
After sending the message, Ning Meng held her phone tightly, waiting for the reply.

In her mind, she had secretly fantasized about various kinds of "reunion scenarios" with her hubby.

If both of them shared a secret, could their relationship become more intimate?

As she was deep in her thoughts, Lin Qingbei walked over to her and saw her grinning to herself like an idiot. He cleared his throat before asking, "Ms. Ning, what are you thinking about right now?"

Snapping back to reality, Ning Meng looked at him with a stern face. "What?"

Lin Qingbei handed a song list to her and said, "It's our turn to choose a song. What genre do you think I should go with?"

Then, he lowered his head and whispered into her ear. "You looked as though you were in your estrous cycle earlier."
