(Final Chapter) Back to America! | Benjamin Fenderson vs Hubert Waterson

Benjamin and the dude on the street got to the airport. They boarded a plane and got to America in fine time. They took third-class seats because Benjamin didn't like people who bragged about their money. When they got to America, it looked run down. Everything was on fire and people were burning.

"This is what happened to our country. I need you to beat Hubert Waterson."

The dude on the street didn't need to say anymore. Benjamin knew what he had to do, and he was going to do it with excellence. They tracked down Hubert at 12 am that night.

He lived inside a small apartment. He looked angry. Benjamin asked him why he'd done this and said that if he beat him in an anchovy cooking battle, that Hubert would have to stop destroying the world and rebuild America. Hubert agreed and they started to cook.

Hubert was putting seasonings in his anchovies that Benjamin would have never thought of putting. Benjamin was doing alright himself, but Hubert was flipping his anchovies like a master. Benjamin never thought he'd have to use his full effort on anybody. Benjamin brought out all of his strength and began his anchovy flipping. He put seasonings in there that Hubert had never seen. They were seasonings made by Benjamin himself in Russia.

It was time for Benjamin's secret ingredient. He opened up the cap to the pencil that Jamison Cheglesmek put in his pocket around a year and a half before. It turns out that Jamison was giving Benjamin an ingredient that Benjamin made long ago but could never remake again. Jamison just happened to save some that night that Benjamin made the best steak ever. Benjamin poured the seasoning on his anchovies, and then they turned a golden yellow color. It glowed in the light and shined through the ceiling. The roof blew off the apartment, and it was getting intense.

The cooking was finally over and without a doubt, these anchovies were the best anchovies that the dude on the street ever had. He and five other unbiased judges tried both participants�� anchovies. Hubert's anchovies had a bluish glow to them. The judges tasted them, and only one died because of how good they were. The rest rated his anchovies a ten, other than the dude on the street. He rated them a nine-point five. It was Benjamin's turn. Not only did Benjamin's anchovies have a yellow glow, but they were golden and reflected light. The judges tried Benjamin's and all of them died from how good they were other than the dude on the street, which he had a lot of practice with good food beforehand because of Benjamin. He rated the anchovies a perfect sixty because he voted for the other judges that died.

Benjamin without a doubt won the competition. Hubert Waterson started crying because of his loss.

"Why can't I make the best anchovies?" he cried out. "I just want to do something that's great! All my life people have been calling me a tech support scammer!"

Benjamin hugged Hubert and the day ended with America being fixed by the great influence of Hubert Waterson. Without a doubt in anybody's mind, this had been the end to a great era in history.