They Were Involved In a Scandal

There were only outstanding singers left after a few rounds of contests.

The final champion would be chosen based on their previous performances and results. Moreover, the thousands of audiences who attended the final contest that day would get to vote, and this result would then help to decide who was the final champion.

This kind of singing competition tested a singer's various abilities including the singer's actual strength, fame, and popularity, hence, Su Tiantian was the most famous singer who was expected to win this contest from the very beginning. 

But who could have guessed what would happen next? After a few rounds of the contest, Lin Qingbei had advanced quickly because of his good image, excellent dancing skills, stunning stage manners, and so on. He had now become Su Tiantian's strongest opponent. 

On the other hand, Su Tiantian had performed badly during the previous match causing her marks to drop quite low at the moment.