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Meeting God..


Hinata let out a small tired sigh as the heart beat monitor continued to beep. While the beeping was beginning to annoy her, it was also the only thing telling her that her boyfriend was still alive.

Her pale eyes gazed softly onto narutos unconscious form. The usually bright and bubbly blond was now lying motionless on the hospital bed before her. He wore a standard hospital gown along with an oxygen mask that covered both his mouth and nose. His skin was pale and his left arm was covered by white bandages that had black seals written all over said cloth. She didnt know what the seals did, but every so often the black scribbles would pulse a deep redish orange color before fading back to black.

Her eyes then gazed up to his golden spiky hair and she frowned softly as she saw that the hair on the left side of his head, just above his ear, was snow white and that included his left sideburn.  Her eyes then glanced down at his left eye and she frowned at what she saw. The veins around his left eye were bulging out in a way that reminded her of an activated byakugan but she knew that naruto had no such eyes.

She reached over and wrapped her two hands around his right hand before she bowed her head until her forehead touched the back of his hand, tears glistened in her pale eyes as she began to silently pray for Naruto to get better.

She didnt know how naruto got so hurt as no one would tell her anything, not even narutos sensei would tell her how her beloved had ended up in a coma and all tsunade would say is that ' he'll get better, just be patient' and it was only making her worry more.

Hinata lifted her head up and used her left hand to wipe the tears from her eyes before she gazed out of the rooms window and into the night sky.

"Its been nearly two weeks now.." she muttered to herself before she looked back to her sleeping boyfriend." Come back soon naruto-kun.. i m-miss y-you.." she stated softly, her voice was thick with emotion.

• with kakashi •

The silver haired jonin was currently perched atop his senseis stone head. Lying next to him were two empty bottles of the strongest alcohol he could legally buy within konohas walls.

He swayed slightly and his only exposed eye was currently bloodshot. He let out a hiccup as he stared out into the clear night sky, lost in his own thoughts.

His whole life he had known pain. He had lost his mother when she gave birth to him and his father killed himself a few years later, leaving him by his lonesome. He had to take care of himself from then on. He had nobody and it had really effected him, even if he never admitted it.

He had become one of the youngest shinobi to ever grace konoha and he was considered a prodigy to boot. He was a by the book type of shinobi, to him the only thing that mattered was the mission and the village. With that mentality he had become one of the youngest jonin ever and his name would forever be written in konohas history.

And then he was placed on a genin team with an idiot uchiha, a fangirl and a jonin sensei named minato namikaze.

At first he had hated it. Yeah he respected minato due to the mans strength and he was a fantastic sensei. But his own ideals would often clash with obitos and hed always find himself arguing over the smallest of things with the uchiha while rin always tried her best to keep the peace between the two, and not long after that, even if he never told anyone, he began to think of his team as the family he never had the chance to really have.

His and obitos arguments gave him comfort. Rins small encouragements kept his mind sound and minato-senseis teaching gave him something to look forward to everyday... not to mention the days when kushina-sama would bring them all lunch after a long day of training.

For a time, despite the war going on around them, he was happy.

And then obito died on that fateful day. Not long after that, rin was kidnapped and had a tailed beast sealed inside of her and was about to be used to destroy konoha before he ran his lightning covered hand through her chest. Even if he didnt mean to kill her, he had lost count of the times he had brutally washed his hands raw in an effort to get her blood off of his hands.

After his teammates were killed the only people he had left were his sensei and his fiancé. Then minato-sensei became the fourth hokage and kushina-sama got pregnant.

Fast forward ten months later and boom. Even they died, leaving him all alone.

But he continued on, despite the pain in his heart he kept fighting because he owed it to his sensei and his wife. He promised them that he'd watch out for naruto. He promised that he would protect their son.. but now look at whats happened..


Kakashi looked over his right shoulder and saw gai standing there with a small frown on his face.

"Gai." Kakashi greeted with a small wave." Id get up t-to greet you but i might fall off the mountain if i did th-that!" Kakashi told him with a small chuckle.

Gai looked to the two empty bottles next to kakashi and sighed." What are you doing up here kakashi?" He asked, even if he already knew the answer to that.

"Oh you know... just l-looking out over the village.." kakashi answered with a small hiccup.

"You cant lie to me kakashi. Im your eternal rival." He stated matter of factly." So its my business to know almost everything about you and this-" he motioned towards the empty bottles." -is not like you at all." He put a hand on his hip before staring into kakashis eye." So whats wrong?" He asked.

Kakashi sighed before looking away from gai and back towards the sky." I promised id protect naruto.." kakashi replied softly." I told minato-sensei id watch out for his son-" gais eyes widened at that information."- oh wait!" Kakashi called out as he stood up, spun around and pointed at gai." Thats a secret, forget that inform-information!" He hiccuped again.

Gais let out a deep sigh as he rubbed his face. He had never seen kakashi of all people so hammered before.

"I promised to protect him, but look at how well ive kept that promise!" Kakashi stated as he stumbled forward until he was standing right in front of gai. He pointed at himself before continuing." Im not strong enough to- to keep naruto safe from the akatsuki gai!" He told the bowl haired man." I-im supposed to be some prodigy super ninja but i cant even take on a pair of S-ranked missing ninja by mysel- myself!" He burped out.

"Thats why you continue to train yourself to your limits kakashi!" He stated loudly as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"Traini- training?" Kakashi blinked drunkenly.

"Of course!" Gai boomed out." Keep training until you reach your very limits! And then train even more to break through those limits!" He poked kakashi in the chest and narrowed his eyes at the man as kakashi stumbled back a bit." Listen kakashi. I know youre beating yourself up over naruto, but sitting around on top of a mountain and drinking until you cant stand isnt doing anyone any favors." He stated seriously.

Kakashi swayed slightly as he stared at his 'eternal rival'." Then what do i do?" He asked softly.

"Get your act together and stop feeling sorry for yourself!" Gai stated." You wanna get stronger?" He asked the one eyed man.

Kakashi nodded his head rapidly but suddenly gai kicked him in the side of the head, sending him head first into the ground with a groan.

"Get up kakashi."

Kakashi looked up at gai and saw the man standing at the ready, his leg weights were already off and he was ready to fight.

Gai narrowed his eyes as he watched kakashi drunkenly pick himself off the ground." We will fight everyday, all day until young naruto wakes up! Do you understand?" He asked the silver haired man standing in front of him.

Kakashis eye widened slightly but somewhere in his hazy mind he knew that gai was helping him. So with a small nod he put himself at the ready.

"Gai.." kakashi called out." Thank you.." he added softly before the two jonin vanished in a blur.

• inside narutos mind•

  Kurama stood outside of the open gates of his seal staring down at the motionless body of his container as it floated in the murky water below him. His red eyes stayed glued to the boy, watching and waiting until the boy awoke.

He heard a rumbling sound to his left and his head snapped over towards the sound and he let out a dangerous growl as his slitted orbs stared at the new addition to the blonds mindscape.

There, a few yards away from him and naruto was a large iron gate wrapped in blood red chakra chains.

Kurama peered into the darkness beyond the the new prison cell and waited to see if their new guest was about to wake up and try to escape once more. But at last, the rumbling sound came to a stop before all was silent within the blond mind once more.

Kurama then looked back down to naruto and continued to watch over the human boy he called friend.

'What you did was stupid brat.' Kurama thought to himself as he continued to stare down at the blond.' But whats done is done and now all i can do is wait for you to wake up...'  

• with naruto•

He was floating there in nothing but darkness. How long had he been there? Did time move here and where exactly is here? It felt like he had been there, in the nothing, for forever..

His eyes snapped open as he heard someone humming a toon softly. He looked to his left and right but didnt see anyone there, yet the humming grew louder and more clear. He blinked once more as he found himself floating backwards.

The darkness around him soon shifted into pure white and he suddenly found his head lying back against something soft. He looked down at his chest as he felt arms wrap around him and he saw a pair of snow pale hands holding him tight.

"My son.." naruto blinked at the soft, almost mother like tone. He felt a warmness growing in his chest and he let himself relax into the woman's embrace.

"Who..who are you?" He asked in a soft yet curious tone as one of the hands reached up to his forehead. The hand pushed his head back, forcing him to look up and he gasped softly.

Staring back at him was a women with snow white skin, pale white eyes and two bone like horns sticking up out of her forehead. Her unnaturally long hair was just as white, if not whiter, than her skin and she had a thin line running down the middle of her forehead.

The women let out a small giggle." What are you talking about my son? Dont you remember?" She asked him as she ran a hand through his hair in a soothing manner and naruto found his eyelids growing heavy." Im your mommy, kaguya otsutsuki."

Narutos eyes snapped open as memories began to flood back into his brain.


Yeah i know you're all probably confused as hell but everything will make more sense in the upcoming chapters!