Chapter 5: Euphoria

All that I ask out of life is that it be constant and unending euphoria."

― Roman Payne "

We were walking on the streets; I took her hand "Let's go to the mountain side and we can sit and talk a bit." And she smiled. I took her hand and started walking; we saw benches and sat there. "So... Ha Min I am kind of curious... but have you ever dated any girl before?" she asked not knowing the fact that she's the first ever girl; so I thought to play along.

"Yes... and maybe you're the 15th one. I guess, cause I forget to count" I pouted and started laughing; "Yah! How can you be like this? Even if it's our first and last day... still be honest. I'm your girlfriend right now. You can't mess with me." and she turned away.

"What? I was stating the fact; Sihyun. Really; I forgot how many girls I dated before you." I said holding my laugh;

"Yah, Ha Min if you want to mess up with me then fine; I am leaving right now" she said; anger clearly visible in her tone

"Fine Fine... I was just joking. You're the first girl Sihyun. Honestly." I said her and she looked at me in disbelief; I started laughing at her reaction.

"It feels nice when you're smiling Ha Min." She stated and I pinched her cheeks.

"You know... in my life nearly nothing gave me happiness; I always cried alone but now you are one of the reasons of my happiness." She said. "Just because I'm the reason of your euphoria, I'll never ever let you suffer alone again. I promise you" I assured her with a smile.

'Certain time it takes time to find the reason of our euphoria in the same way it took time for me and I found you're the cause of my euphoria'

"Sihyun what's your dream?"

"I want to be a writer. What's your?"

"I want to an idol along with a songwriter."

"Then Ha Min... why don't you show m-" her words were cut off.

*Ring ring*

My phone started ringing and it showed the caller ID 'DAD'. I picked up and tried to be calm. "Where are you? Jungkook, it's already late." He asked.

"Actually I had overtime. And I won't be home for dinner. Don't wait for me. I'll be late eventually. " I replied and hung up

Sihyun looked at me, "You're still lying?" She asked and I nodded. "Yes, because if I say them about my part time job in a book store with Gguk then I might get locked up in my room after I tell them and I won'tbe able to sing and dance; which is actually necessary for me. The actual problem is they don't want to understand. They are forcing me to live their dreams; where I can't see my happiness. I understand that they are concerned about my future but... isn't it just too much. I also have a dream and I want to live that dream" I replied her.

"But Ha min ah; lying is not the solution. Right? I'm also thinking to tell them the truth... once I return." She sighed. She's correct. I should tell them once; and let's see what their reaction is; there are two possibilities, either they will let me follow my dream or will oppose my dream. I took my phone and dialed, 'dad'

"Dad. Sorry, I lied to you. I didn't go for Internship today and the things which you call as 'Useless books'; I work with them. I work as a part timer in a book store. I want you to support me and not force me to live your dreams. I want to be an idol and want to live as an idol and want to try my best. I wish you will try to understand me once. Bye dad" I said and hung up.

I went to the railing; I looked at the city, it was dark at night and the lights from each building were adding light in the dark night. Sihyun came and hugged me from back. I held her hand and turned back; I hugged her tightly, she was burying her head in my chest. I was smiling; she looked up with her brightest smile. "I'm happy for you, Ha Min." She said and we parted; I took her hand and started walking; "Let's go for dinner"


After dinner; it was 10pm at night we were walking down the streets, the street was not busy but it was calm and silent; it was like the nature want to give us some time to spend with each other. The cold winds were hitting our faces; we were enjoying it.

"It's time for me to go, Ha Min; I have flight tomorrow morning." She said and I looked at her; I hugged her tight not wanting to let go of her any moment. "Take care of yourself Sihyun and don't cry alone."

"I won't cry anymore because I found my happiness now and thanks to you for being with me on my last day and to make it memorable Although we don't know whether we will meet again or not but let's say it's our destiny." She said and her grip was tight than earlier. "But I believe in destiny and I think destiny already planned something for us." she told me.

"I'll come to you on the first snow, I promise you and you too take care." She said and we parted

"Goodbye Sihyun" I said her and she tried to smile; it was her forced smile. I looked at her and placed a quick kiss on her lips and now she smiled; a true smile. "Goodbye Ha Min" she said and left. I looked at her until her figure disappears.

"Being with her and discovering feelings was fun but I know it's going to hurt both of us because we started liking each other and ultimately distance will make us fall in love; and we will miss each other more. Some say we start missing eachother the moment we part from eachother and that's what happening with me right now. I am missing her"