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Arriving With Guests

Naruto was calmly walking down a dirty stone road. He was kind of pissed off with his current situation. After the fight with akatsuki naruto had found his belongings inside a small closet like room, which made him very happy.

He now had his jonin vest on over his ripped shirt and his left arm was covered in bandages once more. He also was happy with himself for always carrying a back up mask that he usually kept sealed away on his vest. He had recovered his kunai and shuriken pouches along with any other items he had sealed away on his vest, including his ink and brush.

He idly patted the storage scroll he had tucked safely away in one of his vest pockets. The storage scroll was currently holding hidans severed, but very much alive, head. Naruto let out a sad sigh. He tried his best to get hidan to switch over to inari-samas guidance but the man- head. The head just wouldnt do it so naruto had to seal the heretic away..

But onto more important things. It turned out that the akatsuki base he was being held captive in was in fact under a small town located in rock country. So here he was, strutting through the dry, rocky landscape that was known as rock country. The worst part?

He could sense a team of iwa ninja fallowing him. Three were almost chunnin level and the last one was high jonin level. Now naruto wasnt gonna attack them cause if he did that would be an instant war starter right there. No, hed let them confront him before he explained his.. situation.

He looked to his left and came to a stop as he saw a rather large boulder sitting on the side of the road. The boulder looked really familiar..

He snapped his fingers in recognition. He knew that boulder! He had mercilessly killed about twenty bandits around it- well officially it was anbu captain fox that had killed all those bandits. He remembered the mission too. It was a simple A-ranked mission given to him by the hokage.

The mission was pretty simple. A konoha genin team had been hired to escort a merchant and his caravan to iwa and the hokage had sent him to watch over the three genin and the jonin, just to make sure no iwa ninja got any funny ideas of course. Well long story short the caravan was attacked by about thirty bandits. Ten bandits attacked from the front and occupied the jonin while the last twenty bandits attempted to sneak up on the caravan from the back. They almost killed one of the genin too, but him, being the total badass hero he was, swooped in and saved the cute little genins.

Sure, one of those genin were now locked up in konohas resident loony bin after he saw naruto rip the bandits apart, but meh, details...

Naruto was brought out of his memories as he heard the tell tail sound of kunais flying through the air. He yelped and vanished from his spot, appearing behind the large rock, just in time to as the three kunai that were aimed at him harmlessly impacted the large rock he was now using as a shield.

"show yourself you stupid leaf ninja!"

" yeah! We know youre behind that rock!"

Naruto frowned. Those voices sounded like children his age. Naruto poked the top part of his head out from behind the rock and squinted. Yup.. kids.

One was a girl maybe a year or two younger than him. She was small and petite with lightly tanned skin. Her hair was a dark black color and her eyes were brown. She wore a long sleeved dark red shirt with brown baggy pants and black ninja sandals. She was currently glaring at naruto with a fierce pout on her face. She probably thought she was looking intimidating but naruto thought she looked adorable. Not hinabi adorable but close.

Then next to her was a boy the same age as naruto. He had short sandy brown hair, and pale skin. Which was weird considering where they currently were. His eyes were a light brown color and he wore a black t-shirt with brown shin length pants. He looked.. exasperated?

Then next to that boy was another girl.. that looked exactly the same as the first girl.. twins?

Naruto stared curiously at them as he watched the only male of the group turn towards the angry pouting girl.

" maki, i told you and murai not to attack the leaf ninja! Now senseis gonna get mad at you! She said observe not attack!" The boy scolded the girl known as maki.

Maki looked at him and pouted while motioning towards naruto." But asano~" maki whined out." Hes leaf scum! He deserves death!" She stated in a proud tone as she nodded in a haughty way." Right murai?"

The other twin stared at naruto with a blank face." Yes." She answered her sister with a curt nod.

'What a creepy girl..' naruto thought as he looked away from murai and stared at the interaction between asano and maki with a bit of amusement in his ringed eyes. That is until another figured appeared behind the three genin.

The newcomer had to be about fifteen or sixteen and she had neck length black hair, black eyes and lightly tanned skin. She wore a long sleeved red shirt that was completely missing the right sleeve, though the shirt seemed to be made like that. She wore a dark brown iwa jonin vest over her shirt and she had on a red skirt that went mid thigh. Her legs were covered by a pair of fishnet leggings and she wore brown sandals and black fingerless gloves.

The crazy part? Naruto knew who this was. This was-

"Holy shit!" Naruto shouted out, getting the iwa nins attention." Kurotsuchi is that you?!?" He asked as he fully poked his head out from behind the rock.

The teenaged girl- kurotsuchi- looked at the blond with hesitant yet curious eyes." Thats my name. Who are you leaf nin?"

Naruto jumped up on top of the rock and pointed at her." Its me! Remember when i got my arm cut off in your place during the chunnin exams back in kumo?" He asked her. Maybe she forgot? It had been awhile since that day.

"Do you know this guy sensei?" Asano asked as he looked up at his sensei.

"Hmm." Kurotsuchi hummed as she looked at him." Bandaged left arm.. mask.. purplish silver ringed eyes.." her eyes widen." Holy shit! Is that you naruto?" She asked in a shocked tone.

"Hell yeah!" Naruto answered with an eye smile." How have you been since we last met? It looks like you made jonin, congrats!" The blond gave her a nod.

"Huh? Oh yeah!" She looked down at her jonin vest with proud eyes." Yeah i got promoted to chunnin about two months after that exam, then about a year later i made jonin. What about you? Looks like you got your arm back." She motioned towards his bandaged arm.

Naruto held his bandaged arm out and flexed his fingers." Yeah, granny tsunade put it back on, good as new!" He then sat down on top of the boulder and eye smiled down at her and her team." But yeah, i made it to special jonin after the exams before making it to elite jonin a while later." He purposely left out the fact that he joined anbu and became an anbu captain. It wouldnt do to give out that kinda info to a possible enemy ninja.

"Congrats." She gave him a nod.

"So anyways, what are you guys up too?" He wondered curiously.

"Well were on our way to konoha for this years chunnin exams but we felt a large spike of chakra and decided to check it out. Then we ran into you, a konoha ninja just walking down our roads.." she left the silent accusation hang in the air.

Naruto scratched the back of his head." Yeah.. that was probably me you felt.."

"See! Hes obviously here to attack iwa! We gotta kill him sensei!" Maki shouted out as she pointed at naruto.

"Agreed." Murai pulled out a kunai. The male of the team just sighed.

"Now hold on there maki-chan." Kurotsuchi patted the girl on the head as she looked up at naruto with a raised brow." Im sure naruto-san here has a perfectly good explanation for why he was using so much chakra.."

"I do!" Naruto replied with a nod." You see, about four days ago i was in wave on a mission before i was kidnapped by a group of S-ranked missing ninja and held captive in there secret base, which is here in iwa." Naruto told her with an eye smile.

"We should kill him anyways.." murai stated in a bored tone. Maki nodded quickly in agreement with her sisters statement.

" and you have proof of these alleged s-rank missing nin?" Kurotsuchi asked him with a raised brow.

"Yeah, i killed one of them and beheaded another but.. well ill just show you." Naruto pulled out the storage scroll from his vest and opened it before summoning hidans head.

"- about fucking time you brought me out you stupid shit stain!" Hidan screamed out as naruto held him up by the hair." Just wait until i get my body back-" hidan was cut off by three girly screams and naruto stared at the male iwa genin in surprise. Who knew a boy could scream like that?

"Its a talking head!" Maki shouted out in an awed horror.

"Who the fuck are you puss-" naruto sealed the head away before hidan could finish. He calmly rolled the scroll up and put it away.

"Was that.."

"Hidan the immortal jashinist? Yes. Yes it was." Naruto answered Kurotsuchis unasked question.

"Who?" Murai asked while looking up at her sensei and naruto wondered if that girl ever showed emotion. The girl had screamed but she had almost instantly become emotionless again. It was weird..

Kurotsuchi sighed." Hes an S-ranked missing nin from the land of hot water." She explained to her genin before looking back at naruto." And the one you killed?" She asked.

"Kisame from the hidden mist. Though he and his sword samaheda are now nothing more then ash."

"Okay.." Kurotsuchi didnt know what to say. Hidans head was proof enough that he was telling the truth and that actually scared her. She knew that she would have trouble dealing with an S-ranked shinobi by herself, hell she didnt even know if she could fight one. But finding out that this boy- who was no older than thirteen- managed to kill the monster of the mist before beheading another S-ranked missing ninja was scary.

"Yeah.. so im heading back to konoha now." He told them before he jumped off the boulder and landed in front of them before dusting his hands off." And since you guys are going to konoha as well, want a lift?"

"A lift? You mean you got a summons that could travel from iwa to konoha in one go?" Kurotsuchi asked with a confused look on her face. Konoha was almost two weeks away from iwa, there was no way any summons could make that trip in one day.. right?

"Well.." naruto let out a dark chuckle." Its not really a summons.."

• 6 hours later•

Hiruzen stood at the gates of his village, his face was blank as he watched the figure of a large bird steadily grow with every passing second. He knew who it was as he felt the chakra before he even saw it.

A few seconds later the bird nose dived towards him and the sound of mad cackling along with four girly shrieks reached his old ears. He hid his smile as the giant bird vanished and four figures crashed into the ground in front of him.

The dust cleared and he saw naruto standing there with an eye smile while three of the four iwa ninja picked themselves up from the ground.

"I hate.. you.." asano stated as he stood on shaky legs, trying his best to glare at the blond boy in front of him.

"Death.. to konoha.." mira mumbled as she laid on the ground, the world spinning around her. Her sister murai was in no better condition.

Kurotsuchi was the only one of the iwa nin to have landed on her feet, even though she was glaring daggers into narutos back. Can you blame her? Nose diving like that was scary as shit!

"Hey old man!" Naruto greeted his aged leader with a cheerful tone." Im back!" He added.

Hiruzen looked at the boy dryly." I can see that. It seems you have guest as well. Please tell me you didnt kidnapped that old fence sitters granddaughter and three of his genin."

"Hey! Dont disrespect my gran-" Kurotsuchis voice died in her throat as she finally took notice of who had spoken. She paled as she saw the god of shinobi standing in front of her, clad in his kage robes with a small amused smile on his aged face." U-uh h-hokage-sama!" She squeaked out as she hurried to get her genin up and on their feet.

"You must be Kurotsuchi, you grandfather informed me of your arrival but i didnt expect you to show up for a few more weeks." Hiruzen stated.

Before Kurotsuchi could reply, naruto spoke up." Thats my fault." He said." I gave them a ride here after i ran into them over in rock country." He semi-explained.

"Oh?" Hiruzen raised an eyebrow at the blond." Thatll be a story for later i suppose." He then looked at the iwa team." Well i will not turn you all away just cause you showed up early." He smiled a grandfatherly smile." Ill set you up in one of our finest hotels until the exams start, but im afraid since youre so early ill have to have a anbu team watch over you until the week of the exams. Is that okay?" He asked the iwa jonin.

Kurotsuchi nodded." Yes sir, thats fine. And on behalf of my village, i thank you for allowing us into your village." She finished with a bow.

Hiruzen smiled." Its not a problem. Im happy onoki finally sent a team to participate in the exams. Now ill have one of my anbu escort you to your hotel, if youre all hungry just let him know and he'll stop to allow you all to find a place to eat." He then looked at naruto." And you will be coming with me naruto. You have a report to fill out."

Kurotsuchi and her team watched the hokage and naruto enter through the village gates as Naruto let out a loud groan.

"But i hate paper work!"

"And i hate it when one of my jonin gets kidnapped. But we all have to suck it up and deal with it." 

Kurotsuchi couldnt help bit chuckle a bit as an anbu appeared in front of them and motioned for them to fallow him into the village.

• 2 hours later•

Naruto entered the hyuga household with a sigh of relief. He had just finished telling the hokage everything that went down with the akatsuki before giving the old man the storage scroll which contained hidans head. He also informed him about orochimarus plan to attack konoha with the sand village, to say the hokage was annoyed was an understatement.

But now he was home and he could finally take a nap. Using as much chakra as he did during his battle with the akatsuki, and then creating a transformed clone to fly him and four other people across a few countries was exhausting.

His nose twitched as the sent of something good reached him. He followed the sent until he came to a stop in the dinning room doorway. There he saw hinata, hashi , hitome and hinabi eating dinner.

"Ma ma, eating without me eh?" He got there attention as he leaned onto the doorway.

"Big brother!"

"Oof!" Naruto almost fell backwards as hinabi barreled into him. He chuckled as he patted the girls head." Hi there firecracker-chan."

"Welcome home naruto-chan!" Hitome greeted with a smile. Hiashi just waved at him while hinata ran over and hugged him.

"I missed you naruto-kun." Hinata told him as he took his mask off and kissed her cheek, her cheeks grew a bit red.

"Missed you too hime-chan." He smiled at her." Whats for dinner? Im starving." It was true. He was hungry cause he hadnt eaten anything in about four days.

Hinata giggled as naruto rubbed his stomach before grabbing his hand and leading him over to the table to sit down, hinabi scooted her chair over next to naruto in order to sit next to him.

"Steak!" Hinabi declared happily.

"Yum!" Naruto replied with a dreamy sigh before looking at hinata."So what have you been up to since ive been gone hime-chan?" He asked curiously.

"Missions and training." Hinata answered with a small smile. She was very happy that naruto was back and her bright smile showed it too.

"Oh! Big brother guess what!" Hinabi chimed in, getting his attention.


"We got our class grades back for this years first semester. Guess whos at the top of the class." Hinabi had a proud/smug look on her face and naruto decided to mess with her.

He gave her a knowing look." Its kono right? I knew he was a strong kid.."

Hinabis cheeks puffed out as she crossed her arms." No! Its me! Konohamaru is to dumb to be at the top of the class."

"Ma ma hinabi-chan. If you keep being so mean to him, people will begin to think you have a crush on him.."


Ah.. naruto missed being home. As everyone laughed at hinabis expense he reached out and took ahold of hinatas hand before giving it a small squeeze. Hinata smiled at him and gripped his hand tighter.

Yes. He truly missed being home..