Meng Meng Roasting Again!

Stephen felt wronged, but he did not dare to voice it out.

After Huo Beichen had hung up, his phone vibrated. He opened the WeChat text from Ning Meng: [The kid came over to borrow some shower gel. Don't worry~ I will not commit adultery!]

Huo Beichen replied in a straightforward manner: [I believe in you.]


'That's what you say!'


The next day, the manager of CM came to Shanghai and met up with Ning Meng and God. They then headed toward ET.

Ning Meng did not bother with formalities and went straight to the point. "Tell me, how much?"

Usually, a player like God who had never entered the competition arena would only be worth hundreds of thousands. Millions at most. However, Lu Jiahao shamelessly said, "One billion!"


'Hmph. An exorbitant price, huh?'