I walked to the vending machines and got myself some energy drinks. I've been running back and fort from tending the accident patients to helping other doctors bring back to life the patients who were critical. One of them was Twice's member Dahyun, i kinda know her because she works with Mark and i have patients who are addicted to their songs. She was already in critical condition when she was first brought here if we hadn't operated on her she would have not survive.

My phone ringed, i looked at it and it was from the Emergency room. "Yeh?"

"Where are you? Theres a patient coming in ten, their bringing her to the lobby" I threw my empty can away and ran towards the lobby. I saw two of my co doctors coming also.

The ambulance came and we are already moving towards the back doors. "Her name is Gina, 38 she was very drunk and she accidentally cut her neck after fighting with a guy the slash on her neck reached her artery" the patient was bleeding fast, one of the paramedics was still holding the patients neck preventing the artery from losing too much blood.

"Release your hand" i ordered and everyone was looking at me like im some crazy bitch. "If you keep doing that shes going to keep losing blood." I took some sterile gloves and push the paramedics away which cause for him to lose his hold. I look at the patients neck and stick my fingers inside finding the artery and stopping it from losing blood using my fingers. "And now we are good to go" I smiled to my co doctors and they were all smirking at me.

"You do realize that you watch too much korean drama right?" Doc. Yoon said

"She wouldn't be the crazy genius for nothing though" Doc Park commented while we push the bed going to the operating room.

I kept smiling to their comments and just kept holding the patients artery.

*lets skip the operation part because well...*

"Thank you everyone" we all bowed to one another after the successful operation and went out of the room while the nurses cleaned the area.

I put my robe and cap inside the laundry bag and went to get some food cause honestly speaking i am hungry as hell after all the work today and speaking of that i still have some post ops to fill out. I havent done my rounds yet too, i guess ill just skip eating again.

I reached the private ward and took the liberty to visit the nurse station before taking my patients updated files.

"Hey doc. I heard you gone crazy again today" nurse Abby said while handing me my patients docs.

"Well, i wont be a good doctor if i dont do something crazy right?" I smiled before leaving Abby and going to my patients room. One 2nd year intern following me. "Your Annie right?" I asked the 2nd year and she nodded. They only started week ago thats why im still getting to know them. Since I was accelerated to 4th year resident i get to have my own little doctor junior.

I almost forgot that Dahyun was one of my patients so right now im outside her room and its making me nervous for some reason. Since I dont have any other choice I knocked and went inside the room. Only to be greeted by multiple guys calling me noona and my first name.

"I shouldn't have doubted the procedure if I knew you were the one operating. Thank you so much Eungee-ssi" JYP-nim said while hugging me. I saw Mark looking at me, since we have company we cant let anyone know that were married. Although Jyp-nim and the other boys know about us. The others doesn't and clearly I'm with someone right now so I cant show them how close i am to them.

"Theres no need for thanks, i still need to see here vitals though, if thats okay?" I asked and the girls quiet down so as the boys as I walked towards Dahyun who is now very awake. "I see your doing okay?" Dahyun smiled

"Annie if you please"

"Names Dahyun, 19, shes one of the accident victims, she suffered two broken ribs, her brain ct showed nothing wrong, but she had internal bleeding which needed surgery right away. Her vitals are normal, her labs showed nothing abnormal." I nod as I heard Annies report.

"Looks like your surgery was a success. Upon checking the bleeding came from the trauma in the spleen, this usually happens after huge impacts, which also explains why some of your ribcage broke. We were able to save your spleen but that doesnt mean your good to go. We still need to observe you for atleast a week or two to ensure that you are really good to go. After that, you still need to avoid excessive work out or trainings for at least a month or two, this will allow your bones to fully heal as well as ur stitches." I said looking also to JYP-nim . "Since i know how important your body is to your career and all, i paid extra attention to my stitches." I winked to Dahyun and that made her smile. I know how scars can ruin someones career in one go. In this place where looks and figure matters, scars are not so welcome.

"Thank you so much Doc!" Dahyun said almost crying

"Thats my noona to you. Shes the best" Bambam said putting his arms around my shoulders.

"By the way, how did you know her bambam, also hyungnim how are you so close to her?" Dahyun curiously asked.

We all look at each other deciding what to say when JYP-nim answered "thats because shes had saved so many of our artists. Thats why i came to know her. Your hyungs know her also because of that, shes actually their personal doctor when they need check ups and when they feel bad"

"Ah yes thats why" Bambam said while looking to JYP-nim. I was about to agree when my stomach decided to interrupt our awkward conversation. I smiled to them since they all obviously heard the rumbling of my stomach.

"I think this is part where i should excuse myself. Dahyun-ni if you feel anything just call the nurses or call doc Annie over here and she'll personally call me." I excused myself but before that I saw Jb almost laughing with my awkward situation. I closed the door and went to smack my head after my humiliation, that was nerve wrecking, Mark was there and he obviously heard my stomach.

"Doc are you okay? Do you still want to continue?" Doc Annie asked. I slowly nod to her and we continued our rounds forgetting about my embarrasing moment.



I was observing Eunjee when suddenly Dahyun asked why was JYP-nim and the guys close to her. I felt my heart beat faster than the usual because if our marriage comes out it will ruin my career.

I saw JYP-nim walked forward and said that they know Eunjee because she saved many or our co artists and that shes our personal doctor, that must have convinced Dahyun because i saw her nodding.

Eunjee was also about to say something when her stomach decidec to pay us all a visit. I prevented myself from laughing as well as JB. She smiled to everyone seeing as everyone noticed her hunger.

"I think this is part where i should excuse myself. Dahyun-ni if you feel anything just call the nurses or call doc Annie over here and she'll personally call me." Eunjee said before going out. Jb was still preventing himself from laughing.

"Hyung" Youngjae silently called my attention while the other walked to Dahyun and kept her entertained. Jb also hearing Youngjae silent call face him "its seems like Eunjee noona forgot to eat. Remember, before she went here she didnt finish her food and from what I heard from the staffs awhile ago, they were so many patients awhile ago and everyone was so busy. I dont think she has the time to eat something. Its almost midnight now and if im right she hasn't eaten for hours." Youngjae worriedly said.

"Boys i think its already time for us to go now. The president might think we are abusing his generosity. Girls, Hyungja will be the one to bring you home today. Dahyun will need a lot rest so we better go now." JYP-hyung said while patting Dahyuns legs. We all nodded and went to say good bye to Dahyun.

What Youngjae said made me think about Eunjee while we were going down. Jackson must have notice me because he suddenly stops me from my tracks. "Hyung, if your worried about her maybe we should atleast buy her something then ask manager hyung to let JB drive us home instead" Jackson suggested while seriously looking at me.

"Manager-hyung, i think we can go home on our own now. You should go with JYP-nim so its nearer to your place" JB suggested, he must have heard Jacksons suggestion.

"Go. You can all bring her some food i know you all got worried after hearing her stomach." It was JYP hyung who said that. He took manager hyungs arm and directed him towards their car while me and the other went to get our van.

Even though i dont really have feelings for Eunjee, she is still my responsibility. Seeing as the others being so willing to buy her food also makes me guilty if I dont show any sympathy.

JB drove the car and we all look for somewhere to buy food seeing as almost all food chains are closed.

After minutes of searching we finally found one burger shop that is still open. We ordered food that is good for all of us including Eunjee after receiving the food we all went back to the hospital. I tried texting Eunjee but she wasnt anwering so I called her instead.

"Hello" Eunjee finally answered after a few rings

"Where are you? I've been texting you"

"Sorry. I needed to finish my rounds before I go home. So i wasnt paying attention to my phone but im good right now."

"Your going home?" I asked while the other looked at me

"Yes. Their giving me a day off tomorrow. Im just going to change my clothes then go home"

"Have you eaten anything yet?" I asked

"No. I didn't have the time and i totally forgot. I'll just eat something or order something while im on the way" she tiredly said.

"You dont have to. The guys bought you something. We'll wait for you outside. Ill drive you back home" I ended the call before she starts complaining.

"She's going home for now, they are giving her a day off tomorrow. Shes just changing right now. I guess you guys can go home first, ill have to drive her back home before she gets herself killed for being tired." I informed the guys.

"Or we can all go to Noonas place and stay there. We can also eat there so she won't feel so lonely eating." Jackson suggested while the others yelled yes and lets go.

We saw Eunjee coming to our van wearing her clothes this morning before she left for work. I went out of the van carrying her food.

"Hey guys. Im so sorry for making you wait but thank you so much for the food and you dont have to drive me home. I can still drive myself, you all need to rest." Eunjee said

"We are staying with you and you dont have a choice." Jinyoung said

"But..!" Eunjee complained but before she could say anything else I was already dragging her to her car.

"Keys" i asked while raising me hand waiting for her to give it. She looked for it inside her bad and handed it to me. I opened the passengers seat and pushed her inside, i went to the drivers side and put her food behind.

She was silent during our ride back home, i can feel how awkward the atmosphere is between us. We were never close on the first place. We were forced to get married because of some stupid promise between our parents. I slightly looked at her only to find her already asleep and slightly snoring. She must have been so tired.

I drove a little bit slower so she could atleast catch a little bit of sleep afterall you know what they say, you are a good driver if someone gets to fall asleep deeply while your driving.

"Oppa..sorry" i heard Eunjee whispered but when i looked at her she was still asleep. I got curious though, who is she talking to and why is she saying sorry.