The man who was raised in legendary pharmacies

Benjamin awoke in a frown. He couldn't see because his glasses were gone. He was slightly buried in the sand. He looked up at the sky. It was a nice night. It felt cool on his skin. He found a crab on his shoe. He called it Frugy. After his intense naming session, he realized that frogs didn't exist and that crabs are pretty cool. He doesn't live by a beach. He questioned where he was. Then it hit him like a cannonball. He was on Christmas Island. Benjamin Fenderson was freaked out by his surroundings, but also excited, he'd always wanted to explore some of the world for free, and he just traveled. He set off and explored this national park. Some people were there but he didn't really care. He just wanted to explore this wondrous island. He went and named different crabs and did island things. Like make fires and eat the crabs he caught. They weren't as good as his anchovies, but they did alright for him.

Benjamin went to look for a way off the island, but it became tedious to him. He found a boat with nothing but paddles. Benjamin sighed but went ahead and started using the paddles to push the boat towards his hometown. He paddled and paddled but it didn't seem like it was working at all to poor Benjamin.

He was tired and hungry. He made a fishing pole using trash he found in the water. He made some hook and string with his stuff kept from the island like metal. He started his fishing and waited. He caught a lot of anchovies mainly because he had a lot of them set up at once. After a short amount of time, Ben had almost a boat-full. He ate them despite them being raw. He vomited shortly after, how sad. After being hungry for a while, he made it to land. He made it to Sri Lanka, a place in Australia.

He took his anchovies and put them in a plastic bag that he found nearby. He carried them through the town and went to find a fire or a stove to cook his nice anchovies on. He found a small fire stove to cook his anchovies on. He added his own spices and seasonings to it. The smell of the anchovies attracted almost everyone nearby to him. They asked for a sample.

Benjamin gave them a sample of his anchovies. All of them wanted more of the delicious anchovies, for money of course. They started flurrying in, requesting them left and right for unnaturally high prices, such as the equivalent of $10, 20$ going fast to $50 and higher. Benjamin was baffled. These were very high for just a couple of anchovies. He took the deal and gave his nice anchovies to the people of Sri Lanka. He was rich in this amount of money. He had the money to go back to America. But, he didn't want to yet. He wanted to travel to other places. Oh yes, Benjamin was going to Russia.

Just as he thought this, a man appeared in front of Benjamin. He introduced himself as the man who was raised in legendary pharmacies. Benjamin walked off to the airport.