Her Beauty Was Reckless

Zhen Shanmei's first response was a refusal. "I won't go!"

Ning Meng was shocked, her beautiful eyes were bright and sharp. "Why?" 

Zhen Shanmei could not give her an answer all of a sudden.

Ning Meng continued, "If you have really let go of the past, you should be able to face that person directly. You could even tell yourself that you could lead a better life without him! Are you able to do that?" 

It was indeed more effective to coax her into doing something by raising the anger within her. Zhen Shanmei stood up straighter. "What is there to be afraid of? I'll go, then!" 

Zhen Shanmei knew what she was about to do, so, she took a look at herself in the mirror and put on beautiful and stunning makeup. 

Since she was a rich young lady from a wealthy family, her taste was classy, but…