Revenge Unfolds

Alvis walked down into the central part of the village looking for Dorian and Felix, they were the two who tormented him the most and made his life a living hell. Beating him up, ruining any relationships, humiliating his family, and plucking out some of his teeth just for fun.

Why has he never gotten even? Well he was a trash cultivator! They were both Mortal Refining 2 cultivators! Get back at them? He would be courting death! But now that he was a higher stage he could finally get even.

He found the two of them harassing a kid who was only 5 years old,

" HEY! What do you think you're doing?!" he screamed with anger.

Felix and Dorian looked at each other then at Alvis. They both laughed hysterically. "What does it matter to you? You're a garbage kid who has garbage parents. You think you have the right to speak to us? Us your grandparents . Save it" Said Felix

Now, Alvis was still intimidated as he was used to constantly losing and they were both much bigger than him as well as two years older, however he had his system! He had to have some confidence!

"Grandparents are right, which one of you is the grandma? It's hard to tell." Alvis said slyly with a giant grin

They both looked at him with shock, quickly turning into malicious smirks.

"Come pay your ancestor here some respects, I'll have to discipline you in your father's stead because he's obviously a bad parent!" Dorian blurted out angrily

Alvis was steaming with anger, his father was the only one who had been there for him all his life, even if he never saw him much he still did his best. He would rather cut open his own stomach than let them disrespect his great father like that, especially after gaining the strength he now has!

"I guess now we know your last words!" Alvis said consuming their existences with his red eyes

Suddenly an aura engulfed Alvis instantly powering him up to Mortal Refining 3, seeing this the two bullies immediately wet their pants! How could he reach this level in just a day? Was this a dream? Did a god descend to help Alvis? Or maybe it was karma. These thoughts piled up in their heads wondering what to do.

"Alvis, all those times we were just playing you know that right? We were just joking. It doesn't have to be like this, now that you're strong you'll be our senior and we'll follow you around, how about that?" Dorian said shaking with tears visibly starting to emerge.

Sure they were bullies but they were still young kids!

"Yeah .. he's right anyway its not our fault! If you were in our positions you would've done the same thing Alvis. You're just a hypocrite!" Felix quickly said all at once

Alvis smiled.' Yes, this is the way it should be' he thought.

Suddenly memories rushed through of every time he was messed with by them, not just that, every time anyone has messed with him! Now even his own mother wished for him to be gone! He had to retaliate, if not now, then when?

" You know, since I could remember I've always thought everyone else is simply just completely useless. You two have proved me right, I finally completely trust my thoughts. For that, I thank you." Alvis said calmly

The two looked at each other, scared out of their minds. They began to run, the only option was to run to their parents quickly!

But just as they were about to Alvis appeared in front of both of them with his hands on their necks, he began to grip and lift them up! He didn't know any skills but neither did they, the only gap was their realms and he used that to his advantage, for he also had his body tempered to Flesh Refining 3!

The two wanted to scream, they wanted to re write history to never have messed with him! But it was too late. However, just before Alvis was going to crush their necks both their fathers saw them in the state they were in.

"You bastard! Let go of my son before I end your family tree!" screamed Dorian's Father with a hideous face

"Move one inch I will rip you to shreds!" Yelled Felix's Father

But before anything else could happen, two knives were suddenly in both father's chests and they only had time to look down to realize they were both dead.