Don’t Offend Your Girlfriend’s Girlfriends

Weibo was paralyzed.

The reason was that the staff from the production company of "Love in the Summer" had uploaded the video on the internet. "Arrogant bossy Miss Ning beats up young female actress Su Tiantian" had instantly risen as the hot search topic, and the sharing rate was in the tens of thousands by the minute. 

In the "Happy Idiots" group.

Zhen Shanmei: [D*mn! Meng Meng, your slap was totally cool! Hahaha! People like her deserve to be beaten up!]

Qi Shan: [This is the worst time to beat people up! Now, you have ended up being insulted even more. I'm too lazy to scold you myself.]

Zhen Shanmei: [What's wrong with you!? Are we supposed to just let a villain like Su Tiantian go on living her peaceful life? How can you be this stupid as a graduate from Yale University?]

Qi Shan: [??]

Zhen Shanmei: [You still dare to scold my Meng Meng? I'm speechless… I have plans tonight. Not joining you for the movie anymore!]