Vicious Speech

"On what basis?" Norman chuckled coldly. "I've already told you, I only worked with that person in the past. I think I've already done my part. You have no right to demand that I help you with anything!"

Jian Qi seemed to be smirking. Her eyes glinted eerily as if she were smiling. "Do you think you've done your part? You still owe her your life!"

Norman's facial expression became sullen as he stared at her gloomily. "What do you want to do? What does me owing her my life have anything to do with you?"

"Like you, I owe her my life!" Jian Qi remained calm as she spoke. "I find her death to be strange. That's why I must uncover the truth so that she may rest in peace!"

Norman narrowed his eyes cautiously. "Do you think that special agent who worked with her killed her?"