Juggernaut: Arrival

Italica, Verdun Region

"The Colosseum"

Sometimes we, the legion are called not only for basic mercenary duties but also we are outsourced by some Government entities. The world government is short of manpower to maintain their control in the world. The territory they claim to be in their jurisdiction is just too vast to maintain, thus, they turn to us mercenaries to fill in their ranks.

Unlike most mercenary groups, our group enjoys the benefit of its merits and clear record. I am not claiming we are "clean" as a group for sometimes we do dirty work of some powerful crime syndicates as well covertly. However our fame and our record makes us preferable to most government entities that wishes to hire our services.

We are currently commissioned by a government entity, an agency. They have a serious shortage of manpower in their police force and we, the legion are hired to fill their gaps. We have a contract good for at least fifteen days, it could extend for a month if they still need more of our service. Of course, our overstay will be paid by them.

We arrived 9:00 AM in the Verdun region and landed at the landing zone near "the Colosseum". A Dome or a shelter that houses at least five thousand occupants. The term done was an obsolete term by shelters that existed some hundred of years ago. The word just become too synonymous with the shelters that used to house people that existed long time ago. Nowadays it is abused to the fact that every shelter existed is named the same, despite the fact of them not knowing what a "real" dome is.

"It must be you, the Legion!" The mayor of the Dome arrived to meet us.

Our superior officer Talon "the Admiral" Stallone was entertained as by him. We were warmly welcomed with hospitality as we arrived.

"We apologize for our late arrival. We have issues with our supplies recently." Talon said to the Mayor.

"No, it's okay! We really need your help and appreciated all of your efforts in coming here." Mayor replied to Talon.

"We would like to get on to business. What and who are we dealing with?" Talon asked the Mayor while walking.

"We shall talk later when we arrive to the police station." The Mayor gave a strange signal and we were told to remain outside the City Hall of the Dome. Talon, some of our comrades and the Mayor and his escorts went inside.

"What a bummer!" I said disappointingly.

"We can't do a thing about it." Tracer one of my comrades in the mission said and leans near the wall.

Tracer is a senior specialist in the Legion. He is expert in CQC, demolitions and ordnance disposal. Usually he is called to missions where expertise in Urban Warfare is needed. He usually arms himself lightly, submachine gun, a dagger, utility axe and some spare ammo. Included in his kit are some of his sophisticated ordnance and bomb disposal equipment.

"How about we take a stroll Damon?" Tracer said to me walking away from the City Hall.

"Uh, sure!" I said and followed him.

We were walking around the area of the Dome to see the life and what transpired there. The place is filthy with nothing much to see. There were many children around, left alone to play in the streets. The people look malnourished and it seems like water is scarce.

"I suggest we eat somewhere else or endure eating rations for a while despite of its taste. It's better than getting all food borne diseases the filth of this place can offer." Tracer said and moved along.

"Where are we going?" I asked him who is walking in front of me.

Tracer paused for a while and points out a shack that housed some junk and spare parts. It is not an actual junk shop, but, the wares they display are interesting find for him. He rushed there gleefully and browsed all their wares and items.

"What can we do for you stranger?" The old man who owns the shop asked tracer.

Tracer looks attentive to the wares the old man have. It seems like he would buy everything if he has the money to do so.

"Do you accept credits?" Tracer asked the old man.

The old man looked confused and asked, "What are credits?"

Tracer understanding the situation after seeing the old man's reaction realized that he could not buy the items through digital currency. He instead took off his watch and then said, "For this watch old man, can I get that item over there?" He points to a strange looking spare part in the wares.

The old man, seeing the unique item looks delighted and agreed with the deal. I, looking at the old man pitied his ignorance. Although Tracer did not benefit from the trade, I understand his side. Maybe the watch could give the man at least a fortune worth of six months in provision if he trades it to someone. That if also he doesn't get cheated.

Moment later Tracer took the item and displays a huge grin in his face. "Finally a rare item is included in my collection!" He almost shouted in excitement and rushed to the entrance of the Dome.

"You are at the loosing end of the bargain." I said to Tracer when I finally caught up with him catching my breath.

"Yeah, indeed... but I pity the man. The watch may give him months of provision if he trades it. I wish however that he doesn't get cheated." Tracer reflected on what transpired earlier with the old man in the shop.

We had the same sentiments, it is rather pitiful to live in such inhumane situation in these shelters. The leaders in charge of its management are negligent and does not care for the well being of their subordinates. I wonder if the World Government ever try to do something about it. But I guess their world only exist in the Capital. I think it is rather a pitiful reality that all of us must face.

"Here they are, I found them!" One of our comrades came looking for us.

"Where have you two been?" Talon asked us.

"We were shopping, looking for wares that interests me!" Tracer explained.

Talon wiped the sweat on his forehead and sighed then continued to speak, "We found our lead, be ready for briefing. After that we leave in ten hours from now. Both of you, prepare yourselves for the mission."

Both of us saluted our superior officer and said in respect to his rank, "Yes sir!"