Juggernaut: Investigation

"What is our mission boss?" One of the Grunts asked our leader Talon while walking in the wilderness of the Verdun region. Talon is following two of the Dome's policemen who were investigating for clues early in the morning. From the looks of it, they seems to be wasting time probably just wasting taxpayer's money in doing nonsensical things.

Tracer behind me looks worried though, I do not know what is in his head but I can tell he is not pleased. I approached him whose silence does not add up to his overall behavior. Usually he is jolly and a bit of a joker. Now, his silence is eerie and I could not find ways to describe of him being weirdly silent.

"What's up Tracy?" A name I usually use to tease him, he hates being called that way.

"Shut up Damon!" Tracer scolded me and points to the two policemen ahead of us.

"Are you sure they are looking for leads?" He asked and crossed his arms towards his chest. "I do not like this."

I looks closely towards the two and I realize that they are acting quite differently. It seems like they are indeed hiding clues and destroying evidence rather than helping with the progress of the investigation. Tracer grabs me by the shoulder and told me to not to tell a thing about his observation. I remained silent and just sat down beside of him.

Moments later we realized that the two were getting more and more suspicious in their actions. Talon our squad leader who was not able to control himself approached the two and asked questions to the two. We have been out in the sun for almost two hours. The heat is blistering and we have not eaten lunch yet.

"I am parched I need water..." One of the technicians said and approach me.

I handed out a water canteen to the thirsty gal. When she removed her goggles I realized it is Merwin and was surprised to see her with us in this mission.

"Merwin, I did not notice you earlier." I said to her after she returned the water canteen.

She chuckled and replied to me fixing her hair, "You quite ignored me back there. I wanted to ask you something before we headed here." She continued.

Her curves defined her figure, enough to make a man like me salivate. Although men like women with fair complexion, she is however, despite her dark skin she is attractive enough. She glances towards me hits the tip of my nose with her pointing finger and said.

"What's up with that face? Did you fall for my charms?" She teasingly said.

"Y-yes!" I said subconsciously and blushed all of a sudden.

Tracer beside me chuckles and left us alone saying, "Get yourselves a room, sheez!"

"W-what!?" I exclaimed after returning to my senses.

"You just spaced out earlier." Merwin said.

I look away from her to break my stare. I shyly replied to her saying, "You see... I like, y..."

"Yes?" Merwin asked curiously.

All of a sudden one of the Grunts called my attention, "Hey lover boy, it's the boss! He wants to talk to you."

It seem like Talon is looking for me already, I asked Merwin to follow me. Talon and his company found a strange lead. Bloodstains and some disposed evidence, the two policemen looks at each other upon seeing it. Talon stands behind them and talks to a grunt beside of him. I arrived moments later when the four of them talked. The two policemen seems to be clueless of what they have seen. Talon keeps on throwing questions at them but his efforts are in vain.

"This leads nowhere, we are like fools being played around!" Talon said and took his weapon with him. He signals our team to move out and leave the two policemen be.

"Where are you supposed to go?" One of the policemen asked Talon.

"We quit this job!" Talon said raising his middle finger to them.

"You are breaching the contract you know!?" The second policeman asked Talon.

"The hell do I care!" Talon replied and continued on his way calling us to come with him.

"What now Talon?" I asked him who looks very displeased about the situation. Tracer stood in front of me and shakes his head and not to bother our infuriated leader.

"Nothing good will come of this." Tracer said and followed our leader, Merwin did the same who took a glance at me. She lifts her shoulders and tells me not to be bothered about it.

I was left pondering about the situation at hand. If we were to abort the mission, we may face fine and may affect our reputation. However, with the mission being mismanaged by the officials of the Dome I do not know if this counts. Probably Ivan may probably throw tantrums at us.

One of the two policemen calls our attention after seeing an evidence. He waves his hand and shouted as he approaches us.

"We found something!" He rushed running out of breath

"What now?" Talon asked the policeman.

"This is not good!" The policeman who was surprised replied to him.

Talon took some of the Grunts including me to the site and saw a disturbing package. It seems like it has been there for days. The stench of something rotting could be smelled meters away. I was told by Talon to establish a perimeter at the site.

"Damon, call Merwin and her team to call the specialist. We need our equipment to identify the specimen that could be found in this crate, hurry!" Talon ordered me.

I called Merwin's attention and relayed what Talon had said to me. A containment and forensic team is on its way. Other than us who went close to the site, others are not allowed to stay close. For the crate may contain any bioweapons that may infect us.

What may seem to be a cover up or what the policemen trying to do is not what it seems. Investigating their methods, they are most likely using an outdated means of investigation. With the crate opened, it uncovers a mutilated body of a young man, who we thought to be of ages 18 to 21.

"He must be involved in some crime or some sorts, probably, the mafia." One of the policemen said.

"They must be all that powerful eh?" Talon asked the two policemen whose silence was suspicious.

"We are not allowed to talk about confidential matters to anyone!" One of them said to Talon.

Talon sighs and replied to them and said, "Very well, we do not finish missions if we do not know what we are dealing here!" He said in a serious tone.

"You'd better speak up, our leader does not like any sort of lies. If you do not wish to speak what you know, sorry, we cannot allow ourselves to be endangered with partial information." Tracer said to the two policemen.

One of the policemen glanced at his partner and fixes his hat, he faced Talon and finally began to confess. Hearing the words of the policeman Talon could not believe what he has heard. Other than the threats that is made by the leader of the mafia to them. They are trying to exterminate the people living in the Dome with chemical weapons.

"Now that you know our story, I hope you will help us in this situation." The Policeman said.

Talon sighs and shakes his head, "We will need a new contract or else, this will be a breach in your end!"

"But..." The policeman tried to persuade Talon but was interfered by his partner.

"We will return to the Dome first and deal with your superiors. If they can pay at least the minimum for the clarification of the terms of this mission, then we can proceed in dealing with this mess we are in. If not we will leave!" Talon said.