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Invasion Pt. 3

Naruto let out a small grunt as kurama used his tails to push isobu away. He and kurama had been holding the three tails off for the last forty-five minutes while they tried to brainstorm on a way to shut the raging bijuu down without causing to much damage to the surrounding area.

" what if we use the rinnegan to rip isobu out of his container?" Naruto asked his furry friend with a hopeful look on his masked face.

Kurama growled as isobu slammed a tail into his side. He quickly dropped his arm to lock the tail in place before he began to hammer his fist into isobus head." No, i dont want you accidentally sending isobu into the afterlife." He stated in a rather calm tone despite the situation they were in.

Naruto nodded as he rubbed his chin." Yeah youre right i suppose- wait!" Naruto shouted out as he threw his hands up into the air." I have an idea!" He shouted out in glee. Kurama waited for the blond to speak up but after a moment of silence the fox growled.

"Well what is it dumbass?!?" Kurama shouted out a moment later." I cant keep this up all day you know, i may be a total badass but even i get tired too." He added in a tone that made naruto cringe lightly.

"Alright alright. Geez kurama, keep your pants on, i was gonna tell you anyways." Naruto muttered out with an eye roll.

Kuramas golden glowing eyes seemed to narrow as he stopped punching isobu." I will rip you outta me and then throw you all the way to iwa, i swear to kami." He threatened in an annoyed tone. 

Naruto sweatdropped at the threat before he spoke up." Well what if we.. you know.. cut isobu in half?" He asked hesitantly.

Kirama blinked owlishly." Im sorry, i dont think i heard you correctly?" The fox replied in a shocked tone.

"Hear me out!" Naruto replied holding his hands up a bit." Say we cut isobus head off, wouldnt that cause his chakra to get sucked back up into his containers seal?" He asked the fox as the bijuu idly held isobu back via a hand on the turtles forehead.

"..." kurama was silent for a moment as he brought his free hand up to his chin and idly stroked it as he gained an almost thoughtful look on his face." Theoretically speaking.. yes that would do the trick but what are we going to use to accomplish that?" He asked with an annoyed huff." Humans dont exactly make bijuu sized weapons." He pointed out.

Naruto looked over his right shoulder until his gaze fell on amayas handle. He then gained an eye smile." Say kurama."


"Do you trust me?"

There was something in the blonds tone that totally rubbed kurama the wrong way, but against his better judgment he nodded hesitantly.

"Good." Naruto replied with a rather creepy chuckle." Cause what were about to do will either totally back fire and get us killed or itll work and itll be the most badass thing we've done yet." There was a small twinkle in the blonds eye as he said that and kurama felt a small chill run up his spine.

The giant fox let out a small sigh of acceptance as he kicked isobu away from him." What do you need me to do brat?" He asked.

"I need you to go back into the seal and link up with me." Naruto replied and without saying a word, kurama vanished along with narutos golden chakra cloak. The blond seemed to hover in mid air for a moment before he let gravity take him and he began to plummet back down towards the earth.

"Amaya!" He called out as the wind raced past him and the ground seemed to close in on him.

"Yeah naruto?" The sentient sword replied.

The blond closed his eyes." I need your assistance." He then entered his mindscape to start his plan.

• with hiruzen •

The third was panting heavily as he exchanged blows with hashirama inside the small forest that the first had grown on top of the chunnin stadiums roof.

He swung enma around and held it out in front of him in order to block hashiramas devastating punch, the ruined tiles under them seemed to crater slightly due to the force of the blow.

Hiruzen was struggling to hold his ground. He had long ago lost both his hat and robes, leaving him in an all black get up that had dark grey armor plating located on his forearms and shoulders. There were bruises located here and there on his unprotected face and if it wasnt for his shirt then hed no doubt be seeing the bruises he had littered all over his upper body as well.

"Youre slowing down hiruzen." Hashirama stated calmly." At this rate ill kill you. You need to find a way to stop me and my little brother." While his face showed no emotion, his voice was filled with concern. He didnt wanna kill hiruzen and he didnt wanna be forced to destroy the village he created but he knew that he couldnt fight against the jutsu that brought him back nor could he disobey the orders that kabuto guy implanted in both him and tobirama.

"I know lord first!" Hiruzen replied as he managed to push the dead man away." But theres only two ways i know of that will end this! And one of those ways is currently battling the three tails!" He then flashed through one handed seals and held his fingers up to his mouth.

"Fire style:  Phoenix flower jutsu!" Hiruzen called out as he spat out six basketball sized fireballs that flew towards the first hokage.

Hashirama managed to dodge four of the fireballs but the last two managed to hit his right leg and left arm. The two limbs were completely blown off his body and he crumpled to the ground unable to move for the time being, though his missing limbs were already regenerating.

"Whats the last option hiruzen?" He asked the panting man.

Hiruzen wiped the sweat from his brow before answering." The last option is to summon the shinigami and have him take yours, mine and tobirama-senseis souls into his stomach." He answered with a grim look on his face.

His limbs finally regenerated and hashirama stood up with a frown on his face." I see." He muttered as he dusted his armor off." Do what you must hiruzen, for the villages sake." He advised calmly.

Hiruzen gripped enma tighter with a hard look on his face." I understand lord first." He replied as he readied himself once more.

Hashirama quickly dashed forward with his fist cocked back." You'll need to immobilize me once more then!" He appeared in front of hiruzen and swung his fist forward.

Hiruzen, who was out of breath and nearly out of chakra, wasnt ready for the punch and was to tired to dodge.

Just as hashiramas fist was about to slam into him, a blond blur blindsided the dead kage and with a sold strike to the side of the mans head, his head exploded into dust and his body was flung off to the side. Hiruzen let out the breath he had been holding and looked to his savior.

Standing there with a hard look on her face was his beloved student and granddaughter to the first, tsunade senju.

"Tsunade!" He spoke out in surprise.

Tsunade didnt reply, she didnt even look at him. Instead her brown eyes were locked onto hashiramas body, which was now standing and his head was fully restored.

The first hokage looked at his granddaughter in utter shock." My little tsunade, is that really you?" He asked in a soft tone.

Tsunades eyes softened and suddenly filled with sadness." Its me hashi-jiji." She replied softly.

The dead kage smiled softly." You look just like your mother." He stated before a sad frown appeared on his face." Im sorry you have to see me like this." He stated sadly.

Tsunade quickly wiped any unshed tears from her eyes." I promise hashi-jiji, that ill punish the ones responsible for doing this to both you and tobi-jiji!" She stated rather loudly before she took a protective stance in front of hiruzen." But right now i have to keep you from killing sensei, the village needs him."

"Tsunade.." hiruzen muttered out as he fell to his knees. He felt something moving on his left arm and he quickly looked  to see a small white slug with a blue colored strip going from its head all the way to the tip of its tail slithering up his arm. He could feel his bruises and cuts healing and his chakra was slowly coming back to him.

"Dont worry sensei.." hiruzen looked back to his student who was still standing in front of him gazing at the first hokage." I have katsuyu healing the injured throughout the village as we speak. Now all i have to do is keep you alive." Tsunade told him before looking over her shoulder at him and glaring." That means no suicide jutsu!" She added sternly and for some reason, Hiruzen felt like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. 

• with the kazekage•

The fourth grunted as he used his gold dust to block yet another water dragon curtesy of the second hokage.

'This is getting annoying.' He thought to himself as he sent a tendril of dust towards tobirama. The second began to dodge the whip like attacks.' He keeps using his water to weigh down my dust. At this rate it'll be to heavy to use.' He frowned.

Tobirama dodged the golden whip once more before dashing forward in a sudden burst of speed, forcing Rasa to abandon the whip attack in favor of blocking and dodging the second hokages attacks.

Despite being mainly a mid to long range fighter, Rasa wasnt a slouch when it came to hand to hand combat. He was able to redirect a few of tobiramas blows before he buried his fist into the mans gut which caused the second to stumble back. Rasa followed up his punch with a hard kick to the man chest before he swung his right arm forward.

A large pile of his gold dust shot forward and slammed into the white haired mans chest. Tobirama was carried further back by the gold dust before it slammed him into the ground. He grunted as he tried to free himself but the gold dust seemed to only grow heavier as it spread out over his entire body. It appeared that the kazekage was trying to crush him and it was working in a way. His feet and legs were swallowed up by the gold dust and his hands, arms and chest followed soon after.

Rasa watched as his gold dust swallowed the second hokages body before it eventually swallowed the mans head. Now that tobiramas body was fully incased in his gold dust he began to slowly close his outstretched hand. The dust around tobiramas body began to constrict tighter and tighter.

Rasa grunted in effort. It was rather hard to crush someone when they wouldnt stop squirming around, but with one final grunt he managed to close his hand into a tight fist,  crushing the second hokages body.

He let his dust relax as he took a moment to catch his breath. He knew that tobiramas body was currently reforming under his dust so he needed to collect him self a bit in hopes of making it through this long battle.

"This sucks." He muttered out as he wiped the sweat from his brow." I dont know how much longer i can keep this up- AH!" Rasa cried out in pain as tobirama suddenly appeared directly behind him and slammed his chakra enhanced fist into his back.

The kazekage slammed into the ground hard enough to crater it. Blood seeped out of his mouth as his lower back began to throb in agonizing pain. He knew without a doubt that his back had just been broken in multiple places.

"H-how d-did you-?" Rasa choked out.

" i had hoped not to use the flying thunder god on anyone here today but you forced my hand." Tobirama stated with his eyes closed as he crouched next to the dying man.

"W-when did y-you m-mark me?" The dying kage asked in a pain filled tone. He had heard of the flying thunder god wielded by not only the fourth hokage but the second as well, but he had never seen it used before with his own eyes.

Tobirama stood up." I didnt need to mark you. I used my sensory skills to track your chakra and then i simply teleported behind you. Most of the time when i use the flying thunder god like that, even with my sensory skills, i usually miss my mark and appear either to close or to far away." He explained." Sadly it seems that this time i was right on the mark." He finished explaining and rasa was silent for a moment.

"Thats q-quite un-unfortunate for m-me.." rasa stated in a soft tone. Darkness began to enclose on his vision and he knew that he was going to die.

"Im sorry it had to be this way." The second stated with a voice full of remorse.

Rasa didnt reply, he couldnt. Instead, images began to flash through his mind. He saw his village, his dead wife, temari, kankuro and last but not least, he saw gaara.

'Gaara..' he thought to himself as his eyes began to close.' I hope one day you'll find it in your heart to forgive me..' his eyes closed and his body laid still.

Tobirama let out a soft sigh. He quickly shook his head as he turned around and began to walk away from the dead man. He regretted ever making this accursed jutsu now more than ever.

He made it no more than five steps before sand ripped up out of the ground/roof around him and before he could react he found himself sealed inside of a large sand pyramid. He used his sensory skills to see who had just attacked him and he was utterly shocked by how large the unknown persons chakra reserves were. He then tried to teleport out of the sand but he was awed to find out that he couldnt.

Meanwhile, standing next to rasa body was gaara. The red heads eyes were closed and his face was scrunched up as he continued to concentrate. He had both arms out with his palms facing the sand pyramid he had just used to bury the second hokage in.

"Concentrate gaara." A loud voice said in his mind." You need to hold him in our sand for as long as you can while i continue to drain his chakra. If you fail he will kill you."

Gaara grunted." I understand mother.." he stated in a rather strained yet emotionless tone.

"Dad!" A female voice cried out as temari landed on the roof, her battle fan strapped to her back. She was soon joined by both baki and kankuro.

"Oh no.." kankuro muttered out in shock.

"Kazekage-sama!" Baki called out as the three of them ran forward and crouched next to rasas body. Baki reached forward to touch the mans body but was quickly stopped by and unknown voice.

"Dont touch him or he'll die!"Baki looked over to Rasas right arm and saw a small white and blue slug." Im one of lady tsunades summons and im currently the only thing keeping the kazekage alive." The slug explained.

Baki nodded his head and moved back a bit." Tell me, how is he?" He asked, his one visible eye was filled with concern.

"Not good im afraid." The slug answered." His back is broken in a few different places and i fear that if you move him it'll only make his injuries worse. Sadly im unable to mend his broken bones while im in this form so we need to wait for train medical professionals to arrive." It explained." I arrived only a few seconds ago so i need to work now, please keep watch over us."

"Of course." Baki nodded before he looked towards temari and kankuro. Temari had tears streaming down her face as she stared down at her fathers body while kankuro just looked unsettled. He then looked to gaara who seemed to be struggling slightly."Gaara?" He called out.

"Hush!" Gaara grunted out." I need to concentrate or we'll all die here today!" He stated before he fell silent once more.

•with naruto•

The falling blonds eyes snapped open and his golden cloak exploded out of him and in the blink of an eye the golden avatar of kurama appeared around him, though now kurama too had the rinnegan.

"Let go!" The blond shouted out as he reached up behind him and gripped the handle of his sword. At the same time kurama reached back over his right shoulder as if he was grabbing something.

Suddenly black chakra burst forth from amaya and it seemed to mix in with kuramas golden body before a large katana made of pure black chakra formed in kuramas hand.

Isobu roared before charging forward. Kurama waited until the very last second before dodging the three tails charge. Kurama then let out an earth shaking roar as he and naruto brought their swords up over their shoulders and swung the blades in a downwards arch.
