
"System? System?!" It seems I've even lost this.. My cultivation is gone too..

My name is Alvis Elvira. There isn't much that I haven't lost. I lost my mother, my father, my home, my strength, I even lost my heaven sent gift. Heck, I don't even know where I am. All I can see is darkness. However there is one thing left, there seems to be a different cultivation method implanted in my head.

This cultivation method is too complicated! instead of cultivating to become an immortal, this method cultivates to become a god! I can only access two parts of it in my memory right now though.

Skimming through my newfound memories I found an 'Introduction for beginners'. It says " The path to cultivation is tough. Only by creating paths and finding the ends of ancient Dao can you truly step on the road of true cultivation. " Strange. There's also an authors name left on the bottom, I can't understand the text though.

I have to figure out how to cultivate this method! Everything may be too profound but if I am to avenge my parents deaths then I need power!

So, time passed as I kept trying to circulate spiritual energy in my body until just like that, two years passed.

How am I supposed to figure this thing out if I can't even cultivate it! Then I realized something. There was a change. Its so small and different that I didn't know. Not only is my soul being tempered, but so is all of my body and organs. This is an insane discovery!

Through my knowledge that I've gained from my short travels there is no cultivation method that affects both body and soul! Usually body training is intense, and it only affects the skin. This method is different.

The energy seems to be more pure too! Laying my foundation with a pure energy like this.. I don't know how far my limit is! If I can cultivate it better then I'd be unstoppable, I hope my lifespan is long enough.

Then, two more years of secluded cultivation passed. I've started to get a faint grasp of how to cultivate this method! The meaning in the introductory is literal! I need to help cultivators find their Dao and in doing so as I grow their strength, I'll speed up my cultivation! This is the ultimate method for those with no talent.

I've decided, I'm going to grow to the first stage of this method and then start my own sect. This is the only way to get enough power, I just need to keep it on the down low, so nobody knows until it's too late! Ill need to figure out a name though... I know! The path changing sect.


20 years later


Finally! I've broken through! I've also figured out where I am! I seem to be in a cave system, it seems to have an above average amount of spiritual energy too! I don't even want to imagine cultivating this method normally.

I don't really need to find a way out.. I'll just punch my way out!


2 Days Later


Oh the ceiling is pretty strong but im finally out! I need to find the nearest town so, I'll just walk one way until I see something. It's a little strange though, I've never seen this area on maps before.