Ning Meng as the Agent

Ning Wentao said happily. "Mengmeng, do you know about it? The total number of the box office of Shifting to Mars was reported today, it was 6.7 billion! You broke Hua Xia's record!"

Ning Meng's eyes brightened. "It's not bad." 

In the original book, that movie would indeed become famous but it would only gain 3.5 billion in the end, however, its achievement was now doubled when she invested more money in it. 

Ning Wentaon spoke again. "Our company earned more than ten billion through that movie alone. Now that I think about it, you'll still have money even if you have a divorce!"

Ning Meng's lips twitched. She changed the topic and pointed at Li Shiyao's name on the name list. "Why was she eliminated?"

Ning Wentai glanced at it. She was a rather beautiful girl. He said casually, "She might be too old." 

Just from the way he spoke of her, you could tell that he was not concerned about it.