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Birth Of The Godaime Part One

"I can't believe this is actually happening.."

"Right? Who would've thought that he would actually become the hokage so fast?"

This was the conversation between one sakura haruno and one Ino yamanaka as they stood amongst the largest crowd of both civilians and shinobi that they had ever seen. It was as if the entire village was smothered together surrounding the base of the hokages tower. Though they weren't really surprised to see so many people here since today was the day that the new fifth hokage was appointed.

"Still, it's really a shame that Lord third is stepping down. He's the only hokage we've ever really had. Its gonna be weird not answering to him now." Sakura told her friend with a small frown.

Ino nodded in agreement with the pinkette."Agreed, but I'm sure we'll get used to this soon enough." She stated with a sure nod.

*somewhere else in the crowed*

"Man this sucks!" kiba moaned out in sadness as his shoulders sagged, akamaru let out a sad whimper from his place atop kibas head."First he graduated early, then he flies all the way to jonin and now he's gonna be hokage?!?" kiba huffed."the systems rigged I swear." He finished his small rant with a frown on his face.

"You act as if you are jealous of naruto, kiba." Shino stated rather plainly as he pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "I find it quite amusing." He added.

Kiba stared blankly at the bug boy."That's kind of fucked up shino.." he pointed out and the bug boy just shrugged his shoulders.

-hokages office-

Naruto stood in front of a large full body mirror checking himself out. He wore a plain dark blue short sleeved shirt under his dark green jonin vest, a pair of slightly baggy black pants, his usual face mask and his brand new kage haori.

His haori came down to just above his shins and was white with the word godaime printed down his spine in a dark red. The dark red flame print on his new haori started at the bottom hem and rose all the way up to just under his waist and a few inches under the word godaime.

Naruto had asked for his haori to be styled in a similar manner to his father's. It had the same high collar as his father's once did and the same flames at the bottom. The upper body part of his haori was made to be more form fitting while from the waist down it would be looser. Not only would it be easier to move around in but naruto knew that if the wind hit it just right, it'd make him look totally badass.. What? He was still thirteen okay! He wanted to look as cool at possible..

Another difference from his father's hirori was his cloaks sleeves. His father's came to a stop just above his elbows while his sleeves went down to the middle of his forearms. His were a little tighter too as he didn't see the point in having loose sleeves since they'd do nothing but annoy him.

And finally he had on a pair of black shinobi sandals along with a single black fingerless glove on his right hand and white bandages that went from his fingertips to just under his elbow on his left arm and hand.

Naruto had to admit that he looked pretty cool. Now the only thing missing was his kage hat.

"Well how does it fit?" Hiruzen asked from where he stood behind the blond boy.

Naruto spun around to look at the old man and the other occupants of the room. Standing before him was Hiruzen, Jiraya, Tsunade, Kakashi and Hitome. All of them were looking at him with proud and happy smiles draped across their faces. He couldn't blame them though since he too had a smile on his face.

" It fits perfectly old man!" he replied happily." That old lady that made this really knew what she was doing." He added with an appreciative nod.

"Her names Chii naruto." Tsunade reminded the boy."And she's the best damn seamstress in Fire Country." She added.

"We can agree on that granny." Naruto replied and the only reason Tsunade didn't deck him in the head for the 'granny' comment was because it was Naruto special day… she'd deck him across the village later for it though..

"Well are you ready brat?" Jiraya asked the boy and Naruto nodded and began to speak but was cut off when the office door was suddenly opened by a samurai dressed in red armor.

Not a second later Ikemo, the fire Lord himself, walked into the room looking rather dressed up himself.

His long black hair seemed to have a certain shine to it as it was pulled back and styled into that of a high bun with two thin wooden sticks running through it in an x formation to keep said bun in place.

He wore a pure white kimono with a redish-pink scattered flower design printed into it that started from the bottom of the kimono and ended at the man's waist.

Last but not least, the man had his usual pure red fan held in his left hand and he was currently swaying said hand gently in order to create a small breeze against the side of his face.

The man looked on with a small cheerful smile as everyone in the room gave him a small respectful bow. Though his eyes stayed on Naruto as they all straightened up once more.

"My, don't you look just utterly dashing young man." He complimented with a small chuckle.

Naruto have him an eye smile."Thank your for the compliment my Lord. You're looking rather good yourself, that kimono suites you perfectly." He replied with a compliment of his own.

Ikemo just chuckled happily."Thank you naruto-kun!" he then continued." So are you prepared for you speech?" he asked the teen.

Naruto nodded his head." As ready as I'll ever be." He told the man as he nervously scratched the back of his head.

"Odd, your father said the exact same thing." Ikemo said with a smile."Now if you'll follow me please." Ikemo instructed before he spun around and walked towards the door.

Naruto took a second to look at everyone else in the room. Seeing them all wave him on, he gave them a nod before he and Hiruzen quickly followed ikemo out of the kages office.

The group walked down a few hallways before exiting out of a sliding glass door that brought them to the towers balcony where all three of them stared out over the massive crowed of people that had gathered down below them.

The moment the three of them came into view, the crowed of people began to clap and cheer loudly. Ikemo seemed to grin wider as he took in their cheerful praise for a few moments.

The fire Lord then snapped his fan closed and held it up into the air. Almost immediately the crowed fell into a hushed silence as they awaited their country leaders words.

"My dear people, I'm so happy that all of you came to witness such a monumental event!" Ikemo stated loudly, his voice some how plenty loud enough to carry over to the very ends of the crowed below. "Today marks the beginning of a new era for this beloved village! For this beloved family of people, ninja and civilian alike, that make up this wonderful village!" the crowed cheered happily at the man's words.

"These past years have been dark for Konoha! Riddled with one tragedy after another!" the crowed became silent, and the atmosphere seemed to sadden."But none of you gave up! None of you fell to the clutches of depression! Instead you allowed your wills of fire to burn ever bright! You rebuilt your village, you helped your neighbors and together you mourned those you lost and you mourned your beloved fourth hokage, together!" he told them. "I, as a leader, couldn't be more proud of his people then I am right now!" the crowed cheered once more.

"Today we say goodbye to our beloved third hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi." ikemo, along with the rest of the crowed below, looked toward the elder man." This man, this God of shinobi, has looked over his home as best he could for so long! Doing his best to keep you all safe and yes, he may have been unable to protect the uchiha clan-" Hiruzen bowed his head sadly at the man's words."- but one mess up shouldn't tarnish his other victories!" Ikemo told them all." He led his forces through two ninja wars! After the fourths passing he took the reigns once more and helped you all build this village back up to it's former glory without hesitation! And just recently he and his shinobi managed to repel an invasion on this very village with nearly no civilian nor ninja casualties!" the fire Lord looked at Hiruzen with nothing but pried in his eyes."I am proud and I am honoured to have had this man rule over our hidden village." He some truthfully and the crowed below cheered for the third loudly. Hiruzen himself closed his eyes and gave both the fire Lord and the people below a respectful bow.

"Now, the young man next to me would like to say a few words." Ikemo told them all as he motioned to naruto." please, hear him." And the crowed fell silent.

Naruto stepped up to the ledge of the balcony and took a moment to stare out over the crowed before he began to speak.

"It means a lot to me that you all could make it, so thank you." Naruto told them as he brought out a folded up note."I wrote a speech and everything but instead of reading it, I think I'll just speak from the heart." He told them all with an eye smile.