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Let me take you home

One moment Mikoto was about to be speared through with a bone sword directly in front of her son. The next moment, she was kneeling where Sasuke used to be, forced to watch as Sasuke appeared in her place, lying face down as the swords speared through his back.

Her sharingan had captured it all and ingrained it into her brain. She was forced to watch, in slow motion, as her youngest son was killed and she couldn't do anything about it.

Slow enough to see it yet to fast for her to do anything to stop it.

Then, in a flash of gold Naruto appeared standing next to Sasuke as kimimaros head fell to the ground next to his feet, the bone users body fell seconds later.

"Holy shit!" Kidomaru cried out as he jumped backwards, landing directly next to jirobo. He didn't even sense the blond coming! He didn't even see him draw the sword that was strapped to his back! It happened to fast.

"I-is that.."

"The fifth hokage." Jirobo said with a frown on his face.

"S-sasuke.." mikoto whispered out as tears of blood began to roll down her cheeks. Her three tomoed sharingan began to spin. The black tomoes began to change until both of her eyes held a new pattern to them. A six bladed shutdown like shape took hold and Naruto winced internally.

"The M.S." Naruto muttered softly.

Suddenly mikoto let out a blood curdling scream as blood red chakra exploded outwards from her body. The chakra formed a large rib cage around her kneeling form and then an arm of bone sprouted out of the left side of the rib cage and in its hand was a blood red katana made of pure chakra.

In a single swipe she cleaved the two sound ninja in half, their bodies seemed to be sucked into the very blade itself. They didn't even get to scream.

"Holy!" Kurama cried out in surprise.

Naruto jumped a few feet backwards and immediately activated his eyes as Mikoto simply appeared over her fallen son.

Dropping to her knees next to sasukes body, she began to whimper out his name over and over.

"Mikoto." Naruto called out softly and the mother looked up at him with pure desperation in her bleeding eyes." You need to take the sword out." He told her calmly.

"W-what?" She sniffled back a sob as she stared at him.

"The sword, take it out of him."

"The sword?" Mikoto whispered." The sword?!?" She suddenly yelled in anger." My son is dead! What the hell would taking the sword out of him do?!?" She choked out as sob.

Naruto walked up and squatted down, just outside of the chakra construct. He brought his right hand up and rested it against the middle rib.

"The sword is stopping him from coming back." He told her softly and her eyes widened." Do you think I'd let my friend die?" He asked her.

Mikoto slowly shook her head no.

Naruto gave her an eye smile." Then trust me, okay?" His voice seemed to sooth her as she nodded her head and sniffled.

Shaky hands reached up to the handle and grasped it. With a sickening slice, the sword was taken out of sasukes back and thrown to the side.

The hole in sasukes back seemed to seal itself up almost immediately, much to the surprise of mikoto, and once the wound healed, her sharingan picked up the slow rise and fall of the boys back.

'He's breathing!' She thought happily as her M.S. deactivated and the chakra construct around her vanished.

"Sasuke!" She cried out as she leaned down and hugged him.

"He's just resting now." Mikoto looked up to Naruto who nodded his head and stood up." He'll be tired but he will be okay." It was a silent promise, one mikoto was glad to hear him make.

"Thank you." She muttered out as exhaustion seemed to finally catch up with her and she passed out with her head resting on her sons back.

Seeing the woman asleep, Naruto then looked over to the dead anbu and frowned softly.


Tayuya sat on a log poking at a camp fire with a thin stick. She didn't know where she was or how she got her exactly but she knew that she was waiting for someone.

Someone named Kin.

It was hard to remember much, her mind seemed so foggy. She didn't know what she did before coming to this place but the one thing that seemed to be the clearest to her was kin.

Kin was her best friend, her other half. This she just knew. But judging from the way her chest tightened at the mere thought of kin, she knew that she loved the girl.

That's why she was waiting.

She didn't wanna go anywhere else until she met kin. So she's wait. No matter how long it took for kin to come for her, she would wait.

Suddenly a bandaged hand rested itself on her right shoulder and she looked up at the newcomer.

He was shorter then her. His hair was blond and spiky. He had mismatched eyes and everything below them was covered by a black face mask.

She tilted her head a little. This guy felt familiar, did she know him?

"Tayuya." His voice was soft, comforting even.

"Who are you?" She wondered." You're not kin." She stated.

"No, no I'm not." He eyesmiled. Naruto knelt down next to her and stared her in the eye." I'm here to get you, to take you home to kin." He explained softly.

"To kin?"

"Yeah." He nodded." She's worried about you, so I told her I'd come get you for her." He explained, even if it was a lie, a part of him knew that she wouldn't come back unless she knew kin was waiting for her.

"How do I get home?" She questioned with a small tilt to her head.

"All you have to do.." Naruto's eyes suddenly began to glow with power." Is wake up."

Tayuyas world went dark.