That Is How Ning Meng Consoles People

Which Miss Zhen?

Li Haojie was stunned, and he froze in his tracks. 

That stunning lady was Zhen Shanmei!?

How was that possible?

His heart saddened. 

It had been a long time ago when they first met. It was so long ago that he had forgotten how beautiful she actually was under her thick makeup. 

He was still stunned when a voice floated over to him. "Teacher Li." 

Li Haojie turned around and saw Su Tiantian who had just finished her makeup walking toward him. The two people who were involved in a scandal meeting each other at last...The surrounding employees seemed to feel awkward as well. 

Su Tiantian remained calm and elegant, giving off an innocent appearance. 

She had a singing performance up on the stage later on and she was wearing a beautiful and magnificent dress. Moreover, her makeup was stunning too.