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Invasion Pt. 1

"Is everything ready?" Tobi asked as he stood in front of his white zetsu army next to his trusted companion black zetsu.

"Yes tobi, everythings in order for the atta-"

"Zetsu! Tobi!"

Both men-er, the man and the plant like man spun around and watched as their newest member kabuto appeared out of the tree line. Kabuto wore the standard akatsuki cloak and had a rather large scroll strapped to his lower back. The white haired teen stopped and stared at the gathered white zetsu and let out a impressed whistle.

"That a lot of zetsus" kabuto muttered out before he pushed his glasses up on the bridge of his nose.

"Ah! Kabuto-san!" Tobi greeted his fellow akatsuki member a small wave wave." What are you doing here?" He asked curiously.

Kabuto walked up to the man with a small smile on his face before he pulled a rather large scroll from his back." Leader-sama asked me to come assist you in your attack." He began as he held his large scroll up a bit for the other two akatsuki members to see." I brought a bit of backup myself." He stated with a slight cocky grin on his face.

Black zetsu and tobi shared a small confused look before they both looked back at the white haired teen.

"Well whats in it?" Black zetsu asked with a bit of an impatient tone.

Kabuto huffed before he strapped the scroll onto his back once more." Lets just say that its reinforcements." He stated with a shrug." Once you two start your attack i plan on using whats in this scroll to kill both the kazekage and the hokage." He suddenly grinned."itll be great, promise."

Tobi and zetsu stayed silent for a moment before tobi spun around and shrugged." Whatever, if it will work then go for it." He called out as he began to walk towards the tree line of the forest." Alright everyone!" He called out, getting the attention of the small army of white zetsus." We move out in five minutes!"

• chunnin stadium•

Temari stood in place hlaring at the forest line. The same forest line that shikamaru had run to and hid in two hours ago!

She decided to not waist all of her chakra and just wait for the lazy bastard to come out of the small forest section of the stadium. She hadnt run in there due to the fact that in there, shikamaru could possible use the natural shadows of the forest trees to catch her. So she was trying to wait him out.

"I swear to kami, if that lazy fucker fell asleep in there im gonna break his nose!" She growled out as a tick mark made its way onto her forehead. She spun around and looked up into the stands. Locking eyes with a leaf jonin that was smoking a cigarette, she pointed behind her towards the forest." Is he aloud to drag this match on like this?!?" She asked rather loudly.

The random jonin just gave her a half hearted shrug. She spun around with a huff.

"Stupid tree huggers." She muttered out. She looked up at the sky and watched as a cloud rolled past the sun.

She quickly looked back towards the forest when her ears picked up an almost silent whistle. Her eyes locked onto a kunai that was currently flying towards her and she jumped back a bit as the blade impacted the ground in front of her.

"Shit!" She yelled out as her eyes locked onto the explosive note attached to the kunais handle.

She sent chakra to her feet and launched herself backwards just as the note went off, creating a rather large explosion.

The civilians, after watching such a borings match for the last few hours, perked up and watched the match in excitement. It seems things were about to pick up!

The fire cleared and temari watched as shikamaru dashed through the black smoke the explosion left behind. She quickly grabbed her fan off her back, opened it and swung it towards the nara.

"Wind style: wind scythes!" She called out and multiple blades of wind shot out towards the charging nara.

Shikamaru sent chakra to his legs and jumped over the incoming wind blades. He landed on his knees with a grunt and slid forward, his hands locked into a single hand sign.

"Shadow possession jutsu!" He called out with narrowed eyes.

Temari grinned at him." Youre still too far away jackas- WHAT?!?" She cried out when her body suddenly froze.

"Complete." Shikamaru stated with a small huff as he stood up from his kneeling position.

Temaris eyes widened when she saw something land on the ground a little ways to her right. Shikamaru looked at the object as well, allowing her to see the kunai that was attached to shikamarus jacket. The jacket looked to be some sort of makeshift parachute for the kunai.

Shika then looked at her, causing her to look at him." I waited for a bit before i acted, hoping to get you bored enough to let your guard down. When you finally did i chucked that explosive note at you as a distraction before launching that other kunai into the air." He explained with a small shrug, which made temari shrug as well." I knew that even if you were distracted, youd look out for my shadow coming towards you so i threw that kunai more to your right in hopes of you not seeing it, then i extended my shadows reach using the shadow of the kunai and my jacket." He finished explaining his strategy with a bored look on his face.

Temari was fuming. She had been waited out! She let her guard down and let herself believe that shikamaru was just gonna continue to wait in the forest like a coward!

"When you let me go im gonna beat you to death with my fan." She promised him with a cold furry in her voice.

"Troublesome.." shikamaru muttered out." About that, well.." he reached up and scratched the back of his head before raising his hand high up into the air." I forfeit." He called out and everything went silent.

"WHAT!!!" Temari roared out as the crowed began to boo loudly." What do you mean you forfeit?!?" She cried out.

"The moment i let you go, youre gonna kick the shit out of me." Shikamaru stated without any hesitation." And if i did somehow win against you, which is highly unlikely, then id also have to fight a bunch of other people and that just sounds troublesome." He explained." And anyways, i didnt even wanna do these exams. Im perfectly content with being a genin for a few more years." He added in a lazy tone as he ignored the booing from the packed stadium.

"Im gonna kick your lazy ass shikamaru!/ Youre dead meat lazy ass!" Shika flinched a bit when he heard the duel shouts of both his mother and his teammate ino, yet he promptly ignored them.

Hayate appeared next to shikamaru and looked down at the genin with a bored look on his pale face." You sure you wanna forfeit kid?" He asked before coughing a few times.

"Yeah im sure." Shikamaru replied as he cancelled his shadow possession jutsu and let a rather pissed off looking temari free.

Hayate just shrugged." Due to shikamaru nara forfeiting, the winner of this match is temari!" He called out and the crowed just booed even louder.

The crowed gasped loudly when a white humanoid thing popped up out of the ground from behind the jonin, grabbed the man by his chin before viciously snapping hayates neck.

In the blink of an eye shikamaru and temari jumped away from the white thing before they watched as more and more of identical white men began to sprout out of the ground.

Everyone watched in silence as two figures appeared in front of the small army of white beings. One wore a black cloak with red clouds printed on it and had his face covered by and orange mask that only had one eye hole located on it.

The other figure was much smaller. He wore a brown cloak and hood that hid any identifiable features of him and in his right hand was a black hooked staff.

"Sorry for the interruption everyone!" Tobi called out, loud enough for everyone to hear." But ive decided to invade konoha!" He laughed a bit before looking down at his small companion." Have fun!" He waved his arm towards the crowded stadium before he vanished in a swirl.

Not even a second later.. all hell broke loose..

The small cloaked figures chakra spiked to unbelievable levels. The utter hatred and potency of the figures chakra sent warning bells off in everyones mind.

"Jinchuriky!" Asuma shouted out as he and his fellow leaf shinobi began to jump down into the stadium. "Shikamaru get back!" He ordered his student as red chakra began to sprout out from the cloaked figure.

"Temari!" Baki cried out as he appeared in front of the girl.

"I got him!" Naruto shouted out as he appeared in front of the obviously unstable jinchuriky in the blink of an eye. He slammed his fist into the persons chin sending them up into the air. A golden shroud exploded out from naruto and wrapped around the blond boy before a chakra arm shout out of narutos back, grabbed the airborne jinchuriky and then chucked him as hard as the chakra arm could.

To say that the unidentified jinchuriky flew was an understatement. The guy was sent sailing out of the stadium and completely past the village walls.


"Stay here and help the others!" Naruto cut kakashi off before giving him an eye smile." Ill take care of the jinchuriky-"

The blond was cut off by a loud booming roar. The ground suddenly shook violently and both ninja and civilians watched in utter fear as a giant three tailed turtle appeared just outside of the village walls. Civilians began to scream and panic while the ninja portion of the populace paled greatly.

"Thats the three tailed turtle." Stated naruto in a rather deadpanned tone. He spun around and locked eyes with kakashi. The silver haired jonin looked rather scared." Dont worry, i wont let it destroy konoha." Naruto promised as the two ignored the fighting going on around them.

Kakashi stared into narutos ringed eyes." Are you sure you can handle this?" He asked in a hard tone.

"Yes." Naruto promised with a nod.

"Go." Kakashi ordered and naruto vanished in a golden flash. Kakashi idly blocked a punch from one of the white humanoid things and swiftly cut its neck with a kunai. He spun around and dashed into the fray while multiple explosions rose up from around the village. 

• kage box•

Hiruzen stared down and the fighting going on down in his stadium with the kazekage standing next to him, both men had hard looks on their faces.

"Hokage-dono, you must know that i nor my village had any part in this attack." The kazekage stated calmly, though he was ready to fight if hiruzen deemed him a lier.

"I know kazekage-dono." The third stated as he watched a giant golden nine tailed fox appear in front of the three tails, blocking its path so it couldn't charge konoha." I know whos behind this.."

"Who hokage-dono?"

"Thatd be us."Both men spun around, only to find kabuto standing on the roof behind them.

"You are?" The kazekage asked curiously, idly eyeing the mans black cloak that had red clouds on it. It was the same cloak as the orange masked individual.

"I see you didnt just escape my anbus holding cells but you also joined akatsuki, huh kabuto?" Hiruzen asked with a deep frown on his aged face.

Kabuto pulled the large scroll off of his back with a grin on his face." Of course hokage-sama." He mocked the aged leader." After naruto-kun killed my last boss i had to find new employment and well.." kabuto grinned a bit wider and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose." Akatsuki was hiring." He finished in an amused tone.

Kabuto knelt down and unrolled the large scroll quickly and before either kage could react, two clouds of smoke appeared from the scroll.

Hiruzen paled and took a step back when he saw just who stepped out of the smoke cloud.

"Little saru.. is that you?.."