The Speechless Ning Meng

Ning Meng was rather excited. He had understood this phrase? Did that mean he came from the same world as she did?

Once Huo Beichen came clean, wouldn't Ning Men need to create a 'Buddy from the same village! I'm so touched!' atmosphere?

While she was imagining things, the housekeeper from Huo Manor sent her a text on WeChat: [Missus, the boss called to say that you felt like eating mantis shrimp. Would you like this dish to be sent over as a part of your dinner? Or would you like it to be sent over once it has been prepared?]


Shocked to the core, she opened her chatbox with Huo Beichen.

Ning Meng: [?]

Huo Beichen: [?]

Ning Meng: [????]

Huo Beichen: [What's up?]

Ning Meng finally asked: [Did you understand that phrase?]

Huo Beichen: [You wanted to eat mantis shrimp, right?]
