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Hyuuga Showdown!

The crowed watched as neji and hinata battled one another. Their chakra laced fingers were striking without mercy yet it was clear to see that neither of them were going for any instant kill shots such as the heart or the brain. But even then, the fight was still pretty impressive.

Neji was just a bit faster than the heiress which didnt surprise hinata one bit. Neji was a prodigy within the hyuga clan and it was believed that he'd be the first within his team to reach chunnin rank, if not jonin soon after. Then there was also the fact that neji had, had more training then hinata and a years more worth of experience than she had. And while neji was landing a few more hits on hinata than she was on him it was clear to see that he was taking a good amount of damage as well.

Now while hinata was a tad bit slower than neji, her natural instincts were enough to allow her to weave in and out of both his rang and attacks while also allowing her to get in close for a series of strikes against him. While neji stayed rooted in place and only used his finger tips to attack her with, she was constantly moving.

She would seemingly swerve around his strikes before getting into his guard to land a few hits on different places of his body before using her natural instincts and flexibility to try and get out of his guard before he could retaliate, though despite her efforts she'd still receive a few hits curtesy of him.

Neji narrowed his eyes slightly before he set his right hand out in a quick jab, hoping to catch hinata on the left shoulder to shut down a few of her chakra points. But instead the heiress seemingly flowed around his strike, dropped down onto her knees and spun into his guard while sending a strong elbow into his gut. Neji stumbled back with a gasp but quickly recovered enough to launch himself at her.

Hinata used her wrists to smack away nejis hands as best as she could but the boy managed to strike her twice on the left side of her stomach, bruising one of her ribs. She jumped back a few feet in order to put some distance between them.

Neji didnt chase after her, instead he just readied himself once more." Your taijutsu style.." neji began." At first i couldnt understand why it seemed so different yet so similar at the same time. But i think ive figured it out." He stated.

Hinata stayed silent, hoping to buy herself as much time as she could to recover. She was slowly reopening the chakra points neji had closed and no doubt he was doing the same.

"I remember that you had a strong water affinity. So strong in fact that it wouldnt allow you to learn the ridged style that is the gentle fist." Neji began." The way youre dodging my attacks- no not dodging. Youre flowing around them like water would flow around a rock in its path. Couple that with your natural flexibility and so long as youre fast enough, you can get in and out of my guard without me being able to retaliate. But youre not fast enough, not yet." He stated calmly.

"Then theres your attacks." Neji continued." You still use your fingers and chakra to block ones chakra points but you also use your knees, elbows, feet and fists to inflict damage. Its a perfect mixture of both the gentle fist and narutos own person taijutsu style." He revealed with a small smile on his fact." While i will admit that this new style of yours is truly amazing, it will not be enough for you to best me." He told her confidently.

Hinata stared at neji for a few seconds before she gave him a small smile." Youre correct neji-niisan. My style is a mix between the gentle fist and naruto-kuns swirling storm style. But there are a few things about my style that you still dont know about." She stated with a small nod.

That caused many eyebrows to be raised throughout the room, including nejis." Then please, show me what your style can really do." Said neji as he dashed forward with his right arm pulled back.

Hinata spun around nejis open palm strike and let out a faint ' very well' before she slammed her elbow into nejis left shoulder. Neji cried out in pain as he fell face first into the floor. He quickly got up and jumped away from hinata while cradling his limp left arm.

He used his byakugan to inspect his limp arm and was shocked to see that 2/3rds of the chakra points in his left shoulder were now closed. He looked back towards hinata with wide shocked eyes." How did you.. that should be impossible!" He stated loudly.

Hinata gave him a peaceful smile as she readied herself once more.

•up on the walkway.•

"Naruto-kun-" gai spoke up as he watched the two hyugas battle down below. His voice was surprisingly calm which only happened when he was truly focused."-please tell me more about hinatas new style i find it.. truly fascinating." The bowl haired jonin stated.

Naruto stood next to him and continued to watch hinatas match as he started to explain, idly noticing that the rest of the konoha jonin and genin were listening in as well." Like neji pointed out, hinatas style is a mix between my swirling storm and the hyugas gentle fist. But the only real similarities between the gentle fist and her new style is the way she uses her chakra to block off her opponents chakra points and the fact that she can use her fingers and palms to do it." Naruto began. "I made hinata do countless chakra exercises, ranging from tree walking all the way to kunai balancing."

"Isnt that a little.. i dont know, advanced for a genin?" Asuma asked curiously and naruto nodded his head.

"Yes but i did it for a good reason." No one could really see it but they just knew naruto was smirking under his mask." Hinata already had the training to turn her chakra into needle like points in order to close her opponents chakra points.. but now, with years of hard work under her belt, shes able to expel a group of those chakra needles out of her palms, knees and elbows in order to block off a cluster of chakra points instead of just one point at a time." Naruto enjoyed the stunned looks he received from the others.

"Thats.. thats insane." Gai stated as he let out a shocked breath." The type of damage that kind of attack could cause to ones internal organs is staggering." He added.

"I agree." Kurenai chimed in with a proud nod." Though hinata has yet to actually use it to strike a killing blow, ive seen it shatter a few bandits arms and leg bones. The chakra needles are so close together that it gives the attack tremendous blunt power while also giving it amazing piercing power." The jonin stated.

Naruto nodded his head in agreement." Its truly a wicked attack but right now she barely used any power on neji, just enough to block a good portion of his chakra points that reside in the shoulder area." He then let out a chuckle." But theres still a reason for her naming her style the water fist.."

• back to the battle•

Neji was panting as exhaustion began to set in. His left arm was completely covered in little red dots, showing that most of his left arms chakra points were closed. His right arm was in better shape but not by much and he could feel the dull aching on his chest were she had hit him a few times.

Hinata was doing a lot better after rendering nejis left arm useless. Granted if she didnt have her baggy coat on then people would see the numerous red dots that littered her arms as well and there were even a few on her chest and stomach.

She panted lightly as she tried to catch her breath. She had managed to throw neji off his game by utilizing her ability to block large amounts of chakra points with a single hit but he was beginning to gain the upper hand once more, even though he could only use his right arm. She needed to end this quickly.

Neji watched hesitantly as hinata reached into her back pouch and looked a tad bit confused when she pulled out a single small sealing scroll.

"I wanted to save this for the finals." Hinata panted out as she kneeled down and unrolled the scroll across the ground, exposing a regular storage seal matrix." But i dont think ill be able to beat you without this neji-niisan." She added as she laid a hand over the unrolled scroll.

A small cloud exploded out of the scroll and once said smoke cleared away, everyone looked on in confusion as they saw two water bottles sitting on the scroll, each bottle was filled with water.

"Let me show you why.." she uncapped both bottles before dumping the water out onto the storage scroll. She then threw the bottles off to the side before resting her palms against the now soaked paper."let me show you why i call my style the water fist!" The water was suddenly sucked out of the scroll and onto hinatas hands. The water formed a thin layer about a half an inch thick around both of hinatas hands and wrists.

Hinata then dashed forward towards her cousin with her right hand held back. She appeared in front of neji and threw her palm forward towards the boys stomach.

Neji thanked kami for his byakugan, cause without it he would have never seen the tiny water needles that coated hinatas palm. He quickly lunged his right arm forward and smacked hinatas attacking hand away, but was thrown off guard when the water coating hinatas right hand shot off of her skin and latched on to his hand.


Hinata jerked her right arm to the side which threw nejis arm in the same direction, leaving him wide open for an attack. " sorry neji-niisan. But its over." Hinata stated softly, her voice full of remorse as she suddenly lunged her left fist forward.

Neji felt as if time had slowed down. He watched as the water surrounding hinatas left fist formed itself into four, seven inch long senbon. Said water senbon pierced through his left collar bone right before her fist made contact with the same bone. He felt the numerous chakra and water needles completely shatter his left collar bone. 

Everyone in the room winced as neji cried out in utter agony. Everyone had heard the loud cracking sound his collar bone had made and it made a few genin queasy.

Out of pure agony neji reacted by sending a right fist directly into the side of hinatas head. Thankfully there was no chakra involved but the force of the punch alone sent hinata reeling backwards.

The heiresses byakugan deactivated as her vision went completely black. The side of her head began to throb as she cried out in pain. She cradled her head and began to stumble backwards and she wouldve fallen completely had naruto not appeared behind her.

The blond caught hinata and slowly kneeled down to cradle her as she cried and whimpered. Naruto idly took notice of gai tending to neji before he focused back in on hinata. Her pale eyes were filled with tears and were moving all over the place.

"Hinata calm down, can you hear me?" He asked softly as he gently rubbed the uninjured side of her head.

"N-naruto-kun?" She whimpered out as she reached above her and gripped the front of his shirt.

"Yeah its me." He told her." Are you alright hime-chan?" He asked softly.

"N-naruto-kun.." hinata began in a shaky tone." Nartuo-kun i cant see." She cried out and naruto momentarily froze.

"Thats not good." Kurama commented with a small cough.

Naruto quickly resumed petting her head." Its alright hime-chan, just give me one second and ill have you good as new." He soothed her just as kurenai appeared next to the couple.

"Is she okay?" Kurenai asked as she kneeled down next to her student who let out a small whimper.

Naruto quickly took the glove off his right hand before throwing it to the side." She will be nai-chan." He then laid the palm of his right hand against the base of hinatas neck before sending chakra into his sun mark. The effect was immediate.

Hinata felt a flood of warmth throughout her entire body. She could feel every injury neji had given her begin to quickly heal and her vision quickly came back to her just as the ringing in her ears vanished. She was greeted by the eye smiling, masked face of naruto who was leaning over her with kurenai kneeling right next to them.

Naruto let out a small chuckle." Hey there beautiful." He greeted the now blushing hinata.

"O-oh n-naruto-kun." Hinata stuttered out in embarrassment.

Naruto was smacked in the head by a glaring kurenai." Stop flirting with my student naruto." The older jonin scolded the blond.

"What!" Naruto cried out." B-but shes my girlfr-"

"No." Kurenai denied with a stern look on her face.

"Fine." Naruto rubbed his nose and looked off to the side." I guess i just have to go and tell kakashi about what i saw last week in the jonin lounges closet-" kurenai stiffened as her face began to heat up." Im sure hed love to hear about how you and asuma-"

"Okay i get it!" Kurenai cried out, her face was bright red and she seemed to have a bit if steam coming out of her ears.

Naruto held up a victory sign." I knew youd see it my way." He stated with an eye smile.

"Huh?" Both jonin looked down to see hinata staring up at them with a confused look on her face.

"Inari-sama above!" Naruto cried out before leaning down and hugging the girl." Hime-chans so darn cute." He mumbled as he rubbed his face into hinatas stomach.

Hinatas face turned dark red." N-naruto-kun!" She squeaked out before she abruptly fainted. Kurenai just kneeled there with both a red face and a twitching eyebrow.

'I had been so sure i put up one of my best genjutsu around that closet at the time too!' The female jonin thought to herself as she glared at the back of narutos head.

Hayate came down and cleared his throat." Due to the intervention of two jonin, ill call this match as a draw." He stated." Neither hinata or neji hyuga will move on to the third match." He declared before coughing.

Hayate locked eyes with naruto. Said blond was glaring at him." Ill make sure yugio hears about this.." hayate paled, though it was barely noticeable due to him already being extremely pale.

Not long after that, the medics came to get neji and naruto promised gai hed heal neji up like he did hinata later. Said blond then carried hinata back up onto the balcony where he sat down and leaned against the wall, allowing hinata to bury her face into his neck where she quickly fell asleep.

Hayate then quickly called out the next match." Will shikamaru and kankuro please make there way down here!" He called out.

• end of the chapter•

I know i know. Yall probably hate me for making hinatas match end in a tie right?

Anyways, i grow tired of writing the preliminary matches since all the interesting matches have been completed so im just gonna list the names of those that made it to the chunnin finals here:








And tenten gets a free pass into the finals.

I know tenten didnt make it in canon and i thought that was kinda bullshit. Like i understand why she lost. She was going up against temari who specializes in long range wing jutsu so it makes since that tenten lost but i think shes one of the best females in the entire series and she deserves a chance alright?

Now, if you dont know yet, im starting a new naruto fanfiction called 'She's My Blossom'. The first chapters already out so go check it out and tell me what you think. It is a narusaku fanfiction so if you dont like that pairing then sorry i guess?

Anyways, ill see you all next time on Foxs Gift!