leaving him unable to talk.

"Rip them apart." The real naruto ordered and the clones around him vanished in golden flashed of pure speed, leaving after images behind.

A clone appeared over hidan and speared him to the ground with a chakra rod, hidan cried out in pain before another clone appeared next to him before a golden bladed chain shot out of its hand and sliced his head off. One clone kicked hidans still screaming head towards the real naruto who caught it before he too threw it across the room out of reach of any of the other akatsuki members.

Naruto stood there and watched as one of his clones began a deadly tijutsu dance with itachi. Another of his clones began to lock blades with kisame. The two clones that had beheaded hidan were now battling kakuzu while he had another clone dodging a weaving between hails of senbon which sasori had somehow blasted at it.

"Should we join the battle, maybe take out a member or two, or should we find a way outta here?" Naruto asked his resident nine tailed fox.

Kurama hummed." That pein fella isnt here anymore and if he was controlling one body, no doubt he had even more to control and theres nothing we can do about the ten tails right yet. Our best bet would be to find away home before informing the third about all that weve discovered here.."

Naruto nodded." Alright but i wanna kill at least one of these guys. I mean that fake madara did slip away so i think its only fitting to leave him with at least one dead member."

"I can agree to that." Kurama replied with a nod." But hurry, no more playing around naruto."

"Got it.."

Naruto vanished and reappeared behind kisame who was pushing his clone back. Naruto spun and kicked kisame in the back, sending the man flying towards the shallow water.

"Help one of the others.." naruto ordered the clone that kisame was battling. The clone nodded and ran towards sasori. Naruto vanished once more and reappeared standing just off the edge of the water where kisame was waiting for him.

"Not bad kid, but im your worst opponent." Kisame gave the boy a sharp toothed grin." You see samaheda here eats chakra. And she loves the taste of yours."

Naruto nodded a bit." Yeah, thats why im gonna kill you kisame. You see i cant have you running around hunting my brethren jinchuriky. Especially if that sword of yours eats chakra.."

"Ha! You kill me? Good one kid." Kisame put his sword on his back and laughed a bit." You cant kill me. Im the tail-less tailed beast and ive killed men far stronger then you!" Kisame flashed through hand signs.

"Water style: water fang projectile!"

A large spinning drill of water lunged out of the pond from behind kisame and shot towards naruto who flashed through his own set of seals.

"Fire style: hydra technique!"

Naruto blew out three large streams of fire that took on the form of three giant snake like creatures. One of the fire constructs intercepted kisames water jutsu while the other two fire hydras flew around and impacted kisames previous location and exploded.. only for kisame to appear  a few yard to the right. Said man was grinning while holding up a hand seal.

"I hope you like this one kid! Your second hokage created it!"

"Water style: water collision destruction!"

The shallow water of the pond like area shot towards kisame, only for said water to rise up into a giant wall of water. Kisames held up one hand before bringing it down and the wall of water shot towards naruto.

Naruto growled as he jumped back and flashed through his own hand signs." Fire style: great fire annihilation!" He spat out a thick stream of white hot flames that impacted the water that was heading towards him.

The two attacks collided and exploded into a thick mist that covered the room. Naruto ended his jutsu and silently looked around him. He could still hear his clones battling their their opponents, yet he couldnt hear kisame. This reminded him of-

"Fuck!" Naruto slid back as a large gash appeared on his chest. He growled as the wound instantly closed thanks to kuramas chakra." It seemes i did exactly what you wanted me too.." naruto called out into the mist.

"Yup!" Kisames voice echoed out around him and he couldnt pin point the mans location because of it." Im one of the seven swordsmen brat. Im trained in silent assassination, nowhere as good as zabuza but that doesnt mean i suck either."

Naruto clicked his tongue and began to gather wind chakra." Wind style: gale winds!" Naruto blew out a large gust of air that cleared the mist around him. His eyes widened and he ducked as the shark-skinned blade passed over his head. He kicked behind him and rolled forward as kisame stumbled back.

"Damn. I didnt think youd use wind chakra so fast." Kisame grunted out in annoyance as he rubbed his chest where the boy had kicked him.

Naruto glared at the man." I grow tired of this. Just die already." Naruto vanished and reappeared above kisame with a large rasengan in his hand." Rasengan!" He slammed the chakra ball downwards but kisame blocked the attack with his sword. Naruto saw his rasengan began to grow smaller as samaheda began to eat the chakra.

"Whatd i tell you kid?!?" Kisame shouted up at him with a grin.

"Shut up!" Naruto ordered as he flared his chakra." Your sword wants my chakra? Then ill let it have it!" Naruto began to pump fire natured chakra into his rasengan.

Kisames eyes widened as the blue ball of chakra exploded into a white flaming ball of death. He heard his sword cry out in pain as the blonds attack began to burn it.


"Your part fish right? That means you love water. Your sword looks like shark skin so-" naruto pushed the burning ball of chakra further into the sword." That means fires your weakness! Now die!"

A giant fiery explosion rocked the entire room. The clones and akatsuki members halted in their battles to stare at the large cloud of smoke.

The smoke began to clear away and everyone saw a burnt and bleeding kisame standing there with wide shocked eyes. His left arm was completely gone and he had black burn marks all over his face. Half of his hair was singed or just plain burnt off.

"Kisame?.." itachi called out.

Kisame gurgled as his chest exploded outwards, spraying blood all over the room. The akatsuki members looked dumbfounded as samaheda was thrust through the mans chest. The crazy part? Samaheda was on fire, the swords pained squeals echoes throughout the room as kisames eyes rolled up into his head and he fell forward. Dead.

Standing behind kisame was naruto. The boy looked perfectly fine as his golden cloak flared around him like a protective shield. He held samaheda by the handle and growled as he sent more fire chakra into the sword. The sword began to desperately stab the blonds hand with its spiky scales in an attempt to get free but naruto held firm.

The flames that surrounded the sword flared up and its pained squeals grew louder until they suddenly stopped. The room filled with a shocked silence as both samaheda and kisames bodies began to turn to ash.

Once kisame and his stupid sword were nothing but a pile of ash on the ground, narutos eyes flickered up towards the rest of them.

"Its time to go kurama.." narutos tone was cold and emotionless and then the golden cloak around him began to grow. Naruto was lifted off the ground as a giant golden transparent fox appeared around him, its nine golden tails swished around as it let out a mighty roar. It purplish ringed eyes seemed to burn a hole through all of them.

"Retreat!" Itachi shouted out as for the first time in a very long time, he felt fear. The last time he had even sensed the kyubis chakra was when he was nothing but a little boy, and even then he never saw the fox. He was in the evacuation rooms that were under the hokages mountain with his mother. But now he was standing face to face with the fox and it was still getting bigger.

"Stand still and die humans!" Kurama roared out as he slammed his right hand into the ground, throwing up a cloud of dust as the room shook around them.

"Fuck! Run!" Kakuzu roared out as he and the remaining akatsuki members began to vanished in body flickers. Before he left though he picked up deidras unconscious body.

The dust settled and naruto and kurama saw that the remaining members had left, leaving hidan and his clones behind. His clones went up in smoke as naruto and kurama began to hear what sounded like stone moving from behind them.

They spun around and watched as the ten tails husk began to recede into the floor as if it had preformed the hiding like a mole jutsu.

"Kurama?" Naruto called out, hoping for the fox to give him an explanation.

"Im assuming that pein fella has summoned the husk elsewhere. Theres nothing we can do now.." Kurama answered as the ten tails vanished into the floor, leaving no signs of its presence behind." So are we blowing this place up and getting out of here?" The fox asked its container.

"No. We dont know where we are exactly. For all we know were under another village so we have to get out the old fashion way."

Kurama scoffed in annoyance." Fine. But i wanna come out to play if we run into more of these akatsuki members. Got it?" Naruto smiled and nodded his head before the foxes avatar vanished from around him.

Naruto landed silently on the ground and huffed while wiping the non-existent dirt from his ruined shirt." Well.." he began as he headed towards hidans head, said head was still shouting gibberish. He picked the head up and tucked it under his arm before heading  for the only door the room had." This meeting couldve gone better.."

"I shouldve aimed for that masked fuckers head and not his arms.." kurama stated with an annoyed huff.

"Yeah.. we'll just have to get him next time bud." He assured the fox." But onto other things. That ladies paper jutsu was awesome! You think we could do something like that?.."

Kurama rolled his eyes as naruto began to spout off ideas about creating their own origami jutsus..

"Oh and hidan, on our way home im gonna teach you all about my lord and savior, inari-sama."

Hidans begs for mercy were ignored as he was carried out of the room.

Once the room was empty, zetsus upper body seemingly appeared out of one of the walls. The plant man looked at the pile of ash that used to be kisame and samaheda and he frowned.

"Neither pein nor obito will be pleased about this.."