
Instantly in terror Alvis snapped the two's necks and ran, not wanting to stay near someone who could easily kill peak core forming cultivators. He ran to the one place he thought he'd be safe, next to his father. Alvis didn't know his fathers cultivation, however he thought he was strong. He thought nobody could defeat his daddy.

He found his father and ran behind him and tried to talk but all that came out was incoherent nonsense.

"Found you brat hahaha" Jhin laughed maniacally while he held Alvis's mom by her head

"Now, what would happen if I slowly started to put pressure in my grip?" Jhin said smiling

"Don't you dare! I will rip apart your soul and scatter your ashes into a volcano!" Alvis's father yelled

"Your cultivation is only Soul Forming 2, at that age? HAHAHA TRASH!, just what do you think you could do to me? Try it." Jhin laughed, slowly putting pressure. More and more, little by little, as he put pressure on her head she screamed more and more " WHY AREN'T YOU DOING ANYTHING ALVIS? THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT! WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST DIE?? YOU SUCKED ALL YOUR FATHER'S CULTIVATION WHEN YOU WERE BORN! JUST DIE" His mother screamed. Until...


Her head was smashed as brain matter flew everywhere and filled the fields with a nice red and pink. Some flow onto Alvis and his father. Their looks were simple as just one word. Broken.

"YOU JUST MADE A HUGE MISTAKE!" Alvis's father said as he flew towards Jhin by just the use of his legs, dashing all around making it seem as there was 20 of him!

"Interesting, so it was you. You're the garbage that's been stuck at Flesh Refining 20 Hahahaha you dumb garbage" Jhin said, but in the back of his head he was worried. He didn't know how much power it would have and what skills this old man knew.

"Shadow reaping."

Instantly all 20 of his after images all cut out at Jhin's shadow, making him gasp for his breath. Jhin felt as if his essence had been sucked straight out of his body.

"Endless Void Step!" Jhin activated his skill, quickly leaving the distance and making it wide. He was able to advance his Void Steps to the Advanced stage!

Wait a second..

"It can't be. You finally broke through? You're at least Iron Skin 2! So, the best flesh cultivator in this realm FINALLY broke through. Sad hones-" Just as Jhin was about to finish his sentence he was hit by both Alvis and his father"

"Alvis! Run you can't be here!" His father yelled.

"But I- you're right. I'll run dad!" Alvis said, quivering.

"Fine, I'll take you seriously!" Jhin screamed with rage

"GOLDEN CORE ROTATION!" Jhin activated his cultivation's unique ability, instantly increasing his cultivation by 10 folds for 2 minutes, this had huge drawbacks.

As Alvis was running he heard both his father and Jhin scream, unsure who won, he ran. And ran. And ran. Even after making it two towns away, he ran. Until time passed, from cultivating, to running, until finally 2 years had passed without anything eventful happening.


(SYSTEM: Has has succesfully passed through the threshold and changed destiny.. +200)