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Sound makes a move

Mikoto was  asleep soundly in her large bed, the blankets and sheets pulled up to her chest while the light of the moon danced through her bedroom window and bathed her face in its silver light.

Suddenly her nose scrunched up, her brows furrowed and a bead of sweat  ran down the side of her head.


'Itachi, why!?!'

She whimpered and rolled over onto her side, pulling her blanket closer to her as she continued to dream.

*mikotos dream*

She was kneeling on the ground with tears in her eyes as her husband laid face down on the floor next to her with a large bloody gash across his back.

It was obvious too her that he was dead.

The world around her was on fire. Her home burnt, the world burnt, everything was burning.

"Why itachi?" She cried out as hot ash rained down upon her and dark smoke filled her lungs." Why?" She muttered out.

She couldn't see itachi standing behind her with his sword drawn but she could feel him. She could practically feel his anger, his rage, his sorrow. She didn't dare face him, she couldn't dare to see the monster that would be standing in her beloved sons place.

"It has to happen.." she heard his voice. It sounded so broken.

A choked sob escaped her.

"It needs to be this way." She heard him bring his blade up and she screwed her eyes shut." Forgive me mother.." and her struck.

*real world*

Mikoto gasped awake. Her body shot upwards and brought her into a sitting position. She brought her right hand up and placed it over her speeding heart as she tried to calm herself down.

"Just a dream." She muttered softly to herself as she wiped the sweat from her brow." It was just a nightmare." She muttered softly.

Her breath caught in her throat as she heard the squeak of a floorboard outside of her room. Her dark eyes slowly glanced at her closed bedroom door. At first she thought it was sasuke but quickly dismissed that thought.

Whoever it was, was heavier then her son and- there it was again! The slight squeak of another floor board. But this time she could hear the footstep that accompanied it- no- footsteps. There was more then one!

Fear gripped her heart as her black eyes widened.

'Sasuke!' She mentally screamed before she vanished from her room.

* outside*

Mikoto appeared in her back yard with the back of sasukes blue night shirt gripped tightly in her right fist. Sasuke, who was now wide awake and startled stared up at his mother in unrestrained shock.

"M-mom! He choked out. He had been violently awoken by his mother appearing in his room, ripping him out of bed and practically teleporting them to the back yard.

Mikoto ignored him as she glared at her home with bright red eyes, the three tomoes in each eye spun slowly. She held up her left hand and formed a single hand sign.

Her home exploded.

Sasuke jerked back a little as his hands shot up to protect his ears from the loud explosion. He gasped as the shockwave hit him and he stared at his now destroyed home.

The boy finally stood up and looked at the remains of his burning house before he looked up to his mom. She had a serious, down right deadly, look on her face as she continued to stared at their burning him. Her sharingan spun slowly.

"Mom what the fuck?!?" He nearly screamed." Y-you just blew up our house! Why?" He asked heatedly.

"Sasuke, get behind me!" She ordered and sasuke was surprised that he actually listened. He took a step behind her." Come out!" Mikoto called out." I know you're there! I can feel you!" She ordered.

Sasuke was convinced she had gone bat shit crazy until four people flickered into existence between them and their burning house.

One was a bear of a man, standing just over six feet tall. If it wasn't for the three weird looking Mohawks he had on his head, sasuke would've assumed he was part of chojis clan. He wore a tan colored sleeveless shirt, black pants and had a thick light purple rope tied around his waste.

The other three people standing next to him- they only came up to about the shoulders of the first man- were wearing nearly the same thing and the large guy... but they were way freakier.

One guy stood there with four arms- the top set of arms were crossed over his chest- and next to him stood a thinner guy with another head sprouting out of his back.

Last but not least was the dude who stood in front of the last three. He had shoulder length white hair, pale skin and had two red dots where his eyebrows should be, thought the two dots were only an inch or two apart. His light green eyes were accented by the two red eyeliner like marks under his eyes. He wore a light purple outfit that matched the design of the others.

"Hello." The white haired one- presumably the groups leader- spoke up in a polite yet emotionless tone." My name is kimimaro and I, along with those behind me, have been tasked with bringing sasuke uchiha back to my master." He explained calmly.

Mikoto gritted her teeth and held an arm up, blocking the groups line of sight to sasuke." I don't know who your master is boy and frankly, I don't car." She told him." I will not allow you to take my son." She spoke fiercely with a fire in her eyes.

Kimimaro frowned and tilted his head a bit." Unfortunate." He concluded." My master assumes this would be the outcome and we have orders to kill you if you got in the way." He explained." Truthfully, I'd rather not kill you and I really don't wanna be here for too long. I'd rather not fight your new filth hokage." He admitted." I'll give you one chance to step aside, if you don't... I'll have to kill you." He told her.

"If you want sasuke then you have to go through me." Mikoto answered calmly.

"Mom.." Sasuke muttered out in surprise Ashe watched her ready herself. He'd never seen his mother fight before. She had been retired well before he was born, so to she her prepared to fight- and possibly die- for him.. well it made his heart clench.

He quickly activated his own sharingan and stepped up next to his mother. "I don't know who you are." He called out, getting the groups attention." But I won't let you take me, and I won't just stand idly by while my mother fights you." He pointed at the largest man there and grinned savagely." I'm taking the fat one out." He declared.

The 'fat one' frowned at the insult." My name is jirobo, please use it." He told the boy in a rather kind tone.

Kimimaro grunted." Kidomaru, sakon, ukon, kill the Woman quickly, jirobo knock the boy out but don't kill him. Master wants him in one piece-"

Suddenly the sound of music whisked its way into the clearing, causing everyone to look around in confusion.

"What the hell is tha-" there was a loud crash as something landed behind kidomaru and swung a giant wooden club. The wooden weapon slammed into the four armed man's side with such force that it sent the man flying into jirobo who grunted and slid back a few feet.

Kidomaru, who had slammed into jirobo, fell to the ground with a thud and a groan.

Standing where Kidomaru once stood was a large green skinned ogre like thing that had metal spikes sticking out of its arms and a brown dark over its head. In its right hand was a large wooden club that was easily the size of jirobo himself.

The music around them stopped and a figure blurred into existence next to the two uchihas, who looked at her in surprise.

It was a women maybe a few years older then sasuke. She wore a standard Anbu uniform that had some sort of holster on her lower back along with a kunai pouch on her left leg and a shuriken pouch on her right. She wore a white porcelain mask that had the design of a hummingbird on it and in her left hand was a thin silver flute.

The feature that caught sasukes eyes the most was her dark pink hair. Was this one of sakuras kin?

"Don't worry, reinforcement will be here shortly." The Anbu spoke." I'm glad I was patrolling the area, it'd be a shame if you two had to fight these small dicked basterds alone. " the two uchiha raised an eyebrow at the sudden crud language.

"One of the doki." Kimimaro spoke up, his green eyes narrowed dangerously at the Anbu." The flute you hold... I see you aren't as dead as orochimaru-sama thought you to be, tayuya."

"Orochimaru.." Sasuke muttered quietly in surprise. How was that possible? That snake freak was dead, he watched naruto kill the man with his own eyes.

"Kimimaro.." tayuya muttered out." Jirobo, Kidomaru, sakon and ukon.." she tilted her head." The four fuckwitts still sucking that snake freak off, how have you been?" The taunting amusement was very easy to hear.

"Shit, tayuya? For real?" Kidomaru asked as he stood back up, cradling his side." We all thought you were dead, yet here you are playing Anbu with the tree huggers!" He spoke in a condescending tone.

Tayuya gripped her flute a little tighter." Why are you here kimimaro? Orochimarus dead." She wondered.

"Our masters death has been.. greatly exaggerated." Kimimaro told her." Should you lay your flute down and come back with us, I'm sure orochimaru-sama would show you mercy."

Tayuya snorted at that." Yeah, sure he would." She replied sarcastically." Now are we gonna stand here and jerk each other off, or are we gonna fight?" She wondered." Cause I got some pent up aggression that needs dealing with and who better to take it out on then you sorry fucks?"

As quickly as she could she brought her flute up to her mouth and began to play, her doki immediately came to like and began to swing on sakon and ukon were were now desperately dodging the ogers wooden club.

Mikoto dashed forward and clashed with Kidomaru, the boys four hands were dapperly moving, blocking and deflecting the uchihas attacks.

Sasuke was on jirobo like white on rice, kicking and punching the big fella as fast as he could, though neither he nor his mother had weapons on them so that had to be careful.

Kimimaro frowned as he watched the two forces fight. His eyes glance over towards the large red building in the distance, the hokages tower.

'I pray this ends quickly, no doubt he already knows we're here. It's just a matter of time before he shows up'

*with naruto*

Naruto stood in his new office gazing out of the window. He was looking directly towards the uchiha compound were he could see mikotos burning home. His hands were clasped behind his back as multiple clones were scattered throughout the room finishing up paperwork.

An Anbu dropped into the room behind him and kneeled." Hokage-sama!" She greeted.

Naruto looked at the bun haired Anbu member and he eye smiled at her." Yes mouse?" He asked.

"I'm sure you know by now but Mikoto-sama and her son are being attacked by four sound Shinobi. tayu - er.. hummingbird, has gone to assist them." She explained.

"Thank you for the update mouse." Naruto said." I was a little worried when I saw the fire, even from all the way over here." He admitted.

"What are your orders?" Mouse asked, looking up at him.

"Before that, do you know who the ninja attacking are?" He asked.

Mouse shifted uncomfortably." They are the rest of the sound five. Their orochimarus elite guards, tayuya used to be a member so now it's just four of them." She explained.

"Kimimaro is their leader, all I know about him is that he's crazy strong. Kidomaru is one of orochimarus experiments that actually lived. Last I heard he had four arms and could use some sort of chakra conducting web, like a spider or something." She told him. I know nothing of the other two though, but I do know that like tayuya, all of them bare the snakes curse mark." She finished her report and fell silent.

"Thank you kin." Naruto responded with a small nod before he flickered away, leaving a confused kin to wonder what the hell she was supposed to do now.

•uchiha compound.•

Sasuke grunted as he was tossed away by jirobo. He hit then ground hard and flipped backwards and onto his feet. His hand flashed through sign and he called out " fire style: fireball jutsu!" And spat a large ball of fire towards his opponent.

Jirobo, despite being so big, was fast and easily dogged to the side, letting the fireball fly past him. He charged forward and sent a punch towards sasuke who ducked and sent a fit into the man's gut before following through with a kid that sent the air out of the big man's lungs.

The boy ran forward and jumped, bringing his right fist down into jirobo face. There was a loud crunch as he broke the man's nose, causing him to stumble back.

Jirobo shrugged the pain off and charged forward, his large fists smashing into sasukes arms over and over again as the boy tried to deflect the oncoming attacks. Sasuke could feel his arms bruising under the weight of each punch.

Mikoto wasn't faring much better then her son. It had been a long time since she fought anyone, let alone another ninja. She was rusty, her skills had obviously decreased due to lack of use and she was paying for it.

Kidomaru gripped her by the throat, picked her up and slammed her into the ground. The air left her lungs but she ignored it.

She gripped her attackers writs with her hands before bringing her legs up and wrapping them around the offending arm. With a quick grunt and a bit of force, she managed to snap the man's arm while flipping him over. Kidomaru gasped out in pain as one of his four arms broke.

Mikoto quickly released his arm and jumped back, her hands flying through handsigns." Fire style: dragon fire jutsu!" She spat a large stream of fire from her mouth. The flames quickly took on the form of a dragon and roared, its body speeding down towards Kidomaru, who was now up and standing.

The dragons mouth opened, ready to bite down into its target, only for Kidomaru to spit out a large thick web that ripped through the the dragons head and stuck to mikotos chest.

Her eyes widened as her fire dragon exploded prematurely, along with the strange web sticking to her she gasped as the web was suddenly piled down with such force that she had no time to react. She hit the ground face first and it cratered under her.  Not a second layer she felt a large web cover her and keep her down.

Kidomaru grinned down at the uchiha matriarch while cradling his broken arm. It didn't hurt too much and besides, he had three other ones so it wasn't much of a lose.

" how do you like that bitch?" He asked as he lifted his foot and brought it down on her head. Mikoto grunted out in pain as the freak above her stepped on her head and she glared daggers up at him, praying to whatever god there was that he'd look her in the eye but he didn't. He made sure to never make eye contact with her.

"Mom!" Sasuke cried out, letting his guard down which cost him.

Jirobo took the opportunity to spring forward and slam his fist into the side of sasukes head, sending the boy slamming into the ground hard enough to daze him.

The large man reached down and gripped the boy by his head before yanking him up to his knees. After that sasuke was forced to stay still, least the man pop his head like a grape.

Tayuya cursed under her breath as she watched it all unfold before her. She continued playing her flute, controlling her doki to attack sakon and ukon.

The ogre was swinging its club wildly trying to hit the quick basterd but the conjoined twins were fast, dodging the ogre with relative ease.

Tayuya growled in annoyance. It's be useless to attempt a mass genjutsu as the sound four were far to skilled to fall for such a thing and it'd only end up wasting her own chakra. And on the other hand, she couldn't use her other two doki without accessing her curse mark and even if she wanted to use it, she couldn't. Narutos seal still locked it down and she had no intentions of unlocking it.

So with a slight sigh she picked up the pace of her music and the dokis attacks sped up.

Sakon threw a few kunai at the ogre and jumped back, avoiding its vicious club, but he wasn't prepared for the ogre to lunge forward and grab him by the front of the shirt with its free hand.

"Shit!" Both twins cried out as they were picked up and slammed into the ground. Their two heads collided hard and left both twins dazed long enough for the doki to raise its club and bring it down with a sickening crunch.

Tayuya looked at the red smear on the ground with a grin." Gotcha fucker-" she jumped back mid sentence as kimimaro appeared in front of her with a bone sword held tightly in his right hand.

The man swung, hoping to gut tayuya quickly and be done with this mission but the girl managed to dodge him.

"Shit! Fuck!" Tayuya called out as she was forced to dodged kimimaros unrelenting assault. The girl managed to use her flute to block one of his strikes and lash out with a punch. Which was a mistake.

The moment her fist met kimimaros cheek she felt every bone in her hand break. She yelped in pain before jumping back a few feet. She cradled her broken hand and glared at the white haired boy in front of her.

Kimimaro didn't have a scratch on him. He looked as calm as ever as he slowly, confidently, made his way closer to tayuya.

"You managed to kill sakon and ukon, but we both know that they were the weakest of us." He told her and she had to begrudgingly agree." But you also know that I'm stronger then you and that I can and will kill you tayuya." He stopped a few feet away from the girl and stared at her.

Tayuya gripped her broken hand a little tighter as she stared him down. She would never admit it aloud but on the inside, she was freaking the fuck out!

Kimimaro was a lot stronger then the rest of orochimarus guards, her included and he had on more than one occasion, proved that by kicking the shit out of each and everyone of them.

Kimimaro was the last of the Kaguya clan and he had been 'blessed' with their bloodline limit. The ability to manipulate and regrow their own bones at will and kimimaro was very proficient with this ability.

He was able to rip his own bones out and use them as devastating weapons such as the sword he carried now, which to her, looked awfully like a sharpened arm bone.

Last but not least, he was able to regulate the density of his bones at will. That meant he could avoid any fatal blows by simply hardening his own internal bones to the point that they'd put the strength of steel to shame.

So yeah, tayuya was pretty damn scared of him. But at the same time she forced herself to swollen her fear. She was an Anbu of the leaf village and she owed the last few years of her life to the boy that saved both her and her friend kin. The boy that was now her hokage.

So she let her broken left hand rest at her side. She took her flute and holstered it to the small of her back before reaching into her shuriken pouch and grabbing a handful.

"I know you're stronger then me." She admitted, her voice was calm and unwavering." And I know I'm gonna die here, but that's okay." She raised her head and ended the chakra flow between her and her porcelain mask, allowing it to fall from her face and onto the ground.

"Kimimaro." She spoke his name with a small smile on her face and the boy across from her closed his eyes and allowed her to continue." All those years ago, I was saved by a leaf ninja. I was his enemy as he showed me mercy, he brought me here, to his home and he told me that I was welcome here." She smiled sadly." He saved my friend from orochimaru as well."

"What did it cost tayuya?" Kimimaro wondered softly. His green eyes locked onto her own brown ones." What did starting a new life here cost you?"

"Everything." She admitted." It cost me my way of life. It cost me my place in orochimarus circle and it cost me my curse mark." She told him truthfully." But I would do it all over again."

Kimimaros eyes hardened.

" these last few years here in Konoha, with kin, with the rest of my friends in anbu... they've been the best moments of my life and if all it cost was for me to sell out orochimaru then I would do it all over again in a heart beat!" She declared.

Kimimaro dashed forward and tayuya leapt back, throwing her fist full of shuriken at him but he easily deflected the incoming projectile's.

Within the blink of an eyes the two ninja were still, standing mere centimeters from one another with tayuya forehead resting on kimimaros right shoulder and her hands at her side.

Her eyes looked down at the bone sword that was currently sticking through the middle of her stomach and she frowned. It didn't hurt. She felt no pain or anger.

"You betrayed orochimaru-sama... and for what? This fake life? Do they know tayuya?" Kimimaro wondered." Do your friends know who you used to be? Do they know about the things you did in order to gain the power to stand at orochimarus side?"

"Yes.." tayuya answered in a weak voice." They know.. and they still accepted me and kin."

"Then they are fools." And with a sickening sound, kimimaro ripped his blade form tayuya and pushed her away from him, causing her to fall onto her back.

Blood pulled around the wound, but she didn't care. Tayuya looked up at the sky with wide brown eyes and smiled up at the stars. They reminded her of the way Kim's eyes would twinkle whenever the girl got excited by something.

"What a beautiful night to die." She spoke softly as her breathing began to slow until it stopped all together. Her brown lifeless eyes were now staring forever up at the night sky.

"No!" Mikoto shouted out as she watched the Anbu die from her place on the ground. She was bruised and bloodied from being slamming into the ground and her body was in so much pain!

She couldn't move due to the webbing that was shot at her the moment she hit the ground and she was forced to watch as her son was held hostage while the Anbu agent got killed.

"Let him go!" Mikoto cried out at jirobo.

"Shut up!" Kidomaru replied while slamming his foot down on her head once more with such force that she whimpered in pain.

"Mom! It's okay!" Sasuke called out as his face scrunched up in pain when jirobo squeezed his head a little tighter." I'll do whatever you want! Just don't her my mom!" He begged.

Kimimaro walked towards Kidomaru and the trapped woman with an emotionless look on his face." You had you chance to surrender before this fight started and you didn't." He explained as he stopped next to Mikoto and raised his bloodied sword.

"No! Please!" Tears pricked at sasukes eyes.

"Don't look sasuke!" Mikoto ordered." Please don't look honey!" She begged but sasuke couldn't look away.

"Just remember uchiha-" Kidomaru grinned at sasuke." You brought this on yourself for trying to defy lord orochimaru, so this-" he motioned towards Mikoto." This is all your fault."

"Enough Kidomaru." Kimimaro told him and with a grunt he angled the tip of his sword towards Mikoto and struck.

"Sasuke look away!"


Sasuke didn't know what happened.

One moment he was in jirobo clutches and the next he was standing in a black void. There was no floor, no walls and no ceilings.

Tears streamed down his face and he reached up to wipe them away, only to look down at his hands and see blood.

"W-what?" He sniffled out in confusion.

"Sasuke uchiha."

Sasuke spun around and stared up at the man that was absolutely not there before!

He was floating cross legged with a staff resting on his lap. His eyes were similar to Naruto's and he had a pair of horns sticking out of his forehead.

"Who..who are you?" Sasuke wondered and the man smiled at him.

"My names hagoromo otsutsuki.. and we have some things to talk about."