Its been a week since the accident but it is still all over the news. Its also been days since the last time i talked with the guys. I walked through the corridors bowing and smiling to different patients i encounter, checking my own patients from time to time, releasing some of them if they look okay.

"Doc T. Theres been a rumor going around the hospital?" Boom, one of our 2nd year resident doctors said while watching me doing some paper works.

"It it has nothing to do with me or my patients i dont really care. So it better be good" I said without looking to the young doctor.

"The staffs are wondering to whom you were married to, since you came here you always had the ring tied in a necklace and before you operate they always see you pinning in to your scrubs. So someone kind of asked Doc.Kim regarding your background but even Doctor Kim doesnt know who your husband is. So they said thay it might be the presidents close family relative with all the secrecy and with you being promoted, it doesnt help with your case" Boom whispered but failed to keep it because some of the nurses heard him and has been listening quietly for my response.

"Let them think what they want to think. My husband is no ones problem so they dont really need to know who he is plus my personal life is also none of their business, as long as im doing my job and not ruining someone, thats all you'll get from me. Rumors will die down eventually so dont worry your self, as your attending, your still safe under my wing" i smiled to him and walked away from the situation.

Although its true that my whole identity and all are so private thay everyone keeps wondering who am i really. He companies president and the other trust worthy people knows about me but those under doesn't since it may cause a lot of trouble. I walked inside the lounge only to be greeted by Doctor Kim.

"Yah! Little birds has been asking me nonstop about you this days, if I didnt know better I would have told them right away who your husband is. Why are they so curious about you anyways?" She asks me while handing me some coffee, i sat next to her and pouted.

"Unnie i think im getting famous for no reason again. Boom even asked me if its true im related to some relative of President Lim. I cant even let them see me bulge, they might figure out who my husband is and that would really ruin everything" i sighed while eyeing the coffee in front of me.

"Too sad for you. Your husband is kinda hot though. I saw him days ago coming in here with the others." Doc.Kim said "although I didnt know he was so close with the other girls, he was being cute with one of the members. Are you two talking this days? Are you planning to end your marriage now?" She asks. I shook my head but at the back of my head i was also curious about it.

"Doc. T. The chief wants to see you." Minye-noona informed me. The chief, he usually calls me through my phone if he needs something from me. What got him so busy that he cant call me and asked Minye-noona instead.

"Thanks noona." I slightly bowed to noona then excused myself from doctor Kim. I walked out the lounge and went to the chiefs office.


"Ah. Miss Eunjee. Thank you for coming. I was going to call you but I forgot to bring my phone with me" I nod to Chied Park "take a sit" he offered and i followed. I made myself comfortable as chief Park rummage through some papers in his desk.

"I got a call from President Lim, he is some like impress with your current standing in the hospital and he asks me if its possible to make you someones personal doctor" i curiously look to chief Park while he keeps looking through his papers. Its true that I've been spending almost all my time here at the hospital but I still don't see myself as impressive. "He told me that due to some unfortunate events, a big entertainment just asked you to become their personal doctor, which means that you are entitled to their personal files and you'll be handling all their artists, you'll do their check ups and whenever they need medical attention you'll be the one to take care of them" I nod understanding the situation.

"Is this an order from the president or do i get to decide whether  i'm willing to accept it or not?" I asked

"Well, you do have a choice but the president really insists that you take this opportunity saying about grabbing the biggest luck of all time." He finally found what he was looking then handling it to me. "Just as the presidents instructions, that's the files of the artists your going to deal with" I scanned the files given to me and I almost drop the papers i was holding after seeing the picture in front of me

"Is... isn't this?" I stuttered while asking Chief Park

"Yep. JYP Entertainment just hired you to become their personal doctor. Well not just yet really cause you still need to decide, i mean who could say no to the amount or salary their offering you for your services" Chief Park grinned while giving me the contract that was already signed by our President and JYP-nim, aside from that I read through the contract, so they want me for at least 2 years if I stop doing my job to them it will only cause me 20% of my salary for breach of contract. I look through the amount of salary their offering and i felt my eyes got very wide.

"How is this even possible? Why are they giving me this much?"

"Its because one part of the deal is for you to focus your work to them, so you'll get less shifting hours and more time playing doctor with the artists. Since you are still part of the company, they are entitled to also give 10% to the company. So the salary your looking is the amount their company decided to give, 10% of that will go to the hospital and also your taxes." I nod quietly after chiefs explanation. I weighed my options. If i do this, then i at least have a raise and also i get to hang out with the guys, but that also mean i have to see Mark often which is not bad but not so good either. If i don,t do this, i keep doing what i'm doing which is having multiple shifts and a very cramped schedule.

"Why me though? If its due to some unfortunate event? Why did they choose me?" I asked although i kinda have an idea as to why they are suddenly doing this.

"Well, maybe its because you operated on one of their artist and successfully saved her and lets also be honest, you are one of the greatest, smartest doctor I've ever trained and encountered. Although you'll have lesser shifts it doesn't mean we are at great loss. Maybe they just need someone good to take care of their artists and you being young and almost very good, fits their criteria perfectly. So what do you say?" Chief Park smiled at me while waiting for my response.

"I guess it wont hurt me to try right?"

"Of course. So if you please sign on this and the files, review them all." Chief Park instructed and so i signed beside my name and gave it to him while thinking on how am I going to handle this situation. Especially that Mark is definitely going to be there, so as the guys, how am I supposed to act around them now?

I hold on to the files in my hands after walking out of the room and prayed that this too shall pass. If it wasn't for the fact that I'm married to the hottest man in town i'd be jumping up and down now for this opportunity... but I am.

Oh God what have I done? Help me please. I look to the skies outside  "Yah! MOM, DAD this better be not one of your tricks, but even so, help me okay!" I sighed and went on.



"Ah! Mark-oppa!" I heard someone called while I was running back to practice. I just took a ten minutes break to refill my water bottle and get back to practice. I look to the source of the call and saw Sana, one of Twice's members and of course our little sisters, running towards me. She stopped in front of me and handed me one energy drink "I almost didn't catch up with you, who knew you could run so fast oppa? " she pauses " I actually just wanted to give you that and to cheer you on. I know how much you guys have been preparing for the music bank, thought you might need a little energy drink and some cheering from your dongsaeng. That's also to thank you for cheering for me and the girls when we were sad about the accident, so thank you oppa and fighting" Sana shyly cheered then runs away from me without even hearing a word come out from me. I smiled to her sweet gesture and promised myself to say thanks to her later.

I ran back to the practice room only to see the guys laughing about something. I put my drinking bottle away and went to see what that boys are laughing about.

"What is so funny guys?" I asked

"Look at this hyung some fans made this cute video about Bambam and Youngjae, almost all the clips has either Youngjae laughing or Bambam dancing" Yugyeom showed me and by the end of it I was already laughing because of Youngjae's facial expressions when his laughing as well as Bambam's when his dancing.

"Jb-ssi, the group has been scheduled for some physical examination tomorrow as by request of the new doctor. So for now, all your practices are cancelled so you all could prepare for tomorrow" Manager-hyung said after talking to our instructors. Jackson was the first one to cheer followed by me and the others. We still have at least half a day to spend which means we have a time to for relaxing. Since our comeback we didn't do anything but promote our song, practice it to perfection, and with the accident last week we didn't really have a proper rest.

"Manager-hyung, why do we suddenly need a physical exam?" Jinyoung asked

"Oh she is somehow new and needs to update your records. Thats all i got, JYP-nim just told me to pass the message to you about the change of schedules and to cancel all our practices today."

It was obvious that we were all curious about this new doctor and why the sudden need for physical exam, we'll be able to meet her anyways so why bother now where I can just take a good rest and sleep. I smile to my own thoughts and went back to the lockers witb the other. We changed clothes and decided to eat somewhere before going home. I played with my necklace which also holds my wedding ring and some of my pendants.

I felt my phone dinged to i opened it

From: Eunjee

Hey! You might be asking why am I texting when i could just call you but I cant because your mom and dad are suddenly home and i dont know what to say to them anymore. I told them you have a schedule today but they insisted on waiting for you. Send help! Please! Like now!

Another message came

From: Dad

Hey son! Your mom and I decided to come back for the week. We are already at your house come home when you're free. You mom bought a lot of couple things for you and Eunjee, she needs to see you wear them. Sorry son, but looks like you'll be barbie and ken for your mom tonight.

I dialed Eunjee's phone and waited for her to pick up, this cant be happening right now. The phone kept ringing i was already going to end it when suddenly

"Hi babe! Im sorry I couldn't pick up awhile ago because I was helping your mom whose in front of me right now. Are you going home already?" I heard mom saying about loudspeaker in the background so I decided to copy Eunjee, just so we are both safe.

"I'm on my way honey" the moment i said that all the guys stopped what they were doing and looked at me, "Eunjee honey, take care of mom and dad ill go buy something to eat first before going there." I said so that both the guys and Eunjee understands.

"Honey  i've turned off the speaker now, is the boys with you?" She sweetly asks which only meant that my mom might still be watching her but being in this fixed marriage, at some point Eunjee and I have established our secret code. Like for example i ask her about something in amount and she say three it only means that my mother is listening or if i tell her that im on my way and she says Take care only means that i need to be home fast or if she answers okay meaning that i still have time to spare.

"Honey, would you like me to buy some apples if yes how many?" I asked

"I think three is enough babe" so my mom is listening.

"Okay then. Do you need anything else?"

"Something sweet will do" Sweet means shes about to lose her shit right now

"Okay then, im on my way"

"Take care. Ba bye" she cheerfully said before hanging up.

"Guys you need to drive me to Eunjees now. My parents are there and shes going to lose her shit every soon" I told the guys what i didn't know was we were already on our way to house. The guys must have understood the situation awhile ago and took the liberty of driving there while i was still talking.

"You do realize that you have messiest marriage life ever, right?!" Jackson commented while the others are preventing their smiles from coming out their faces. "Like seriously bro. Cant you two just make it real? Rather than being civil to each other why don't you two really date for real" he added which cause a smack from me.

"No dating policy. REMEMBER" I reminded Jackson about our contract with JYP entertainment. As long as we are still artists under their label, until JYP hyung says we are allowed to date, then we cant date. Well not publicly anyways some still manages to date secretly from the public eye.

"Hyung we're here" Youngjae said and I took a deep breathe before saying

"Here goes nothing"