Let's Break Up

Ning Meng continued to retort angrily, "If you cheating isn't something to be embarrassed about, then I don't see how Zhen Shanmei has anything to be embarrassed about."

Su Tiantian refuted her, "No, he did not cheat on her! Zhen Shanmei was just being jealous, that's all!"

Ning Meng smirked. "So, according to Ms. Su, an engaged man touching and holding another woman's hand affectionately isn't cheating? Then, let's hope your fiance does the same to other women as well. At that time, I hope you don't make a scene either. After all, being outed as a jealous woman isn't something to be proud of, right?!"

After hearing this, the crowd began to gossip again.

"Mr. Li and Ms. Su were holding hands?"

"Hmm? It was quite strange to see Li Haojie give his support for Su Tiantian so openly yesterday..."

"So, they were actually together then?"


Su Tiantian started to get anxious. "No! I did not..."