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It’s just a beginning

Naruto slid the door open and with a rather happy yell of  " Sasuke-Chan!" While throwing his hands up and his eyes crinkled up happily.

Sasuke laid on his hospital bed with a raised brow as he stared at the blond while Mikoto, who laid in the bed next to sasukes own, was giggling happily.

"What do you want idiot?" Sasuke asked, though his tone held a lot less heat than it usually did.

Naruto dropped his arms and walked into the room, lazily closing the door behind him as he did. He stepped up to the boys bed and huffed.

"You could be a little more respectful to your Galient hokage, ya know?"

"I refuse." Sasuke replied calmly and Naruto's shoulders sagged in depression.

"I get no respect around here." The blond mumbled out sadly.

Mikoto giggled at the the boys antics." Don't worry about him Naru-chan, even if Sasuke doesn't respect you, I do." She said with a motherly smile on her face.

Naruto's chest puffed up in pride." Sasuke-chan, you should be more like your mother." Said boy just groaned.

"So what are you here for lord fifth?" Mikoto asked with a teasing tone to her voice.

Naruto eye smiled at her." I just wanted to check up on you guys." He told them." Granny tsunade said you'd be able to leave today and I wanted to let you know that construction on your home will be completed sometime tomorrow." He explained.

Sasuke grunted." That was fast. It's only been two days since mom blew it up." He threw an accusing glare at his bashful mother who was awkwardly scratching the back of her head.

"Hehe, my bad?" She replied with a happy shrug.

Naruto just shook his head before he stared down at the resting boy." Now sasuke, I need you to tell me what happened after you were stabbed." He suddenly said, his tone was serious. Naruto watched Mikoto shift uncomfortably at the sudden change in topic." I'm sorry Mikoto, but it's very important that I know what happened." He said softly before he looked back to sasuke.

Sasuke shifted a little in bed before he looked up to the blond and began speaking." After I was stabbed I.. died." He told the blond. He could practically feel his mothers discomfort but continued talking." I woke up and there was a man there, waiting for me. He said his name was hagoromo otsutsuki... he said he was the sage of the six paths and he had the same eyes as you." He waved a hand towards the blond and naruto nodded.

Mikoto was now listening intently to sasukes story. To hear that her son had actually been dead made her heart ache. But to know that he had met the fabled sage was astonishing. 

"He told me about his sons, about how I was the reincarnation of his oldest son indra. He told me about his mother and how she became the ten tails, about how he and his brother battled her and he eventually sealed her away. He told me about how he created the tailed beast and he also told me that there were people trying to resurrect the ten tails."

"And then he gave you the moon mark." Naruto finished and sasuke slowly nodded his head. The blond used his left hand to slide the glove off his right hand before he held his palm out to the two uchihas, showing off the black circle that resides there.

"That's the mark you used to heal Sakura with in the forest right?" Sasuke asked and naruto nodded.

"Indeed. This sasuke, is the sun mark." He let them have one last look before he slid the glove back onto his hand." What I'm about to tell the both of you cannot leave this room, is that understood?" His tone alone told both uchiha how serious he was about that order.

"Yes, hokage-Sama." Mikoto replied with a nod and sasuke just nodded his head.

Naruto clasped his hands behind his back before he began." Sasuke, do you remember when I was 'kidnapped' back in wave?" Seeing the uchiha nod, he continued." While I was in there custody I died and met the sage."

Hearing that naruto died made both uchihas look up at him in utter surprise. The blond ignored their looks and continued.

" I met the sage, like you did. He told me everything he told you and he gave me the sun mark. I'm apparently the reincarnation of his youngest son Ashura." Naruto told them." Now here's the worst part of all of this." Naruto said with a sigh.

"Your brother, itachi uchiha is apart of a group known as akatsuki. They are the ones that are trying to revive the ten tails." Both uchiha froze up when they heard that name." Akatsuki is a group of S-ranked missing ninja that are actively hunting down jinchuriki like me so that they can seal the tailed beasts into the ten tails husk and revive it. Their goal is to use the ten tails as a weapon in order to conquer the world or something like that."

"What do we know about them, naruto?" Mikoto asked in a soft yet serious tone.

"We know that they're all extremely powerful people. We know that they split up in groups of two and are paired perfectly to hunt whatever tailed beast they're ordered to target." Naruto told them calmly." But I managed to kill itachis partner, his name was kisame, the monster of the mist. He was one of the seven swordsman like zabuza." Sasuke nodded in understanding.

After taking a moment to let the information sink in, sasuke looked towards the blond." So what do we do now?" He wondered.

Naruto shrugged." Right now, you need to heal up." The blond replied calmly." After you get out of here, meet up with Kakashi in a few days and resume your training." He added.

"So we have a terrorist organization running around and you want me to do nothing?" Sasuke asked in a skeptical tone.

"Listen sasuke." Naruto began, his mismatched eyes staring directly into the uchihas own black ones." The sage didn't just give you a fancy moon mark and send your soul back into its body alright?" He told the boy." He gave you literally half of his chakra, which I'm sure you'll feel in the coming days. So right now you have to get all that chakra under control before you can even attempt to do anything for anyone." He lectured and sasukes frown deepened.

"But don't worry." The blond added softly." If you train as hard as you have been then I have no doubt that you'll be joining the fight soon." The hokage turned away from the uchiha and began walking towards the door." So heal up and train with Kakashi and sakura, continue doing missions and-" he slid the door open and looked over his left shoulder at the duo lying on the beds behind him." Before you know it I'll be relying on you sasuke. We now literally have the fate of the world resting upon our shoulders." Naruto chuckled." No pressure or anything, bye now!"

Sasuke deadpanned as the door slid shut behind the blond. "Right, no pressure." He mocked.

"Don't worry sasuke." The boy looked towards his mother who was smiling softly at him." You won't be alone." She promised with a small nod.


"Are you ready?" Jiraiya asked while he continued to write something down in his little notebook. Whatever he was writing, neither konan nor naruto really wished to know.

"All set sensei." Naruto replied as he stood on the man's right with konan standing on his left. The trio were standing next to the villages east entrance.

Naruto, instead of wearing his jonin outfit with his kage robe, was wearing a burnt orange t-shirt under and unzipped white jacked. His legs were covered by black cargo pants that were bandaged at the ankles. His feet were covered by a pair of black shinobi sandals and his left arm was still wrapped in bandages, leaving his right hand without its usual fingerless glove.

The beads that once resided on his sideburns were no longer there, instead they rested on a thin piece of rope around his neck and his sideburns had been shaved down. It made him look a lot less like a small carbon copy of his father. The ever present mask which covered his face was now gone as well, allowing the world to see his whiskered face, and his eyes were blue once more thanks to contacts.

All in all, he looked a little different.

"You said your goodbyes?" Jiraiya asked as he closed his little notebook and turned to look at his student.

Naruto rolled his eyes." Yes dad-" he mocked." I've said my goodbyes and my clone is in place. We are all set." He answered with a small nod.

Jiraiya smirked at him." Then what are we waiting for brat?" He retorted." Onwards towards the future-"

"A very bleak future if you two don't hurry up and get a move on." Konan called back at them from about ten feet in front of them.

"Oi! Wait for me!" Naruto cried out as he dashed off to meet the older girl who simply continued to walk.

Jiraiya let out a small sigh before he turned to look at his beautiful village one last time." It'll be three years before I see you again. Stay in one piece while I'm gone please." He muttered out softly before he turned his back to the village and began to calmly walk after his two students with a smile on his face.


                                 End Of Book One