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Families, Toads and Their Paper-hime

* unknown location*

"Tell me about the happenings of the world since ive been gone kabuto." Orochimaru ordered as he sat down on an elevated stone throne. He watched as a pair of guards carried out the dead body of one of his curse mark hosts. He didnt only mark his sound five, no. He had a few nameless backups such as the poor fool whos body was being carried out of the room.

Kabuto, who was wearing an akatsuki cloak, pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose before smirking." Of course orochimaru-sama." He began smoothly." After your death, donzo decided to grow a pair before moving in on a few of your bases-"

"Ugh." Orochimaru blanched." That idiotic fool. He never earns his own toys, he just steals them from others." The snake man hissed.

Kabuto just nodded his head before continuing." So far hes taken twenty of your bases and its inhabitants for his own use. The people that resisted were killed. So you still have about twenty-five, fully manned bases under your control." Kabuto informed and orochimaru frowned. It had taken a lot of time to not only make those bases but to also supply said bases with people.

"What of konoha?"

Kabuto frowned at the question." Somehow after your death, the leaf found out about our little arrangement with suna. The third hokage had already taken measures to keep the peace with the kazekage. The kazekage will be joining the third at the chunnin finals and afterwards i hear theyll be writing up a whole new peace treaty. So our hopeful attack on konoha has been cancelled."

"DAMN IT AND DAMN THAT KYUBI BRAT FOR KILLING ME!" Orochimaru suddenly exploded. He shot out of his thrown and began to demolish the nearest wall, his usual pale face was red with anger and a furious snarl left his throat and he pummeled the stone wall." ALL THESE YEARS OF CAREFUL PLANNING, RECRUITING AND DEALING WITH THAT STUPID RICE LORD! AND WHAT DO I HAVE TO SHOW FOR IT?!? NOT A KAMI DAMNED THING! FUCK!" Orochimaru huffed as he ended his rant. He took a few minutes to compose himself before he looked back at kabuto with a calmer look on his face." Now tell me why youre wearing that stupid robe before i cut your tongue out." He ordered sternly.

Kabuto looked down at his robe and frowned. He thought it looked good on him." When i was captured by konoha after the second stage of the exams, i got thrown in an anbu cell which wasnt really that hard to get out of if im being honest. Anyways, madara uchiha showed up and offered me a position within the akatsuki." Kabuto explained with a small shrug." So i said yes and figured i could just spy on them for you, but i will be needed there and i will not have a lot of free time for my experiments sadly." He finished with a small frown.

Orochimaru walked back to his throne and sat down before he rested his head on his hand." Well then Mr. Spy, what are they up too?" He asked.

"Madara plans on using the three tails to attack konoha."


"At the finals."

"What is up with everyone trying to attack konoha at the finals?" Orochimaru asked with an irked look on his face." Truly, its as if everyones taking my ideas." He huffed out.

"Yeah well.." kabuto cleared his throat." What are we going to do about donzo my lord?" He asked respectfully.

Orochimaru hummed a bit as he drummed his fingers against the armrest of his throne." Ill let donzo play with his new toys for awhile, let him get nice and comfy upon his throne.." a nasty grin surfaced on orochimarus face." Then ill retch it out from under him and take back whats mine!" He finished with a rather dark laugh.

Kabuto let a smirk come upon his face as he pushed his glasses up once more." Very well, orochimaru-sama.."

* location- twenty miles outside of suna*

It was a rather cloudless night so the moon shined brightly down upon the desert sands. Sitting around a small fire was the three sand siblings and their jonin instructor baki.

Temari stared at the crackling flames with a frown on her face. It had been three days since the end of the preliminaries and they had been returning home to suna for the remainder of the month.

She looked up at her sensei, who was taking a drink of water from his canteen." Baki-sensei, whats gonna happen now?" She asked.

Baki understood what she was talking about and put his canteen down next to him." Everything goes back to normal. When we return to the leaf village your father and his guard will tag along with us. Hes told me that him and the third hokage will be creating a new peace treaty between sand and leaf." He explained calmly, though there was an air of tiredness around him. He hadnt slept a wink since leaving konoha as he kept feeling like they were being followed and watched.

Kankuro huffed and crossed his arms over his chest." Just like that?" He asked skeptically." We planned to betray them and invade them and all their gonna do is give us a new treaty? Doubtful." He stated with a frown." For all we know they plan on killing dad and then taking out suna." The puppeteer stated.

"Mother..." everyone looked at gaara who was rubbing the side of his head with a pained look on his face." Mother says that a fox is near.." bakis brows furrowed.

"Uhh.." temari began with an odd look on her face." And where is this..fox?" She asked skeptically.

"Well right behind you of course." A voice whispered directly into her ear. She felt chills run up her spin before she shrieked and jumped away.

In the blink of an eye, all of the sand shinobi had weapons drawn, or in gaaras case his sand, and were glaring at a rather large fox that was currently laughing its ass off.

"Ahahaha! oh your reaction- hahaha! You guys jumped so far!" The fox laughed a bit harder.

"A summons?" Kankuro whispered to his sensei but apparently the fox heard him and it stopped laughing.

"A summons?" The fox asked before it went up in smoke and a familiar figure walked out of said smoke with an amused look in his ringed eyes." Nah, its just me." He gave them a wave.

"You!" Both kankuro and temari shouted as they pointed at naruto.

"So you were the one i felt following us?" Baki asked with a frown." Are you here to kill us? Has your kage finally decided to put an end to suna after our plans came to light?" He asked in a stern tone.

Naruto looked at him weirdly." Inari-sama above, your mind went straight to the bad thoughts didnt it?" Naruto asked before he shook his head." Calm down guys im not here to kill any of you. If i was youd all already be dead." He stated in a nonchalant manner.

"Then why are you here?" Temari asked as she gripped her kunai tighter.

Naruto sat down in front of the fire and put his palms out towards the flames." These desert night get stupid cold." He muttered before looking up at the battle ready suna ninja." Come on and sit down. You all look like idiots right now." He pointed at them.

It took a few moments before the suna ninja sat on the other side of the fire, though they all still had some sort of weapon ready just in case.

"You didnt answer my question." Temari pointed out.

Naruto looked up at her before he looked directly at gaara." Im here to speak with gaara and the ichibi." He answered calmly and everyone that wasnt him and gaara tensed up.

Baki was about to open his mouth but gaara spoke up first." What do you want with mother and i?" The boy asked in a deadly tone.

"Stop calling ichibi your mother. Hes a dude and its weird." Naruto told the red head." And i have news to share with all of the other eight jinchuriky. Though i already spoke with matatabi and gyuuki over in lightning awhile back." Baki leaned forward with narrowed eyes.

"So youre a  jinchuriky then?" The suna jonin asked and naruto nodded.

"Yep, good ol' number nines stuck in my tummy." Naruto replied as he rubbed his gut affectionately.

Temari and kankuro paled. This boy was another jinchuriky?!? They already had to deal with gaaras murderous tendencies and now this!

"If youre like gaara.. then why arent you..you know.."

"Kill happy?" Naruto asked the puppeteer. Kankuro nodded his head." Cause i was surrounded by people that cared for me instead of cold hearted asswipes that automatically assumed i was a monster due to what i held." Everyone but gaara looked away from him with a bit of shame written across their faces.

"You dont know what it was like-"

Naruto cut temari off." Youre right i dont." He shrugged." But in reality, it your fathers own fault."

"Dont say that about kazekage-sama!" Baki warned and naruto glared at the man.

"What kind of idiot decides to stick a bijuu- a fucking tailed beast! Inside of an unborn child?" Naruto asked coldly." And judging by how much influence that sand rat has over gaara, id say you had a clueless idiot seal it away anyways." The blond stated." The kazekage is to blame for every death that gaara caused. Its what happens when children pretending to be full grown men get greedy."

"Why you-!" Baki shot to his feet and in the blink of an eye he, temari and kankuro found themselves being held by three different golden transparent hands. Naruto was on his feet, his golden fiery chakra cloak was burning brightly around him as he glared directly into bakis wide, Stunned eyes.

"Let me make something very clear to you baki-san." Narutos voice was as cold as ice and his glare was even colder." I hold no love for anyone that would stick a bijuu inside of a baby and then mistreat said child. If it were up to me id snap your kages neck and leave his body to rot in a hole somewhere inside of this desert." He motioned to the sand around him." Not because i hate suna and its people but because he hurt what i consider to be mine."

"Y-yours?" Kankuro stuttered out as the giant golden hand wrapped around him squeezed him just a tad bit tighter.

Narutos eyes snapped over to him and kankuro began to sweat and tremble a bit." Yes mine. The nine tailed beasts and the eight other jinchuriky out there are my family, My siblings and anyone who would dare to hurt my family deserves to die in my eyes." Naruto told the genin sternly." I dont understand you regular people." The blond let out a sigh." I mean what are your thought processes? Hey i got an idea! Lets stick a mass of sentient chakra into an infant baby and then treat it like shit for the rest of its life and then expect it to be completely loyal to my village!" Naruto said in a mocking tone."a bunch of idiots." The blond mumbled out.

"And the p-people of your village-" temari grunted out." Theyre any different?" She asked in an accusing voice.

"Eh." Naruto shrugged his shoulders." Once i activated my rinnegan and i began to wear my mask, most of the villagers forgot i existed." Naruto said with a small nod." But after i killed orochimaru, my named spread through the leaf like a wildfire and now people dont know what to think. Should they hate me because of the kyubi? Or should they like me because i killed one of my villages most notorious criminals?." The blond shrugged." They just dont know yet." He added.

"But treating gaara or any of the others like me and him like monsters is not the way." Narutos voice softened as he gently sat the three suna ninja back on their feet before allowing his chakra cloak to fade." To people like gaara and i, our emotions are everything." He began as he looked directly at the stone faced red head." Our feelings help us access our tenants chakra. Anger, happiness, nervousness and even fear can allow us to connect with our beasts chakra. People like us need to be social, we need to create bonds with friends and family or else we have nothing to live or fight for and then what would we be?" Naruto asked rhetorically." We'd be useless to our villages and its people because we have no reason to protect it and its people." The blond finished before he sat down once again.

The suna shinobi stayed silent as they thought about narutos speech. But they were broken from their thoughts as naruto cleared his throat.

"Anyways-" the blond jonin began." The reason im here." Here he looked directly into gaaras teal eyes." Sand rat, theres a group of rogue S-class ninja called the akatsuki after us jinchuriky. They plan on hunting us down and ripping you bijuu out of us in order to bring back the ten tails-" everyone watched as gaara stiffened and the sand around him rustled a bit." Yeah i know. I thought they were dumb asses too." Naruto said with a nod. He then looked at baki." The kazekage will be briefed on the akatsuki by lord hokage when you all arrive back in konoha." Baki wordlessly nodded his head.

Naruto stood up and stretched his arms before walking past the fire and over to gaara. Once he was standing next to the seated red head, naruto laid the palm of his hand on gaaras head and to the shock of the rest of the ninja there, he began to ruffle the boys already messy hair which caused gaara to look up at him with wide eyes.

Naruto eyes softened as he stared down at the troubled boy." What i said earlier still stands gaara." Naruto began softly." You and the ichibi are my family and i plan on keeping you and the others alive and well. So if you ever need me, dont be afraid to come to me directly." With that said, naruto began to walk away from the small suna group before he stopped." Oh and gaara!" He called out over his shoulder.

"Hmm?" The red head hummed.

"Try to stop killing innocent people will you? That goes for you as well sand rat, if i hear about you guys killing anymore innocents then ill hunt your asses down and punish you both!"

Gaara stayed silent for a moment before he opened his mouth." Mother says that you are just like her father.."

"Nah." Naruto eye smiled back at the red head." Hagoromos still way cooler than me. He is after all the sage of the six paths ya know." Naruto threw up a peace sign before he continued walking, vanishing into the desert night...

Only for him to reappear and flick a small pebble directly at gaaras forehead." And stop calling him mother! Hes a dude and its weird!" With that said, naruto turned around and walked away.

Gaara rubbed his forehead as he stared up at the moon." Can we trust him mother?.." gaara asked aloud, causing his siblings and sensei to stare at him.

The sand around gaara shifted slightly and the red head nodded." I see.." he looked at the rest of his team with a frown on his face." Mother says to trust him.. she says that he will save our world and stop us from dying... mother says that brother naruto is the child of destiny.. mothers still scared though.." gaara fell silent before he began to stare up towards the night sky once more.

The suna siblings and baki were silent but all of them had a worried look on their faces.

'What the hell is the ten-tails and why does it have the ichibi so frightened?..' they all asked themselves.

* konoha- hokages mountain*

Jiraya stared out over the village with a small smile on his face. Even though it was well past midnight the village was still very much alive.

Shinobi ranging from chunnin to anbu were rushing in and out of the village, either going on or returning from a mission. A lot of the civilians were out and about, celebrating the up and coming chunnin exam finals. They were drinking, eating and having a wonderful time with their family and friends.

Jiraya loved seeing his village so alive, so positive. It reminded him of why he became a shinobi in the first place. It was to keep all of these people safe, to keep the next generation safe until it was their turn to 'hold the torch' if you will.

He stiffened slightly when he felt a rather large chakra source appear behind him. He slowly turned around and looked at the new comer.

It was a women no older than twenty-five. Her short blue hair had a paper rose clipped in it and her orange tinted honey colored eyes seemed to glow a bit in the night. She had blue eyeshadow and her skin was kinda pale. She had a little nail like piercing going through the middle of her bottom lip and she wore a skin tight black long sleeve shirt that stopped just above her bellybutton, showing that her bellybutton was indeed pierced. She had on black skinny jeans and wore black sandals over her feet.

She looked super familiar to him but what caught his eye the most was the neatly folded akatsuki cloak she was holding in her hands...

But the serious look on jirayas face vanished and was replaced by a goofy perverted grin." And who might you be dear? Did you come all the way up her just to show little ol' me a good time." He asked with a perverted giggle.

Instead of being offended or disgusted with jiraya, the blue haired girl gave him a soft smile." You havent changed one bit huh pervy-sage?" Her voice was soft any tiny and it sounded as if she was choking up a bit.

Jirayas eyes widened slightly as he gazed into her tear filled eyes. He looked at her hair once more before he took a small step back." Konan?.." he whispered out softly.

Konan nodded her head and used one of her hands to wipe the tears out of her eyes." Jiraya-sensei.." she took a small step forward and before she knew it she had charged directly into jirayas arms, her own were wrapped around him in a fierce hug.

"Konan.." jiraya breathed out as he hugged her tighter, his own eyes filled with tears but he forced them back." I thought... i thought the three of you were dead! And that cloak-" said cloak was now on the ground." Konan whats going on?" He asked as he pushed her back a bit, holding her at arms length.

Konan rubbed the tears streaks on her cheeks away." We have a lot to talk about jiraya-sensei." She sniffled out.