What An Embarrassment!

Instinctively, Li Haojie lunged toward Ning Meng, wanting to snatch the phone out of her hand.

Ning Meng took a step backward, evading Li Haojie's snatch. Before he was able to make another move, Zhen Shanmei had rushed to Ning Meng's side and asked, "What video?"

Su Tiantian had also realized what the video was about. She raised her voice to warn Ning Meng. "Ning Meng! You have no right to take videos of others like this! You have violated my portrait right! This is illegal!"

Ning Meng smirked smugly at her. "Oh, I see~ then sue me."

Following this, she played the video in front of Zhen Shanmei.

"...If it wasn't for you, I would not even consider participating... I can't stand her anymore! She always wears that stupidly ugly makeup, forever tagging around wherever I go. I can't even have a breath of fresh air around her, I want to leave her! ... Tiantian, that's what the others say... The one I love... is you!"