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Waking Up!

Yo! Im back with another chapter~ this i think is one of my longest chapters yet so i hope you all enjoy it~

P.s~ any of you die hard naruto lore fans better not read this chapter lol. I know for a fact that the lore in this chapter isnt correct at all but hey, its called a fanfiction for a reason right?

* smiles and chuckles awkwardly*


Narutos eyes widened as memories flooded into his brain and his instincts took over. In the blink of an eye he was out of the woman's grasp and standing a few feet away from her.

Kaguya stayed kneeling, not attempting to move as she watched narutos tense form with a bit of amusement hidden within her pale eyes. 

Naruto gave a quick look around him and frowned. He then looked down at himself and frowned even more as he saw that his clothing and equipment were no where to be found. Instead he was wearing a hospital gown along with his left arm being wrapped in sealed bandages.

He blinked as he looked at his left arm.' What the hell?..' he thought to himself.

"What are you doing little one?" Naruto looked back up as kaguya called out to him. Her beautiful face was set into a small pout." Its been so long since ive seen you hagoromo and you didnt even say hi to me." She pointed out with a sad look in her eyes.

Naruto blinked." Hag..oromo?" Naruto asked with furrowed brows." Im not.. wait.. what did you say your name was?" He asked her as he shifted from one foot to the other in a nervous manner.

"Kaguya otsutsuki." The women answered as she stood up, idly dusting her white robes with a few swats of her hands.

"No." Naruto replied as he stumbled back with a look of utter shock on his face." You.. you're supposed to be sealed away i-in the moon." He stated as he shook his head in denial.

Kaguya tilted her head, her eyes full of confusion." Hagoromo-"

" im not Hagoromo!" Naruto cut her off with a glare." Im naruto uzumaki and youre supposed to be sealed away- kurama!" Naruto called out as he spun around as if his giant furry friend would suddenly appear." Kurama this isnt funny! If this is a joke i swear ill kick your nine tailed ass!" He squawked out.

A palm landed on his right shoulder and naruto panicked. He used his right arm to smack away the offending limb before he spun around and buried his left fist into kaguyas stomach as hard as he possible could.

The rabbit goddess didnt even budge.

The blond paled and for the first time in a long while.. naruto felt utter fear.

'Im gonna die..' he thought as he watched in frozen fear as kaguya reached down and gently wrapped her left hand around his left wrist before slowly bringing the bandaged limb up to her face. Her right hand began to trail a small line up and down his held wrist.

"I see.." she mumbled out as she continued to caress his left hand. She then looked towards the blonds stomach before the veins around her eyes bulged. She could see the three massive chakra reserves flowing throughout the boys body." You have so much of my chakra inside of you... how are you still alive?" She asked in genuine curiosity.

"I... i dont know.." naruto answered honestly.

Kaguyas byakugan deactivated and she looked into his eyes. Naruto found no anger or hostility within her gaze so he continued to awkwardly meet her gaze.

"No human should possibly be able to hold so much chakra. Your body knows this and its already.. adapting?" The woman stated before she reached her right hand up and gently ran her fingers over the bulging veins that surrounded narutos left eye." You're developing.. my eye.." she stated calmly.

Naruto blinked. This was new information to him." Im sorry, wait a minute." He began as he shook his head before taking a step away from her. He was happy to know that she let go of him without any fuss." Im developing your eye?." He asked.

Kaguya nodded her head." Your left eye.. its mutating and your chakra coils are slowly healing and growing larger." She told him." Your body is adapting to so much of my chakra in order to stay alive."

Naruto reached up to the left side of his face and he gasped when he felt the bulging veins. He looked back up to her took a small calming breath.

"You need to start explaining a few things." Naruto told her in a cold tone as his eyes narrowed.

• with kurama•

Kurama sat on his hind legs with his red slitted eyes glued onto narutos form. He has been just watching over the blond for days now and yet naruto still hasnt shown any signs of awakening.

He heard rumbling from his left once more but he didnt even look towards the noise, he knew that the seal was holding up perfectly fine now and his little brother had no chances of escaping.

"Kurama.." isobu called out his brothers name from behind the chained iron gate." Youre seals open brother, free me and we can escape this human once and for all. We can be free once more." He reasoned, yet kurama didnt even look at him.

"No. Go back to sleep isobu." Kurama replied calmly as he continued to stare down at naruto.

"No kurama!" Isobu growled as he slammed his head into the gate that trapped him." I want my revenge! That damned uchiha had me under his control for kami knows how many years!" Isobus growling got louder." FREE ME DAMNIT!" He roared out.

In the blink of an eye kurama was standing between naruto and isobus prison, his nine tails spread out in a threatening yet protective manner. His red eyes flared dangerously before he let out a roar that shook even isobu to his core.

"BE SILENT YOU DAMN TURTLE!" Kurama ordered. "YOUVE BEEN UNDER THAT UCHIHAS CONTROL FOR FAR TOO LONG! We dont know if theres any side effects damn it!" Kurama stated before he took a deep breath to calm himself." We cant trust you isobu. Not yet anyways. So youll stay there until i say otherwise." The fox turned away from his brother and sat on his hind legs before his gaze fell back onto naruto.

Isobu stared at kuramas back in utter shock. Never before had kurama ever turned down freedom and now here he was, doing exactly that and for what? This puny blond human?

"What happened to you kurama?" Isobu asked." When have you ever cared about anything other then yourself?" Kurama didnt reply." Who wouldve though.. the powerful and feared nine tails is now nothing more then a collared pet to some human!"

Kurama growled at the remark but didnt budge from his spot. " you wanna know why i refuse to simply kill this human and gain my freedom isobu?" He asked.

Isobu snorted." Please kurama, enlighten me." The three tails answered.

Kuramas slitted red eyes softened as he stared down at naruto.

"Because... hes my best friend.."

• with naruto•

"Hagoromo told me that you went mad and started killing anyone that had chakra, why?"

Kaguya shifted slightly from where she sat across from naruto. She let out a small sigh as she answered the boys question.

"I suppose fusing with the god tree can make one loose their mind for a time, but i wasnt killing them." She told him truthfully.

Naruto furrowed his brows." Then what were you doing to them?" He asked with a but of hesitation.

"I was making an army."

"Why did you need an army?"

"Youre asking a lot of questions mr. ' im not Hagoromo'."

Naruto just stared at her and kaguya turned her head away." I was creating an army for when they came." She answered.

"They?" Naruto asked." Whos they?"

Kaguya gave him a serious look." Do you think im the only one of my kind naruto?" She asked him." Im not. There are so many more out there than just me." She told him.

"When i fist arrived in this dimension my plan was to just suck the chakra out of this world and leave you all for dead." Narutos brow twitched at that." Instead i came here and found a land in constant war and i found my husband as well." She told him." I fell in love and i wanted a family, but i knew that if the wars never ended then my family would be in constant danger from anyone and everyone... so i travels to the godd tree and ate one of its fruits. After that i used my power to end all wars. People worshipped me as a goddess and i ruled the people.. i had two sons and i was happy.." she gained a soft smile as she remembered back to the time before her sons sealed her away.

Naruto watched her curiously." Then what happened?" He asked softly.

Kaguyas smile turned into a frown." At first, nothing. Then i began sensing other otsutsuki moving into the dimensions around this one. They would show up and vanish before i could fully track them down, as if they were testing my defenses. I began to fear for both my family and my world.." she explained with a sad look on her face.

Narutos brows furrowed once more." Are they really that bad?" He asked and kaguya gave him a confused look." The other otsutsuki. Are they really that bad?" He clarified.

Kaguya let out a small sigh before nodding her head." Those of the Otsutsuki clan are extremely power hungry beings. If they sense even a sliver of chakra then they'll destroy anyone or anything between them and that chakra." She brought her knees up to her chest and rested her chin on her knees." I knew that i alone wouldnt be able to stop them, i needed an army." She told him.

"Then Hagoromo began teaching others how to use their own chakra and that was very very bad." She stated with a frown on her face." Hagoromo unknowingly turned this dimension into a giant chakra beacon and in an attempt to protect both my family and the people i ruled.. i sealed the god tree into myself and in doing so i went mad.. all i could think about was building an army strong enough to defeat the other otsutsuki and then the next thing i remember is my son ripping my chakra, soul and body apart before sealing my soul away in here." She motioned to their endless white surroundings." My body was sealed away in the moon but i sensed it vanish a long time ago. It seems my youngest is still trying to bring me back."

"Youngest?" Naruto asked with narrowed eyes.

Kaguya smirked at him before wagging her finger at him." Ah ah, if i told you everything then youd no doubt try to stop him." She grinned when she saw naruto huff.

Naruto just shook his head before looking back at her with a serious look on his face." You know im gonna do everything within my power to stop you from coming back, right?" He asked calmly.

Kaguya pursed her lips before nodding." I know." She answered." But i think we both know that no matter what you do, i will be resurrected." Naruto frowned a bit.

"Even if thats true.. i still have to try." He told her." I have people that i care about, people that i swore to protect. Wether it be from you or the rest of your clansmen... i wont lose cause if i did then that would mean the end for them.. and i wont them them die.." he stated calmly yet passionately.

Kaguya smiled softly at him as she saw the form of her son Hagoromo behind the blond." You remind me of Hagoromo.." she admitted softly." He was always passionate about protecting the people he loved.. i know that it hurt his heart a lot to not only fight his mother but to seal her away as well.." she let out a sad sigh.

Kaguya shook her head a bit before gazing back at naruto." Anyways, ive told you how i ended up here, dont you think you should do the same?" She asked with a raised eye brow.

Naruto looked at her with a suspicious gaze for a moment before he closed his eyes and sighed.

"Well i suppose so." He answered with a shrug." From what i remember, this is what happened...."

• flashback•

Kurama brought his new sword down upon isobus neck with a fierce roar. The three tails head went flying away from its body as the chakra sword impacted the ground, said ground exploded under the force of the swing.

Isobus head and body both quickly evaporated into green chakra before it was sucked back up into its host.

Naruto, from within kuramas golden body, watched as the three tails host fell limply from the sky. Kurama quickly vanished and naruto began to fall down towards the earth and it wouldve been a rough landing, but with a bit of gravity manipulation naruto landed safely on the ground only a few feet away from the three tails host who was lying almost lifelessly on his back.

Naruto panted as he took a knee. He had never used so much chakra for such a long period of time before and he could tell that his chakra reserves were pretty low.

"H-holy shit!" The blond panted out.

Kurama chuckled tiredly from within the boys mind." That was awesome brat!" He stated loudly." Who wouldve thought i could use that useless sword of yours for anything other then a toothpick?!?" He added with a chuckle.

"What was that half-breed?"

Kurama stopped chuckling when Amayas voice rung out from within the boys mind.

"U-uh, hey there.. you.. u-uh.." kurama began chuckling nervously." I thought youd be sleeping after using so much ch-"

"Shut up kurama." The sword cut him off coldly and kurama gulped but did as she ordered.

Naruto palmed his face with a sigh as he listened to their bickering before he heard a cough and his head snapped up.

He watched as the cloaked jinchuriky climbed to his knees. The unknown person was panting and coughing up blood.

Naruto forced himself to stand before he slowly made his way over to the downed person who looked up at him, causing said persons hood to fall from his head, finally allowing naruto to see who in the hell he had just fought.

Kneeling before him, looking half dead was-

"Yagura Karatachi.." naruto gasped out as his ringed eyes widened in shock.

"Who?" Amaya asked with a voice full of confusion.

"He's the fourth mizukage.." naruto muttered back, still in utter shock of this new development." Wha.. how, why?!?" Naruto didnt know where to start.

Yagura looked up at the blond with wide, almost scared eyes." Oh kami.. oh kami, oh kami, oh kami..." he muttered out over and over before he grabbed the sides of his head. He kneeled over once more and began to cough up even more blood.

Naruto took a small step back as the mans blood splattered against the ground.

"I remember.." Yagura muttered out as tears began to well up in his eyes." The things he made me do to my people, the th-things i did!" His breathing picked up as he began to panic.

Naruto had never seen someone so.. broken before..

Naruto reached his hand out." Hey listen-"

"Dont come near me!" Yagura shouted out as he stumbled back onto his ass. He pushed himself away from the blond with a crazed look in his now glowing pink eyes.

Isobus chakra began to flare up once more and naruto did the one thing the village expected him to do when his village was under extreme threat..

Blood splattered across narutos face as he removed Yaguras head from his body. Naruto held the blood covered amaya as he watched Yaguras lifeless body fall limply to the ground with a sad look in his eyes. The fourth mizukages head rolled a few feet away before it too came to a stop.

"Brat.." kuramas voice shook naruto out of his thoughts." We need to seal isobu away before he vanishes.." he reminded the blond.

"Right.. sorry.." naruto muttered out as he wiped the blood from his blade before he sheathed it.

He pulled out a regular kunai and set the black blade next to Yaguras body before he took a few steps back. Already isobus chakra was beginning to bubble out from the dead kages body, slowly beginning to dissipate.

Naruto began to flash through hand signs but before he could finish he was sent sailing thanks to the foot that had just smashed into the side of his head.

Naruto hit the ground and rolled before he maneuvered himself back up onto his feet, slowly coming to a stop. His ringed eyes instantly locked onto the person who had just kicked him in the head and his eyes narrowed.

"You.." The blond growled out.

"Me." Tobi replied as he stood where naruto was previously standing. His sharingan was activated and he too was glaring at naruto.

"Ill give you one chance to get the hell out of my way." Naruto stated as he clenched his fist.

Tobi let out a dark chuckle." Or what?" He asked mockingly." You only have enough chakra to do one of two things. Either fight me and lose the three tails or somehow get past me and seal the three tails into that kunai." Tobi grinned under his orange mask as he watched the blond before him continuously clench and unclench his fists." Choose quickly boy." He ordered.

"Brat.. we can wait for isobu to reform.." kurama told the blond.

'We both know we cant take the chance of akatsuki getting to isobu first..' naruto replied as he glared at tobi, his ringed eyes shifted toward Yaguras headless body and the green chakra slowly escaping out of said body.

"Even if you did get to isobu, you dont have enough time to complete the handsigns before this madara wannabe attacks you." Kurama pointed out calmly.

"I know that too kurama.." he muttered out before he reached up and ripped the bandages off his left arm, allowing the pale limb to be seen.

"What are you doing?" Kurama asked.

"Something stupid." Naruto replied before he bit his right thumb hard enough to draw blood.

Tobi watched as naruto began to draw some sort of seal on his left arm using his own blood." So you've chosen then?" He asked with a chuckle.

Naruto quickly finished the seal before he glared back at tobi." Yup." He answered before his right arm reached into his kunai pouch.' Mom, dad.. if youre watching over me right now.. then please help me make this work..' he silently prayed before his right hand wrapped around a single wooden handle.

"Well i wont let you get past me!" Tobi shouted out before he sent chakra to his legs and dashed forward. He appeared right in front of naruto with his fist drawn back.. but naruto was faster.

In the blink of an eye naruto drew out his fathers kunai before chucking it right at tobis head.

Tobis eye winded as the world around him slowed down enough for him to see the three pronged kunai sail right past him head before naruto vanished in a yellow flash.

"No.." tobi muttered as he skidded to a stop. He spun around and his single sharingan eye locked onto naruto who was kneeling right next to Yaguras body with his left hand  resting on the dead kages chest." NO!" Tobi roared out.

"Preta path!" Naruto called out as he began to absorb isobus chakra. The seal on narutos left arm began to glow a bright green as the blond began to store isobus chakra within the seal.

Pain shot through the uzumakis entire body as the three tails chakra passed through his coils. He cried out in pain but he didnt stop. He couldnt stop. The elemental nations couldnt afford for him to stop. The akatsuki couldnt be allowed to capture even one tailed beast. He wouldnt let them win, he swore to protect his loved ones no matter the cost and if the akatsuki managed to even get one tailed beast then they'd put the people he cared about in danger. He wouldnt allow that.

Tobit appeared behind the screaming boy with a kunai in hand, ready to just end the boys life, even if that meant waiting for the nine tails to reform. He didnt care. He was just so tired of this pesky blond getting in the way!

Tobi brought his kunai down but before he could stab naruto through the heart, a huge wing made out of paper slammed into him, sending him flying away from the boy.

Tobi spun in mid air before landing on his feet. He growled as he looked up and locked onto konans form.

The blue haired girl stood protectively in front of naruto who was now lying face down in the dirt. The only signs of him being alive were the small breaths he was taking and his barely opened eyes.

"Konan.." tobi spoke as he stood motionless.

Konan wore a plain black cloak that covered everything from her neck down to her ankles. She wore black shinobi sandals and had a pair of giant paper angel wings sticking out of her back. She stood there facing him with an emotionless look on her face.

At that moment kakashi and his two genin appeared next to konan, all of them brandishing kunai and shuriken, just waiting for him to make the first move.

"You will not touch naruto." Konan stated calmly as her wings seems to flex slightly." And you will not get ahold of the nine tails." She added.

Tobis sharingan narrowed dangerously at the girl. So she was a traitor huh?" Pein will not be pleased with you." He called out, hoping to get her to at least flinch, yet she remained calm.

"Then tell 'god' i said to face me himself.." she replied unwavering.

Tobi glanced from her to kakashi who had his sharingan out and ready and he snorted before he vanished in a vortex. He knew that even with his sharingan he couldnt fight both konan and kakashi at the same time so he was forced to retreat.

Konans paper wings seemed to vanish into the back of her cloak as if they were never there while kakashi, sakura and sasuke ran to narutos side.

"Naruto." Kakashi called out as he kneeled next to the blond. He reached down and gently lifted the boys head, forcing him to look at his masked face.

"Ka..ka.." naruto mumbled out.

"Shh, save your strength!" Kakashi ordered.

"Sensei." Sakura called out in a worried tone." Is he gonna be okay?" She asked.

Kakashi didnt answer, instead he looked at the green glowing seal on narutos arm and he frowned.

"Su..suppress.. seal.." naruto mumbled out as two thin red chakra chains grew out of his left shoulder before they snaked their way down and around the blonds left arm. The two chains then seemingly melded into the blonds skin, causing them to look almost like tattoos.

Kakashis eyes widened as the green glowing seal seemed to pulse before he looked back to narutos face," i understand naruto." The blond weakly nodded." Just rest for now." He ordered softly.

Narutos eyelids closed before his entire body went limp. Kakashi picked the blond up bridal style before he and his genin vanished from the clearing.

Konan watched them go before she looked over to Yaguras decapitated body and she frowned, a sad look coming over her face as she pulled out a storage scroll.

"Forgive me Yagura.. for not helping you when i should have.."

• flashback end.•

"And thats all that I remember before i woke up here with you." Naruto finished retelling his side of the story to kaguya who was looking at him in interest.

"I see." She began." So you used those chakra chains of yours to suppress both 'Isobu' and the seal you trapped him in?" She asked.

Naruto nodded his head." Yeah, ive never used my chains like that before and it was sort of a 'in the moment' type of thing but it needed to be done." He told her." At the time my chakra was drained and i knew that my body wouldnt be able to keep him trapped, even with the seal. So i integrated my chains into the seal i made in order to syphon isobus chakra into my system." He explained.

"Smart." Kaguya stated with a small nod." By the way, the veins around your eye are gone now." She pointed out and naruto reached up to rub the side of his face.

He smiled a bit as he felt the smooth skin around his eye." Hmm, so they are." He let his hand fall back into his lap before he looked back to kaguya." What does my eye look like?" He asked curiously.

Kaguya smiled at him." Hmm, well its not exactly like my eye, but it looks like it'll eventually evolve into it." She let out a small chuckle." You have a baby Rinne-Sharingan."

Naruto blinked." A what now?" He asked in both shock and confusion.

Kaguya gave him a smile." Youll find out eventually i suppose." She stated.

Naruto felt a chill run through his body and he looked down at his hands, only to frown when he saw his hand become transparent.

"What the..?" He stood up and continued to watch as his body began to fade away.

"It seems its time for you to leave here.." kaguya spoke softly as she to stood up.

Naruto looked up at her with a small frown on his face." What happens now?" He asked her in a soft tone.

Kaguya interlaced her fingers before she smiled at him." We wait." She answered." We will see each other again naruto, we both know this to be true."

"I.. i know." He answered with a nod as he continued to fade away.

" when we meet again it will be as enemies." She added and naruto nodded." Promise to fight me with all your strength?"

" i promise." He swore, he then gave her a small grin." You wont win kaguya." He added.

Kaguya watched silently as naruto faded away until there was nothing left of him. After he was gone she let out a sad sigh.

"If i do lose to you naruto.. youll need to be even stronger than me to face the others.."

• narutos hospital room•

The hyuga heiress was sitting in a chair right next to narutos hospital bed. She was currently slumped forward with her head resting against narutos side, her eyes were closed and she was fast asleep.

Naruto on the other hand began to stir, his eyes slowly slid open and he was greeted by the dark hospital room he was currently staying in. He turned his head to face the rooms windows and saw that it was currently night time.

"NARUTO!" Kuramas voice boomed from within his mind and the blond flinched.

'Shut the hell up kurama! I got a splitting headache!' Naruto mentally roared back before he let out a groan.

"We need to talk.." kurama spoke once more, this time in a much quieter tone.

'I know and we will, just please, not right now..' he replied softly as he felt a weight resting against his right side.

"Fine.." kurama replied before going silent.

He picked his head up from his pillow and looked down at his chest, only to smile softly as he saw the sleeping form of hinata. Her head was lying on the right side of his stomach and she was currently drooling on his gown a bit but he didnt really mind.

He lifted his right hand out of under her before he began to gently caress the side of her head, slowly running his fingers through her dark hair. He let out a small chuckle when hinata tried to push her head further into his hand.

• hinata•

Hinata slowly came too as she felt fingers run through her hair. The action soothed her and after trying to push her head further into the hand she let out a small sigh.

"Naruto-kun.." she mumbled out.


"Naruto-kun.." she replied sleepily.

"Youre gonna kill your back if you sleep like that." Naruto stated as he gently pulled her onto the bed with him.

Hinata didnt fight it, she didnt even open her eyes, instead she gladly laid on top of him and rested her head on his chest, getting a small chuckle from the blond.

"Why arent you at home?" He asked her softly as he gently rubbed her back.

"I'm waiting fo-for you to come back." She replied softly." Youve been sleeping for so long." She added in a sad tone as she finally opened her eyes. She sat up and rubbed the sleep out of her pale eyes before she looked down at him.

She furrowed her brow for a moment as she stared at his smiling face." Weird.." she stated.

"Whats weird?" He asked curiously.

"Your left eye.. its red and it has three black marks around the first ring of your eye.." she smacked her lips a bit." Kinda like the sharingan.. weird.."

Naruto stayed silent for a moment as he took that information in. So his eye really did change huh? Did that mean he really met kaguya? And if so then he had to say.. she wasnt as evil as he expected her to be..

The blond shook the thought away before he focused back in on hinatas beautiful face. He grinned up at her." Whats going on right now hime?" He asked her as he looked into her half open eyes.

"Im dreaming that you're awake naruto-kun.." she answered honestly.

"Oh.. so this is a dream huh?" He asked her, his grin slowly getting bigger and bigger.

"Oh course.." she answered with a nod.

Naruto reached down behind her before, with a grin, he pinched her right on the butt cheek.

Hinatas eyes flew wide open and she yelped in pain, her body jolted to the side and she fell off both naruto and the bed. Thankfully her shinobi instincts kicked in and she managed to land on her hands before she summersaulted up to her feet.

Naruto was laughing his head of. He was holding his stomach as tears fell from his eyes.

"Haha!" He laugh before he tried to calm down." Oh inari-sama above hime-chan! You jumped so far! Hahaha!" He laughed again.

Hinata just stared at him with wide eyes.

Naruto slowly calmed down before he looked at the still, wide eyed girl with a small smile on his face. He frowned when he began to see tears welling up in her eyes.

"Hinata-chan." He spoke softly as he made his way out of bed. He took a moment to balance himself before he took a small step towards her. He brought his hands up and cupped her cheeks before he leaned his head forward, resting his forehead against hers.

"Its okay." He told her in a soft tone.

"N-naruto-kun.. i-its you?" She asked quietly as tears began to roll down her cheeks. She brought har shaky hands up until she was gripping the front of his gown." I-its really you.. y-youre awake?" She sobbed softly.

"Yeah." He replied with a gentle smile. He leaned forward and began to gently kiss her cheeks." Its okay my love, im back now." He told her and before he knew it, hinata was hugging him and crying into his neck. Her arms were wrapped tightly around him as he held her close. He had one hand running through her hair and another rubbing her back in a soothing manner as he whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

"Im back now hime-chan." He told her." Im right here." He promised as he hugged her just a tad bit tighter.

His mismatched eyes gazed out of the rooms windows and he found his gaze settled onto the large full moon that was currently hanging in the sky.

'Ill defeat you kaguya.. and any other otsutsuki that comes after you.... ill protect my loved ones, even if it costs me my life.. this i swear..' he thought to himself as his mismatched eyes narrowed slightly before he went back to comforting hinata.


Author Note:

So as some of you might remember, awhile ago i talked about giving narutos rinnegan an upgrade and i couldnt really decide what to do with it until now.

Im gonna give him kaguyas Rinne-sharingan for multiple reasons.

1. Kurama gave him the rinnegan in the first place and not only is kurama a huge part of kaguyas chakra but narutos also the reincarnation of ashra, kaguyas grandson, so the chakra DNAs there in my book lol but i also thought itd be cool for narutos eyes to finally evolve like hagoromo thought they would earlier in the story.

2. I did some googling on kaguyas rinne-sharingan and i couldnt really find a lot on it. All i found were three abilities listed and they were - able to cast infinite Tsukuyomi, travel to other dimensions, and apparently it had the ocular abilities of the sharingan.

My final reason kinda ties in with my last statement. Theres not much on kaguyas eye and given the fact that it has the sharingans abilities i thought that, later in the story i might be able to bring in some MS or even EMS abilities. But right now narutos rinne-sharingan isnt fully activated, hence why he only has three marks in his eye instead of all nine.

Anyways, ill get out of your hair now and remember to leave some comments for me to read yeah? I love myself some good comments~

See ya later guys/girls ~ WhiteEyedGhoul