Delete the Weibo Post

At Lemon Entertainment.

Ning Wentao was so angry that he was hitting the table in his office. Manager Huang, who stood in front of him, was not sure whether to laugh or to cry.

"CEO Ning, you should not post things like these on Weibo. You will need to explain to the management…"

Ning Wentao raised his voice. "Why not? Why should my daughter be insulted? Even if what she did was wrong, can we not discuss this properly?"

Cao Xuehua was also advising him from the side. "Wentao, what you did is not good for the company's reputation. The company just needs to issue an apology to settle this case."

Ning Wentao became even angrier. "Apologize? What for? Meng Meng herself has not apologized, why should we apologize on her behalf? Also, you tell your daughter to delete her post!"

After he had calmed down a bit, he sent out another Weibo post.