Pushing Lord Chen’s Buttons

Ning Meng paused.

"Who can I look for to make the purchase?"

She did not have any network in this field. Just then, Ning Wentao spoke up. "No problem. I can help you contact the right people. Who would you like to buy over? ET? IMO? These two businesses would be more expensive."

Ning Meng pursed her lips. "I just need an ordinary one. We can even build our own name."

As Ning Wentao mulled over the situation, he asked, "Meng Meng, have you forgotten about your CM?"


Ning Wentao explained, "Back in those days, you took fifty-million from me to build an E-Sports Club. You bought over the rights to join the qualifiers, but unfortunately, you did not win a single prize. You were so furious that you just neglected the club! It still exists, though. I even heard that some youths are using their personal funds to support the club."
