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Birth Of The Godaime part Two

" my names Naruto uzumaki and I'm thirteen." He started." You all know me as the jinchuriky of the nine tails though…" an awkward silence fell over everyone." " when I was younger, I was picked on and made fun of by nearly everyone here today. I had no family and I had no friends. My family was taken by the nine tails, just like many of yours were. I grew up on the streets hated and feared.. I was alone and for a time I hated all of you.." the crowed gasped softly

."But I have to thank each and every one of you." Everyone seemed to look up in surprise." If it wasn't for the way you all treated me then I wouldn't have met my very first friend.. I wouldn't have met my beautiful girlfriend hinata nor her amazing family, the hyugas." He told them." If it wasn't for you guys I wouldn't have wanted to go to the ninja academy, I wouldn't have wanted to become a ninja, to show you all that I wasn't the nine tails in human form, that I wasn't a demon.. but thanks to you that all happened, and somewhere along my journey as an orphan, a student and even as a sensei, the hate I had for you all vanished and in it's place a fierce desire to protect was born." He gave them all an eye smile." I see moms, dads, sons and daughters before me and I vowed to myself a long time ago that none of you would ever have to feel the pain that I felt growing up." Naruto could have sworn he heard a few people down below sniffling but he ignored it.

"When I stand here and look at all of you, I can see your wills of fire and they are So bright, from the youngest of babies to the eldest of men, your wills burn brighter then the sun." he told them softly."And I want nothing more then to be the one of many shinobi here today protecting that flame."

"So I stand here before you all, not as the soon to be fifth hokage, not as the kyubis jinchuriky but as a fellow shinobi and resident of Konoha." He then began to speak louder." And I ask you all here today to allow me to wear these robes and to allow me to put on that kage hat so that I may protect your flames, so that I can do everything within my power to bring peace and prosperity to our people! To our family!" he held his arms out as if presenting something and not a second later the entire village began to cheer loudly. They called his name out as if he was some sort of God and Naruto could only smile under his mask as his people, his family, cheered for him.

The boy looked to his left at Ikemo and then to his right towards the third and he grinned a little wider as he saw the two men smiling down on him in pride. He took a few steps back from the balcony's ledge as the village continued to cheer for him.

Ikemo stepped forward once more and raised his closed fan again, and like last time the crowed below fell silent." Seeing you all cheer for this young man makes me happy. It makes me believe that I chose the right person to become the fifth hokage even more than I already had." The fire lord told them.

Hiruzen took the hokages hat from his head before he held it out to naruto with a small smile on his face. The blond looked at the hat before looking up at the man and with a slightly wider smile, Hiruzen nudged the hat to him once more. Naruto gently took the hat from the man's hands and stared down at it.

"So without further ado!" Ikemo turned to naruto before snapping his red fan open and holding it out in the boys direction." Allow me to introduce to you all the godaime hokage! Naruto Uzumaki! THE GOLDEN FOX OF THE LEAF VILLAGE!" he shouted the last few words and the village exploded into almost deafening cheers.

Naruto silently walked forward until he stood at the edge once more before, with an eye smile, he lifted his kage hat up and placed it upon his head. This move seemed to only add fuel to the metaphorical fire as the crowed below seemed to only cheer even louder.

"It seems congratulations are in order brat." Came kuramas deep voice."Now you lead the rest of these rather ugly hairless apes, congrats." He added with an amused chuckle.

'Kurama..' Naruto mentally replied as he began to wave to the crowed below.' I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you.' He told the beast.' So thank you.'

Kurama huffed." Don't get all sappy on me now brat. Plus, you did most of the work while I just sat back and enjoyed the ride." The fox told his host as he let out a small chuckle.

Naruto didn't respond, instead the boy continued to just wave out at the cheering crowed. He decided to make this moment last for as long as he could because he knew that the next few years would be hard for both him and the rest of the elemental nations as a whole…

Hey guys WhiteEyedGhoul here. Wanted to say sorry for suddenly going M.I.A on you all for so long. I took a little vacation from writing for awhile but I'm back now so that means more chapters for you all.

Just a heads up that this book is almost over so that means I'll be able to start on the second installment of Fox's Gift here shortly and I need your help now.

You see, I haven't come up with a name for the second Fox's Gift book yet so it'd be a big help if you guys would comment down any titles you guys can come up with. After the last chapter of this book I'll go through all the names you guys suggest and I'll pick out my favorite and I'll give a shout out to the person who's title I pick in the very first chapter of the next book.

But anyways, I'll get out of your hair now. See you all later!