Visiting Next Door

Tian Cai spent the entire night giving Fei Hung a crash course in cataloging. He now sat at a table with his Mother and Bai Guang. Everyone appeared tired with bags below their eyes.

"Son, did you not sleep well? You look very tired."

Tian Cai rolled his eyes left towards Bai Guang and said, "Son must've ate something bad, my stomach was sensitive and I had to relieve myself throughout the night."

Bai Guang looked up blankly, her face abruptly turned green. "Master, Disciple isn't feeling well. I'll-I'll go rest first. Hurriedly, she ran out."

"Mom, what's wrong with Big Sis?"

"Last night was a very long one for the clan. You mentioning a queasy stomach reminded her of the night's horrors. We're you in the forbidden area?"

"Mhm. I was up all night teaching Fei Hung." Flustered, Tian Cai smacked a palm at the table.


He looked at his hand in amazement. He had almost split the table into pieces.

"It's just a table. All the expensive furniture and valuables were hidden away long ago. Now, tell Mom what you want to say."

"Fei Hung needs to sort through my Master's memories and it will be a long process. Son is tired, because Fei Hung needed to be taught how to categorize the memories. But not all is lost. Son realized he already has what is most important.

Sipping a cup of tea, Zhao Wen said, "Oh? And what is that?"

"Mom, don't I have the Innate Sunlight Body? Doesn't that mean, the best cultivation is not one that my Masters can provide; but one that comes from our Ancestor? More importantly, an Archaic Grand Empyrean?"

Zhao Wen's eyes glittered. Leaning over, she patted Tian Cai's head. "Whose is I, Zhao Wen's little genius?"

Tian Cai smiled in contentment. Taking out a book, he pushed it to Zhao Wen. "Mom you and I, we can cultivate our Ancestor's Grand Sun Soul Art. This is the best method for our Innate Sunlight Bodies."

Faster than the speed of light, Zhao Wen already had swept up the book and was reading it.

Tian Cai smiled wryly. "Mom, at the end, there is a section where I note your current weaknesses and the appropriate methods to fix them. Once you fix them, your potential will rise to at least 50%."

Zhao Wen looked up with dumb shock.

Tian Cai's smile widen from to cheek-to-cheek. "If you breakthrough to Grand Empyrean, then the potential should be about 75%. Deducing this trend, doesn't that mean the remaining 25% is accomplished at Celestial?"

Zhao Wen stood up, patting her heart constantly in excitement. "You-You are right!!"

Tian Cai nodded in contentment.

Seeing this, Zhao Wen eyebrow arched as she said, "Don't let it go to you head."

Knocked down from his serene contentment, Tian Cai smacked his lips. "Mom, my only worry is that I cannot cultivate any martial techniques. My instinct is that Fei Hung will take an extremely long time to sort through the memories. I don't know when I'll find something useful."

"For now there is no need to. Cai'er, you still only have the body of a five year old. Typically, there are still four more years before children can start cultivating. Further more, one doesn't start practicing martial techniques until the Martial Adept level. The purpose of the Initiate level is to temper the meridians, the bones and learn how to store energy in your dantian. In Mother's view, what's most important is for you to fully control your Martial King physique. Why practice a technique, when your body is already a weapon?"

"Mom-Mom your right. I'm fuc-um-I'm superman. Even he had a growth period were he had to control his power. This is now my period."

"Just know you just barely avoided death. Grandmother may be old, but she has the best hearing in the whole clan. Son, you should know, your Grandfather is a good fighter out of necessity. Your Great Grandmother shows no mercy and has endless tricks. In battle, you only want to be her ally."

Sweat beads fell endlessly from Tian Cai's forehead. "Mom, son loves you best."

"Mother knows, also she has already prepared training for you."


"Your Uncle Qiang has been recalled and well arrive soon."

"What! Young Disaster King will be training me?"

"Son, even though Mom is stronger then him as well as smarter, your Uncle Qiang is a battle fanatic. He's known as Young Disaster King because he likes dueling. Whenever that happens, its a headache. Almost always, something is destroyed."

Gangsters! My family are gangsters!

"Your Uncle has invaluable fighting experience and is the best one to train you. Also, I have to tell you something else?"

Tian Cai felt a headache coming and nervously listened with trepidation.

"Your Uncle has a disciple named Qin Rong." Zhao Wen rubbed her glabella. "Sigh, Bai Guang and her don't get along and always fight."

"Mom, you mean fist-to-fist?"

"It's worse. They argue endlessly. They compete endlessly. It's gotten to the point that their courtyards are located at the farthest points in the manor."

"Mom, what-what does that have to with me?"

"You don't know'll be pulled in as well. Since Bai Guang adores you...Qin Rong will try to take advantage of that."

"You-You mean they'll fight over me for attention?"


Suddenly, Tian Cai's eyes sparkled.

Two girls fighting over me!

"Son, are you smiling?"

Coughing, Tian Cai quickly said, "My Little Brother just said something funny."

"Oh. Anyway, Mother has now warned you to beware of those two. When training with your Uncle Qiang, learn well to control your strength. Remember, you must remain low profile."

"Son, understands," responded Tian Cai. "Mom, speaking of Big Sis and this long night, what happened?

Zhao Wen's face blackened.

"It was that bad?"

"Mhm. Some strange flying beast attacked our Clan last night."

"What!! Did we kill it!"

Zhao Wen laughed sarcastically, "We couldn't even see it...That beast was hidden high up in the night sky. Son, don't go see your Grandfather for awhile. We were attacked, but your Grandfather suffered the most."

"Did-Did Grandfather almost die?"

"It's worse...That-That foul beast dumped a mountain of sh*t on him."

"Mom, is such a thing possible?" asked Tian Cai in disbelief.

"We still haven't been able to get rid of the smell. In fact this is why Mother warned you. Mother doesn't want you to smell like dung."

Tian Cai's mouth gaped open like a giant O.

"For now, this our clan's greatest secret on pain of death. This also involves Grandmother."


"Son, you can never question motherly love. Grandmother-she-she-she cleaned up Father."

Tian Cai's eyes popped out and somehow, somehow his gaping O-shaped mouth widened farther.

"Son, keep this secret well. You don't know the horror of your Grandmother. Forget the Heavenly Punishing Paddle. When she's truly angered, she-she lights people up like flaming trees."

Tian Cai gargled.

"What, you gaped so wide your trap is now frozen??"

Tian Cai nodded.


Zhao Wen had backhanded him. "How about now?"

Tian Cai shook his head in negative. Hand tightening into a fist, Zhao Wen said, "Son, your physique is both a boon and a curse. Remember as I strike, Mother does this out of love." Suddenly, her fist burst into red flames.

Tian Cai's eyes popped out in horror. The last thing he remembered before passing out, was the light of red flames enveloping his face.

When he woke up Zhao Wen was cradling him in her arms. Although there were no visible wounds or blemishes, his face and hair was covered in black soot.

"Mom, what-what happened?" he meekly asked.

"Cai'er! It's wonderful that you can speak now."

Tian Cai recalled that he had gotten lock jaw from shock about his Grandfather and Granny. "Mom, tell son this was just a nightmare. Grandfather didn't get dumped upon by a mountain load of sh*t. My Granny doesn't light people up like flaming trees. My Mother's fists don't burst into red flame."

In answer, Zhao Wen smiled brightly and said, "Mother loves son best."

"It's all true?"

Zhao Wen nodded in affirmative.

"Mom, tell son the truth. Are we a family of gangsters?"

"Gangsters? Mother doesn't know what you mean."

"How about mafia?"

Zhao Wen shook her head in negative.

Tian Cai sighed in resignation. "Son will ask again when he finds the equivalent word."

"If you clean up, how about Son go out to tour the city with Bai Guang?"

Tian Cai abruptly sat up. "Really, I can go out?"


"Ha! Son will go get ready now!"

As he was about to thunder off, everyone was startled as they heard roars.

"Damnable Foul Beast...I'll kill youuuu!!!!"

Tian Cai eyebrows furrowed.

Even though mother asked me to stay away. He's my Grandfather.

Instead of returning to his courtyard, Tian Cai changed directions to his Grandfather's residence.

Within a few breaths, he thundered into the courtyard. Skidding to a halt, rock and dirt sprayed about.

His head jolted in shock at what he saw before him. With a bare torso, long disheveled hair and waving two long giant spears in both hands; his Grandfather was scanning the sky with blood red eyes.

"Show yourself!!! Face this old man and dieeeee!!"

"Grandfather, what's wrong?" asked Tian Cai, taking a step forward. Immediately his nose was assaulted by the foulest rancid smell he ever faced.

I think this is worse then the funk of my feet of my previous life.

Tian Cai took some more deep sniffs.

Wait, it's not.

"Cai'er don't come closer. It's not appropriate...this smell...Grandfather knows he stinks."

"Grandfather can't you take a bath?"

"This? Sigh...Grandfather just finished bathing five times. Each time with a stronger soap."

Holy Bleeping Sh*t. Just what kind of f*cking animal dared to crap on his Grandfather's head? Was it some giant pigeon?

"Cai'er your face? Why is it covered in soot? Wait..did-did my daughter hit you!?"

"This? It was an accident. It was just a love tap?"

"She dare hit my Grandson!!!"

"Grandfather it was an accident. Mother was demonstrating a martial technique and I was too close. Thus, my face ended up this way. I'm sure it will wash out easily?"


Tian Cai pursed his lips as Zhao Chen gave a him an envious look. "Ahem...I'm sure after it is washed more than ten times, it will come off. Grandfather, just now, were you searching for that beast?"

"Mhm. Earlier Grandfather sensed its aura. It seems to be coming from the Ling Clan. Humph! I'll go next door and investigate."

"Grandfather, Grandson will go with you."

"Cai'er Grandfather shouldn't be exposed.."

"Grandfather, that isn't Grandson's concern. Humph! My only intent is to kill the animal that dares do this to my Grandfather. I will go clean up and meet you at the gate with Small and Gray shadow.

"Mhm. Grandfather will take another bath and find some perfume."

Perfume?...Poor Grandfather...that won't help you either.

After quickly washing up, Tian Cai appeared at the gate with Small and Gray Shadows. Fat Shadow and the other Shadows were already with Zhao Chen.

He sniffed a couple of times and inwardly, shook his head. The perfume almost made it worse like a flowery bitter acid.

Suddenly, he realized the smell didn't bother the Shadows. "Uncle Fat Shadow, aren't you and the other Shadows bothered by the smell," asked Tian Cai.

"It's not that we aren't but due to our Shadow Arts. We can control our breathing and auras to naturally blend into any environment. If we couldn't then of course we wouldn't be able to do our jobs. You'd be surprised at how many people have refined senses of smell."

Assassins. We're not a clan of gangsters but of assassins.

Tian Cai nodded in understanding. Looking up at his Grandfather, he was about to speak when a curious frown crossed his face.

Noticing Tian Cai's reaction, Zhao Chen asked, "Cai'er does Grandfather look even more dapper today? Or, is there something unusual you see?"

Tian Cai shook his head. "Grandfather there just something different about you today...Grandson is not sure, but something's changed."

Zhao Chen sighed in relief. He was half expecting something else was wrong in addition to the horrendous smell surrounding him.

"You all listen closely. We shall attempt to capture the beast. However, if we can't then the killing blow must belong to me. Understand."

"Yes Uncle," said Fat Shadow.

"Yes Old Master," responded everyone else.

"Cai'er, you together with Small and Gray Shadows, shall maintain a certain distance. Should you suffer an attack from that foul beast. By the Divinities, nothing will save me from your Mother. You two, protect him with your lives."

"Mhm, Grandson understands."

"Yes, Old Master."

"Good, then lets go to the Ling Clan," commanded Zhao Chen.

Hours later, Zhao Chen returned with Tian Cai in his arms. To his dismay, Zhao Jia and Zhao Wen were already waiting for him. Unknowingly, his legs started shaking.

"Mother, Daughter you-you are both here."


Zhao Wen rushed over and grabbed Tian Cai from her father.

"Zhao Chen, you tell Mother what the hell happened," icily said Zhao Jia.*1

Zhao Chen's eyes constricted to pinpoints as his Mother pulled out the Heavenly Punishing Stick and a pillar of blue-white flame blasted up into the sky. Unlike Zhao Wen, his Mother did not have a domain. Instead she was a purely offensive cultivator.

The situation was bad...really bad. First his Mother used his full name. Second, she pulled out the Heavenly Punishing Stick. Thirdly, he noticed she added more spikes to the stick.

"Father, what happened to my Tian Cai," asked Zhao Wen.

Fat Shadow quickly ran forward. "Aunt, Grandmother, It's not Old Master's fault that Tian Cai fainted. I don't know how to say this..."

Zhao Chen sighed deeply. "Mother, Daughter our Zhao Clan faces a horrible situation."

Suddenly, Zhao Wen's Empyrean aura erupted and pressed down on everyone as light gleamed fiercely in her eyes.

"Humph! You all better give me a clear answer as to why my Cai'er has fainted."

Zhao Chen gulped. He was sweating profusely and could barely stand. In comparison, the Five Shadows fell to their knees, groaning in pain.

My Daughter has gotten stronger.

Through gritted teeth, Zhao Chen said, "Daughter don't be disappointed. Our-Our Tian Cai, he's-he's a wuss. Grandson fainted at the sight of blood."

"What!!" exclaimed both Zhao Jia and Zhao Wen.

"Who-Who cut him?" Zhao Wen's Sunlight Domain sparked white-hot into life and blasted outward to encompass the whole area. The buildings and grounds started shaking with the pressure. Behind her, Zhao Jia was encompassed in blue-white flames.

Sh*t, were all going die.

Throwing spittle, Zhao Chen said, "No one did!!!…A-A-A Ling Clan person cut their finger. Grandson saw the blood and then he swooned like a woman."


Abruptly, the pressure died out.

"Fat Shadow, is this true?"

Stumbling back up to his feet, Fat Shadow said, "Yes Aunt, us Five Shadows witnessed the same thing."


Zhao Wen caressed Tian Cai's face.

Afraid of blood...Son damn your Masters...damn all three of them for doing this to you.

In the middle of the night, Tian Cai woke up. Again, he found himself in his Mother's arms.

"Mom, what-what happened?"

Zhao Wen sighed with relief. "How does Son feel? Are you hurt anywhere."

Tian Cai shook his head, "Just a bit nauseous. Mom tell me what happened."

"You-You fainted."

"Fainted? Did that Foul Beast attack me?"

"Son, I'm afraid you-you aren't right in the head."
