"Like snow piles up, I remember what you gave me

You gave me the courage to live"

~ Crystal Snow (BTS)

It was nearly, 3 years that it didn't snow and both Sihyun and Ha Min were getting along in their own life but in the meantime they never forgot about each other and they always cherish their love. Sihyun is a web novelist now and Ha Min debuted in a boy group early this year and they were still waiting for eachother. They didn't let their love die. Sometimes they cried cause they missed each other but they were happy with the hope of love.

'Sometime what we need in love is just a hope of living because you know that the other part is still living in the hope of love'

Ha Min was in a day off and he was in his dorm with the boys; it was the time of winter and Ha Min was still waiting for snow to fall, and he was too focused in his thoughts, he didn't knew the reason but his heart said to go and pay his visit to Gguk and the book store where he worked before becoming a trainee. He changed and wore black hoodie and came out of the room, all the eyes diverted to him.

"Hyung, I'm going out" he said to them

"Okay but be careful of fans and be warm and it looks like it will snow today, maybe you can m-" Shijin was about to speak more but Ha Min cut him off cause he knew what Shijin will say. All of them knew everything about Sihyun and they knew what snowfall meant for Ha Min. Sometimes looking at the maknae; sad hurts the older ones. They knew how much Ha Min loves her.

"Snow? Let's see hyung" Ha Min was about to walk out but Taekwan's words made him halt in his way.

"Don't lose your hope Min ah" Taekwan being the hope of everyone said and Ha Min just smiled at him sweetly.

"Yes hyung, I'll never lose my hope and will wait for her" Ha Min said him and headed out.

No wonder it was too cold and the chilly winds were hitting his face, he wore the hoodie and pulled off his face mask to cover him from any unwanted attention. He was walking down the streets. It was maybe the second time this year that he was walking alone in this familiar street. He wanted to meet Gguk, so he texted him and asked him to meet in the same place. Gguk was a trainee now and he was also busy because he's on his way to debut but manages to meet his best friend. The bonding between Gguk and Ha Min is very strong. Both being; in the same age made it easier.

Soon, Ha Min entered the book store and the familiar scent of book caught him and he was too busy admiring the place. He wasn't a worker here anymore and this made him miss this place and after sometime he felt a presence near him. And he turned around only to find Gguk standing with a smile and he hugged him tight.

"Hey! I can't breathe, I know you missed me" Ha Min said and let out a chuckle and Gguk let go of him. Both of them smiled at eachother. And what both of them love here; is the privacy everyone gives them here.


She was walking in the streets with a bouquet of red roses. She decided to meet up and it was her fate that; the moment she arrived in Busan, it started snowing and she was more than happy. Without wasting anytime, she took a cab for the familiar street and started walking towards her destiny. She was holding her bouquet tight and she was way too excited to meet her lover.

Although it was 3 years since her last visit but still she remembered all the streets and the places she went that day with him. She got a bit confused, so she asked a passerby, "Excuse me, is there any book store nearby?"

"Yes, walk straight and look to your left and then you'll get a book store" the person said her and she said a 'thank you' and she bowed. She started walking and the snow was falling and it was looking very pretty. All of a sudden her mind was flooded with the memories, and she was smiling like a person who was lovesick while walking.

'Thousand words are way too short to describe my happiness'

She found the familiar book store, and with full of hope she walked near the door; she took deep breathes and was staring at the door. Her mind was conflicting and she was very nervous. She was about to go in.


"Let's go out and have fun in café. What do you think?" Gguk asked Ha Min, "Let's go" Ha Min said and they made their way out of the book store. They just stepped their feet outside the store and Ha Min's eyes widen.

They just stepped their feet outside the store and Ha Min's eyes widen

"Ha Min?!"


Both of them were shocked and they were now outside of the store. It was a surprise for Ha Min, that how Sihyun recognized despite his outfit. They were under the beautiful snow, it was like the time stopped for them and they were just too lost in each other. Gguk was standing next to Ha Min with the most sincere smile he had. He was happy for Ha Min, being the best friend; he knew about Sihyun.

Gguk looked at them; and said with the softest tone he ever had, "I'll take my leave Ha Min and Sihyun" and left them.

Without thinking twice, Sihyun hugged Ha Min; she missed him, missed his warmth all these years, her tears started flowing and her grip around him became tighter. She was holding on his hoodie too tightly; not wanting to let go of him this time. And she broke into tears again and very badly, she wanted to speak a lot of things but she couldn't. Finally she managed to speak while sobbing. Things weren't helping, these wasn't what she planned. She thought to have sweet memories with him. "I-I missed you Ha M-Min, I miss-missed y-you. I-I lo-love you Min ah- I love you Ha Min. It was t-too hard for m-me" She was crying and saying. And Ha Min was holding her tight, trying her to calm down but she was breaking more and it was making hard for him to hold back his tears; yet he did.

Ha Min pulled back, and looked at her crying face; her tears were flowing endlessly. Ha Min started wiping her tears and cupped her face; and in no time, their lips met and he started kissing her deeply and Sihyun started kissing him back; she missed it, she missed everything.

Under the snow; with him, it was her dream and they were destined to meet again to complete their love.

"I love you, and don't cry anymore"

"I love you too, never leave me"