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Invasion Pt. 2

' that fake madara took it to far' naruto told himself as he glared at the giant three tailed, spike ridden shell having turtle.' When i get my hands on him im gonna fuck him up- no! Im gonna fuck his whole bloodline up!' Naruto seethed.

"Brat.." kurama called out, bring naruto back to reality as he, in all his golden ethereal glory, stood on his hind legs directly between konoha and his enraged brethren.

"Right- sorry!" Naruto replied, shaking his head a bit." So how are we gonna do this kurama?" Naruto questioned the nine tails.

Kurama let out a thick growl." Im not sure." He admitted." I could take him down with a tailed beast bomb but that'd probably blow your stupid village away." The beast stated with furrowed brows.

"What about sealing?" Naruto asked curiously as he watched the three tails began to pace back and forth all the while glaring daggers at him and kurama.

Kurama seemed to frown at that." Id rather not but im not seeing much of a choice right now." He admitted." Its obvious to see that isobu is under that uchihas genjutsu like i was. Theres no telling how long its been like that too so itll take a lot to knock isobu free of it, sealing him away should shock him out of it." The fox admitted." But to do that we'll need to kill his current host before sealing him into something." He explained calmly.

Naruto let a frown come across his masked face. While he knew he needed to stop the enraged tailed beast in front of him, he didnt really like the idea of forcing this onto a new born baby like what had happened to him. The thought of sacrificing a childs life without said child having any say in the matter rubbed him the wrong way.

Kurama, almost as if sensing the boys reluctance, spoke up." Isobu only has three tails. He can be sealed into an inanimate object." He stated calmly." All tailed beasts under the five tails can be sealed into an inanimate object or into a child of the age five or lower. Their chakra isnt as potent and lethal as the higher tailed ones." He explained calmly.


Isobu roared out as he dashed forward, his three tails swinging wildly behind him. It seemed he had grown tired of waiting for his 'prey' to come to him, so he decided to charge right at the chatting duo.

"Shit hes fast!" Naruto cried out as the over sized turtle appeared directly in front of them.

Two of isobus tails swung at either of kuramas sides while his middle tail came down towards kuramas head.

Kuramas arms shot out, catching the two tails while one of his many tails shot upwards to block the tail coming for their head. He let out a small grunt as he continued to hold his deadlock with his younger sibling.

His other eight tails surged forward and smacked into isobus face. The turtles head was knocked upwards with such force that it broke his deadlock with kurama while also sending him reeling back.

Then all of kuramas tails shot forward and wrapped themselves around isobus body before picking him up. Kurama was about to slam him into the ground directly behind him but narutos shout of-"Not the village!"- caused him to instead swing the turtle around and throw him away from the village.

Isobu hit the ground hard, causing the earth to shake violently while throwing up a large cloud of dirt and earth. But said cloud gave way to isobu who was already back on his feet. The large beast let out an ear splitting roar, its glazed pink eye was red with rage as it shot forward once more.

Kurama met the turtles charge with his own and their collision shook the earth. Kuramas hands rested against isobus shoulder area while his nine tails were interlocked with isobus three.

Naruto himself felt the strain kurama was dealing with and he gritted his teeth, his ringed eyes were narrowed into slits as he glared at the three tails.

He suddenly floated forward until he was standing on kuramas sneering snout looking directly into isobus only eye.

"Sorry about this isobu." Naruto began as he held his right hand up, his palm facing the three tails face." But i need to stop you as soon as possible." A small ball of chakra began to form a few centimeters away from narutos outstretched palm. The small ball of chakra quickly grew into a large basketball sized ball of blue chakra before naruto brought his hand back and chucked the chakra ball directly into isobus face.

The moment the rasengan impacted isobus face it began to grow and grow and grow, until it was the size of a small house. Isobu roared out in pain as the large chakra construct began to dig and grind itself into his face.

The giant rasengan soon faded but it distracted isobu long enough for kurama to surge forward and slam his giant golden fist into isobus chin, sending the three tails upper body skywards. The moment isobus stomach was shown to then, kurama spun around and slammed all nine tails into his brethren's gut, sending isobu flying backwards.

Kurama didnt waste a second and began to charge after the tumbling three tails while naruto stood on his snout with a fierce look in his ringed eyes.

• with kakashi•

Kakashi, along with sakura and sasuke, was dashing through the village via rooftops. His two students were trailing behind him and they were trying- and failing- to not look at the two tailed beasts that were currently duking it out in front of their home. Hell even kakashi was struggling to not just watch the battle, it wasnt everyday that you saw two tailed beasts battle and it was even more shocking to the young duo that it was the feared nine tails that was currently helping in defending their home.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura called out as she ran next to sasuke." This is crazy! What the hell is going on right now?" She asked the jonin with a rather nervous look on her face.

Kakashi didnt even look back at her as he continued on towards their destination." Akatsuki is attacking konoha and they brought the three tails with them." He stated calmly.

"Who the heck is akatsuki and-"

" the nine tails.." sasuke spoke up, cutting his teammate off." I thought it was orange, so why is it that color and whats with its marking?" He asked as he stared at the colossal foxs." It remind me of naruto when we were dealing with orochimaru." He added with narrowed eyes.

Kakashi didnt reply right away, instead he came to a stop on the roof of a small shop and spun around to look at his two charges who also stopped to look up at him.

"Thats.." kakashi looked hesitant before he let out a small sigh." I guess theres really no point in hiding it now." He muttered to himself before focusing back on his two students." Listen sasuke, sakura.. everything you were told about the kyubis defeat is a lie." The two pre-teens looked utterly confused at that.

"The fourth hokage couldnt kill the kyubi due to it being a mass of sentient chakra and you cant kill chakra, you can only seal it away." The jonin began calmly." So in order to stop the kyubis rampage, the fourth used a forbidden jutsu to seal the kyubi away into a new born baby, in doing so he sacrificed himself in order to complete the jutsu... that new born was naruto."

Sakuras brows furrowed in slight confusion as she took in her senseis words." But then.." she began hesitantly." Does that mean naruto is really the kyubi?" She looked up to kakashi with a slightly concerned look on her face.

" no." Kakashi replied, shaking his head." Naruto is basically a prison for the fox. If naruto were to die then the fox would be free to roam the nations once more." They didnt need to know that narutos seal was fully opened yet, he didnt want them to panic any more then they already were due to the village being under attack.

Sasuke just look utterly annoyed." Is that why narutos so strong?" He asked." Is he only as strong as he is due to the fox?"

"No." Kakashi replied." Narutos strength is his own. He only really calls on the foxs chakra when he needs to, like right now." He said, idly pointing to the two giant beasts fighting.

The ground shook once more and the three had to send chakra to their feet in order to stay upright. Their heads snapped over to the two tailed beasts and they watched as kurama seemingly straddled the now upside down turtle, and began to slam his fists into the three tails face. The turtles tails were swinging around wildly, destroying chunks of earth all around it as it roared out in both pain and rage.

"Kami above.." sakura muttered out as she watched kurama slam his elbow into isobus face.

"HAHA! YOU LIKE THAT YOU LITTLE SHIT?!?" The foxs deep booming voice rang out over the village. "THATS FOR HITTING ME WITH YOUR TAIL AND -" kurama grabbed isobus face, lifted his head and slammed it back into the ground."-THATS FOR STICKING ME WITH ONE OF THOSE STUPID SPIKES ON YOUR SHELL!"

Two of isobus tails swung around and slammed into the side of kuramas head, sending the nine tailed bijuu flying sideways. The fox hit the ground face first before he seemingly somersaulted onto his feet, slamming his left fist into his open right palm, a rather large grin on his face.


Team seven watched as isobu got up to his feet before roaring once more. Then something in the air seemed to shift as isobu opened his mouth up wide...

It started as a small black ball before black, red and dark purple chakra began to gather into said small ball from thin air. The now purplish black chakra ball began to grow and grow.. and grow.. until it was easily the size of the hokages tower.  

"What is that?" Sakura muttered out in awed horror as she watched the ball of chakra form in front of the three tails open mouth.

Kakashi paled." Its a tailed beast bomb!" He grabbed onto one of sasukes and sakuras shoulder before he sent a lot of chakra to his feet. " cover your eyes!"



The world around them seemed to slow as they watched the huge ball of chakra shoot away from isobus mouth and hit kurama dead on.

The explosion completely blocked out the giant nine tailed fox as a huge mushroom shaped cloud appeared going from the ground all the way up into the sky, the clouds over head seemingly parted in a wide circle around the top of the mushroom cloud.

They could see the shockwave from the explosion race towards the village like a tsunami, ripping up the earth as it traveled towards them.

"Shit." Kakashi muttered out as he watched the shockwave come closer and closer until-

In a golden flash of light, kurama appeared directly in front of the village. His arms were crossed over his chest and his huge tails slammed into the ground right outside of the village walls and team seven- along with everyone else in the village no doubt- watched as the kitsune used his body and tails to block the shockwave from hitting konoha.

Instead of a good chuck of konoha being ripped out of the ground or littered with trees and debris, the only thing it got hit with was a rather strong breeze. 

The village around them was silent for a moment before sakura let out a rather mad laugh.

"I think i just had a heart attack." The pinkette stated with watery eyes and a rather pale face.

• with hiruzen•

Hiruzen was breathing heavily as he stood next to the kazekage on the roof of the arena. Around them was piles of gold dust and broken rooftop shingles. Across from them stood two of the most feared shinobi to ever grace the elemental nations.

Hashirama senju and his brother tobirama. The first and second hokages, and one of them, hiruzens sensei.

Hashirama looked out towards the nine tails in what looked to be awe." Id never thought id see the day that the kyubi protects konoha." He admitted.

"Youve been dead for a while big brother." Tobirama replied." Things change, but its clear to see that the fox is not fighting alone." He looked at hiruzen with an emotionless face." Tell me saru, who is the foxs jinchuriky now?" He questioned with a curious tone in his voice.

Hiruzen seemed to catch his breath enough to respond." His names naruto." He answered." And wether he knows it or not, he is the next hokage." He added in a rather serious tone.

The kazekages eyes widened." But hokage-dono, naruto-san is only thirteen!" He stated in a shocked tone.

Hiruzen stood straight, his faithful summons enma was in his staff form resting firmly within hiruzens right hand." He may be young but he is ready, this i know for sure." He replied calmly.

Tobirama stared at his student." Tell me saru, why do you have so much faith in him?" He wondered.

Hiruzen chose that moment to charge forward and in the blink of an eye he was standing right next to hashirama, his staff swung around and slammed into the firsts cheek, sending the dead man flying.

"His will-!" Hiruzen then swung enma at tobirama but the man blocked the staff with his left forearm, merely sliding back a few feet." His will of fire is far stronger then mine, far stronger then even lord first." The third stated as he struggled to hold his deadlock with the second hokage." His devotion to konoha is astounding, only few before him had such devotion." An image of a weasel masked anbu flashed through hiruzens mind." I know naruto will lead konoha- no not just konoha.. he will lead the shinobi world into a new era of peace and prosperity.. he will make me, his parents, his sensei and his friends proud." Hiruzen declared as he locked eyes with his old sensei.. before the second was blind sided by a large fist of gold dust that sent him tumbling.

"I do not know naruto personally.." the kazekage stated calmly as he walked up to hiruzen and stood at the aged leaders side." But if your words about him are true then.." his golden dust began to gather behind him as he watched the first hokage land next to the second." Then it is my obligation as kazekage to make sure that the fifth hokage has a village to lead once this is all over. Not just for konoha but for suna as well. We need strong allies in these trying times."

Hiruzen stared at his predecessor with a grim smile on his face." I couldnt have said it better myself kazekage-dono."

With that the two living kages charged forward, ones staff posed to strike down its foes and the others gold dust ready to defend its ally and to crush those that got in its way.

• with team eight•

Kibas clawed fingers slashed the throat of another white zetsu and he whooped loudly." Haha! Thats eight between me and akamaru! What about you guys?" He looked to shino who stood there blankly. The bug boy was surrounded by a handful of tore up white zetsu corpses with a swarm of bugs flying and crawling back up the sleeves of his coat.

"Ive dealt with seven, why? Because it seems that these enemies are edible to my bugs.."

Kiba sweat dropped." Youre bugs are eating these things?" He asked." Thats kinda fucked up man." He then looked towards his second teammate and his eyes widened.

Standing on a large pile of dead zetsus was hinata. The girl was poking her fingers together with a shy blush on her face." I-ive defeated twelve kiba-kun." She told him from her place atop a hill of corpses." D-do you think naruto-kun will be proud of me?"

"What the hell!" Kiba cried out." Howd you get so many so fast hinata?!?" He pleaded out as anime tears fell from his eyes.

"Kiba, enough." Came kurenais stern voice as she stood in front of about twenty zetsu corpses. She smacked her hands together to clean off the imaginary dust from them." We have bigger issues to worry about then your stupid competition."

Kibas shoulders sagged." Sorry sensei.." he pouted with akamaru whimpering from his spot on the boys head. 

"Its fine but now that weve taken down the enemies forces that were just inside the village walls, we need to start moving inwards towards the village center." Kurenai told her students." We along with team seven and eight will pick off any enemies along the way, okay?" She looked at all three of her students.

"Yes sensei!" The three genin replied.

Kiba punch his left fist into his open right palm with a feral grin on his face. Shino nodded his head before pushing his sunglasses further up on the bridge of his nose and hinata just nodded her head with her byakugan flaring to life.

• anbu holding cells•

The decapitated head of hidan sat on a metal table within a rather empty room. He had been there for jashin knows how long!

' seriously!' The man thought to himself.' After those masked fucks got into my head they just left me in this damn room! Ill kill those fuckers i swear it!' He seethed silently.

His eyes snapped up as a tobi appeared in front of him, the mans single sharingan eye blazing brightly.

"Hello hidan." He greeted the decapitated man.

"Oh for fucks sake!" Hidan cried out." Out of all the people leader-sama could send, he choose your annoying ass?" Hidan huffed." He shouldve sent konan, at least shes nice to look at."

"Stop complaining." Tobi replied as he walked over to the table and picked up hidans head." Your bodies waiting for you back at HQ so lets get you there already." A swirling vortex began to suck up both hidan and tobi." Lets make this quick, i still have something to do here in konoha after all.." tobi muttered out before he and hidan vanished from the cell.