The visit to the restaurant

It's been eighteen months since Benjamin Fenderson(The dude on the street's first-hand anchovy guy who saw the man on the moon), opened his shop. It was a great time for him over the past year and a half, as he'd been living the life. He made much more money than he'd ever done before. This may seem surprising, but he actually had around $67,000 saved up in his bank account. How did he do it? He cooked well. He made the best food in Russia. It was ranked as the number one restaurant in the country. People from all over the world traveled there, just to eat his food.

"What would you like to eat today?" Benjamin asked a customer from his restaurant.

"Just the usual," replied the man. Benjamin even had regular customers.

*Ding, ding.* That's the sound of the shop door opening. A man walked in, and Benjamin hadn't noticed who it was until he remembered the past life he'd lived. It was the dude on the street. Benjamin hasn't seen him in what felt like ages! Benjamin let him have what he wanted on the house.

"Why'd you come all the way to Russia?" Benjamin asked him.

"I thought I'd come and see how you were holding up," replied the dude on the street.

"I know that's not why you came here. Just tell me."

"Well… Simply put, I need you to come back to America." The dude on the street's words got to Benjamin like a bus hit him.

"I like it here, the dude on the street. I can't go back to the US now! I have a shop to take care of." These words made the dude on the street drop his anchovy.

"I knew you would say that. That's why I have to tell you that…" he trailed off. "Everyone is dying in America. I need you to save them," the dude on the street said.

Benjamin Fenderson looked at him with a glare in his eyes. He knew this day was coming. He'd been warned long ago by his colleague, Himalayan Hamson. "Hubert Waterson?"

The dude on the street looked at him as if he were grading a test paper for Ben and he got an excellent grade. It looked like Benjamin's guess was right.