What Took You So Long?

Ning Meng was shocked.

Standing in front of the counter, all she could do was stare at the cashier. 

Knowing that the entire internet would be dissing her at this time, Ning Meng had uninstalled the Weibo app from her phone. She knew there was no need to respond to waves after waves of online roasts coming her way.

However, she did not expect to meet such harsh treatment offline as well.

The cashier was a young woman who looked to be about 20 years old. She seemed to have mustered a lot of courage to throw those words at her earlier—it felt as though she was an emissary of justice.

Ning Meng could feel her heart throbbing as she faced this immense hostility from strangers. 

Upon hearing the cashier's words, the bystanders started to crowd toward them. Some of them only just seemed to realize who Ning Meng was, and started to glare at her, a few of them even started to spew insults and curses at her…