Don't Worry. I've Got A Plan

Liu Ying had a rather petite figure. Wearing a pink skirt, her big bright eyes made her look really adorable.

Seeing that Lin Qingbei was ignoring her, his manager mocked up a surprised face as a response. "What scandal?"

Before Liu Ying was able to reply, Ning Meng quickly butted in. "If you keep on with this cutesy attitude, I bet the world's overpopulation crisis would be solved in an instant."


"Because everyone who sees you would all fall dead from disgust."


Liu Ying clenched her fists as a shade of gloom clouded over her head.

Patting her shoulder, Ning Meng continued with her roast. "Go back and polish up your acting skills with Su Tiantian first, and only then, come back here and stir up drama, kiddo!"

Hearing this, Liu Ying started to get panicked. "I... I don't know what you're talking about."


Ning Meng squinted her eyes and peered at Liu Ying.