You Might Have Been Blown into Pieces!

Norman held the backpack tightly in one hand, and pointed his gun at the masked, red-haired lady in front of him with the other. "Were you the one who fired the shot earlier?" He asked cautiously.

"Do you think there's a third survivor here?" Jian Qi asked boastfully with what sounded like a chuckle as she looked at Norman.

Norman narrowed his eyes a little as his pupils glimmered cautiously.

Regarding the sudden appearance of this lady, he had no clue as to whether she was a friend or a foe. On top of that, he wondered what her motive was.

"What do you actually want?" Norman asked with a deep voice as he tightened his grip around the gun.

Jian Qi smiled devilishly. "Don't be nervous. I am only here to see you on behalf of someone I know. Besides, didn't I help you out when I saw you in danger earlier?"

"See me on behalf of someone?" Norman frowned. "Who are you helping?"

"Of course it's…" Jian Qi left her sentence hanging.