Bunny Rampage

Appearing indifferent to the dancers removing their garments, Scholar Jin suggested, "Youngest Master, the dancers are almost ready...you should strip as well."

Small Shadow's face burned cherry red. Pointing frantically, he choked for half a breath than fainted. The shock had been too much for the young boy.

In comparison, the Zhao Clan Guards and Gu Jin faces were frozen in enraptured smiles. Inwardly, many thanked Tian Cai for bringing them along.

However, all were oblivious that their Youngest Master was currently in a dilemma.


Somehow his eyes had actually split apart. One was glued to the dancers, the other was constricting in horror at Scholar Jin.

Realizing, Tian Cai hadn't responded, Scholar Jin asked, "Youngest Master, is there a problem?"


Scholar Jin jolted. Did Youngest Master just slap himself? This!

"Youngest Master, has-has this one angered you?" asked the befuddled Scholar Jin.


Hearing the second slap, Gu Jin looked over and immediately realized the problem. "Scholar Jin, earlier Matriarch warned me that Youngest Master has a condition. Besides fainting at the sight of blood, he occasionally suffers from lockjaw. It only occurs when he suffers extreme shock."

Scholar Jin heaved a sigh of relief. "If that's the case, should we postpone the ritual?"

Gu Jin strode over. "No need...Matriarch said there was a simple solution. However, it requires the might of a Martial King."

Scholar Jin eyebrows arched. What kind of remedy required the might of a Martial King?

Suddenly, Gu Jin Marital King aura exploded. "Youngest Master, please forgive this King!" roared Gu Jin.


Gu Jin's fist hit Tian Cai's jaw and to his surprise, the five year old punk only stumbled back ten feet. Gu Jin winced. His knuckles actually hurt!

Wizened by the wisdom and experience of centuries, few things could surprise Scholar Jin. However, seeing Gu Jin punch the Youngest Master?

"By the Divinities! Are you betraying the clan?" roared Scholar Jin. The old man's Martial Master aura erupted. As he was about to run and escape with Tian Cai, a voice stopped him.

"Chief Gu, many thanks for your fast thinking. Scholar Jin, relax. Just now, Chief Gu helped to loosen my lockjaw."

Withdrawing his aura, Scholar Jin was still in disbelief. With his many years, when had he encountered such a healing method?

"Youngest Master, that method for the remedy, who-who discovered it?"

Tian Cai shot a glance at Scholar Jin. Moment's ago, he wanted me to strip, now he wants to know who came up with the way to resolve my lockjaw?

"Youngest Master, perhaps the inventor is so profound, you are not allowed to reveal the person's name."

Gu Jin chuckled, "Scholar Jin, you certainly have a brain stuck in books. The Matriarch herself discovered the remedy. This King believes, the Youngest Master is wondering why he needs to strip?"

"The Matriarch?....Indeed she is mighty. This one understands now. Youngest Master, did you not read the notes? Throughout the years, in an attempt to garner the greatest reaction from the Sun Divinity, the ritual has been modified. The notes detail the changes."

Tian Cai's eyes twitched. Notes?

Scholar Jin looked over disapprovingly. "Youngest Master, the last scroll in the set are the notes that clarify such things as modifications. When reading the ritual, you must follow by referencing the notes. This Scholar suggests we start formally with teaching sessions. The premonition of you being called to become a Savant, you must seriously consider the path forward."*1

"The notes actually state, being naked is required?" asked Tian Cai.

Scholar Jin replied, "For you, the requestor, bare to your undergarments is enough."

"Chief, how about we open a jar of wine to enjoy the ritual?" boisterously asked a guard.

Tian Cai snorted, "You wanna curse us all? Cripple any guard that attempts to drink the wine. If some one does drink....Humph!..That person will directly be cubed by Godkiller."

The guards trembled and their faces paled. Sliced into cubes by Godkiller?

Seeing the dancers and the alchol, Gu Jin realized these distractions would be too much. "Youngest Master, how about I take the guards and we wait outside until the ceremony is completed."

Tian nodded approvingly. Pointing to the unconscious Small Shadow, he said, "Take him with you."

Gu Jin motioned and two guards rapidly ran forward to collect Small Shadow.

Cupping his hands, Gu Jin said, "Youngest Master, may the ritual be a success. Men, let's go!"

Left alone with Scholar Jin, Tian Cai's hand twitched impatiently.

After three breaths of silence, Scholar Jin said, "Youngest Master you want me to leave as well?"

"If there isn't any other changes to the ritual this Young Master, needs to know....then yes. Please wait outside."

Scholar Jin chuckled inwardly. Who knew the Youngest Master was so shy.

"Very well, this Scholar will wait outside," said the old man.

As soon as Scholar Jin left, a dancer came forward. "Young Master Zhao, do you need help undressing?"

Seeing the bare flesh, Tian Cai averted his eyes.

The dancer smirked. Wasn't he a cute, adorable and shy boy?

Tian Cai said, "No need. Perform as required and this Young Master will generously provide a bonus."

All the dancer's eyes brightened.

Clapping her hands, the lead dancer commanded, "Begin!"

As Tian Cai disrobed, the musician's began playing. Using all his mental capacity to ignore the naked dancers, he strode to the altar with the cup.

Raising the cup to the blazing white jade emblem, Tian Cai said, "Oh mighty Sun Divinity, the source of light throughout the realms...the giver of life...please allow this one to quench your thirst."

Swaying their hips, the dancers chanted, "Please allow us to quench your thirst!"

"Oh Mighty Lord, please accept this first cup of wine," said Tian Cai. Uncorking a jar, he filled the cup with fire wine. Gingerly, he placed it on the altar then humbly bowed. Quickly, his small hands deftly opened each of the jars of wine.

Finishing he bowed again and said, "Oh Mighty Lord, please drink till your heart's content. May you grace this one with your favor!"

"Oh Mighty Lord, please grant us your favor!"

Stepping back, Tian Cai peered all about for a sign. The dancers and musicians continued to perform. Several breaths later, there still was no sign. Clearly, the ritual was not working.

Assuming the lotus position, Tian Cai closed his eyes and willed himself into a meditative state. Breathing in through his nose, he slowly felt the the sunlight entering his pores. Like tiny tingling sparks, the energy slowly drew into his body. Finally, after an hour, he felt full and once again his consciousness shot up into the sky.

Immediately he bowed. "Senior, Junior has returned!"

Tian Cai jolted in surprise. Instead of a response, he heard...snoring?

Hacking out a loud cough, he said, "Senior!"


"Who's the imbecile that want's to die, disturbing my rest? Don't you know, I was finally winning at chess against my Big Brother? HUH!!!"

Flares erupted in all directions. Although Tian Cai wasn't in a physical form, he felt the heat.

"Senior, Zhao Tian Cai has returned with Aged Fire Wine!!"

Outside Ling Fan's hideout, Little Lord suddenly woke up in Zhao Wen's arms. She immediately stiffened at the bunny's reaction. Eyes twitching, Zhao Wen beamed the brightest of smiles.*2

"Little One, we're taking you home right now," she said.

Little Lord looked about and quickly realized neither Ling Fan nor Tian Cai were about. However, in the distance he noticed a thin strand of light shooting shooting down to the Temple. Abruptly, he sat up and said, "Dada!"

Before Zhao Wen knew what was happening, twin red beams shot out.

Screams inundated the area.



Zhao Wen stood stunned. Little Lord had just cut a path through a row of manors. Her eyes dilated as she traced the path of destruction to a large wall in the distance. With a happy jump, Little Lord hopped forward in the direction of the light.


"You can't, that's the City Lord's Manor!!!" yelled Zhao Wen.

Beams erupted again from Little Lord.

Zhao Wen's face blackened. Gritting her teeth, her Empyrean might exploded as she pulled out the Sun Sword.

Wasn't it better to end the rabbit? She was about to jump forward when the City Lord's formations activated.


Concussive explosions erupted as the red beams clashed with the formations. Not even a breath later, the beams cut through the barriers and wall like tofu.

Zhao Wen paled. He cut through the barriers so quickly! Knowing her own power, Zhao Wen knew it would take her at least a day.

Empyrean might flared out from the City Lord's Manor.

"Who dares?" boomed the voice of the City Lord Zhang.

Eyes constricting, Zhao Wen yelled, "Brother Zhang, it's God Killer! Block him and you'll die!"


Horror contorted across City Lord Zhang's face. As quickly as he appeared, he vanished with a whoosh!

Little Lord's fluffy white body disappeared like a blur and appeared on top of the wall's rubble.

"Quickly! Chase after!!" roared Zhao Wen.

Fleeting ahead like a beam of sunlight, she wasn't even a third of the way to Little Lord's position before his eyes fired again.


"My manor!" cried City Lord Zhang.

Shadow Six and the other Shadows exploded into endless shadows and trailed after Zhao Wen.

Screams filled the air in all directions.

"Lord Uncle, we must warn the public, else any who block Little Lord will die!"

"Honorable Niece, Uncle understands! Shadows heed my command. Release your limiters, save as many as you can!!!"

Fat Death, and Soundless Shadows roared, "Release!!!"


Their shadows immediately merged with other natural shadows and appeared to traverse distances faster than any Empyrean.

"Uncle will try and slow down that bunny," said Shadow Six. He was about to act when Zhao Wen words stopped him cold.

"Lord Uncle you can't. Mayhap, only a Grand Empyrean can stop him. You slowing him down, would be like a feather trying to stop a boulder."