I woke up feeling a bit light headed, I saw a piece of paper on the pillow next to me and realized that it came from Mark.


I had to go back early today, I didn't wake you up so you could rest a little longer. I'll be in the company til' late. Txt me if you're going to work today, i'll drive you home.

Ps: Dont forget to eat before going


I felt my heart beat fast after reading Marks letter. He was being so nice to me and its making me a bit hopeful, well this past few days, with our interactions and all those unwanted moments, his being a gentlemen and all, it makes me think twice about him a bit more.

I still can't forget how he took care of me last night by staying and making sure I fall asleep. Although yesterday was a bit traumatic but I actually feel quite happy right now.

I walked out of the room and drank some water from the table, I looked for something to eat and saw a little note placed on the fridge.

Since I told you to eat might as well bring you something to eat. Its in the oven in case you want eat it now. Just heat it up.

The note said, no doubt that it came from Mark as well. I opened the oven and saw a bowl of soup and some muffins. I took out the muffins and put the timer on for the soup. I searched for my phone and found it on top of my coffee table, good thing it was still on and not drained so I opened it and saw a bunch of texts from the guys and some from JYP and also Nurse Yu and Nurse Ae Jun. The boys had manage to also not just flood me with texts but also chat messages from all of my social media accounts. I read all and only saw same questions only in different phrases. I told them I was okay and that I'll be seeing them later.

From: JYP-ssi

Eunjee-ssi, Im very sorry about what happened I tried calling you but the boys said that Mark took you home and most probably be resting now. We will see to it that the guy who abused you will face his consequences. I am deeply sorry for what happened and it was your first day. The guys were so upset when they told me. If you are free tomorrow feel free to visit me in my office i'd like to personally apologize to you. You are one of us now and it upsets me to see one of my family gets upset.

Take Care and Ill see you.

I read JYP's message and took note to visit him later when I get to the office. I heard the oven dinged so I went back to the kitchen and took out my bowl of soup. I blow it before taking a sip and you never know it was one hell of soup, it was freaking delicious so I took my time eating it, just savoring the moment of silence and delicious food.


"Again, thats 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8," our choreographer instructed while showing us the dance move and we following him behind looking ourselves in the mirror in-front of us. It was obvious how the guys are still affected by what happened last night and its taking a big toll on all us. We can't keep ourselves focused on our comeback because some of us are still worried.

Since I told them this morning that Eunjee was still sleeping when I left they've become fidgety and worried that something might happen to her, they wanted me to just go home and take care of her but our manager reminded us that our comeback performance are coming soon and we don't have much time to idle around.

"Guys how about we take 5, you all look like you need one" Hyung finally said and we all went to gather our things and took out or water bottles.

"Hyung, Eunjee-noona replied. She said shes fine and that shes going to see us later" Yugyeom said

"I got the same message" Jinyoung said and so did the others.

"Just a sec, I think she sent us all the same messages." Jackson pointed out so I took out my own phone and saw the same message.

"She did!! Eunjee is So heartless" Jackson pouts which earned him an slap coming from Youngjae

"You are so acting Gaga right now. You nickname suits you well" Youngjae insults Jackson but failing because Jackson instead of being hurt he started showing his muscles

"You know it right baby" we all laugh, well the first time we laughed after this morning. Knowing Eunjees feelings might have calmed them all a bit.

"okay guys breaks over lets do this one more time" we all gathered to center just like how our choreographer told us to do and our cooperation and movements now are far more better than what we had few minutes ago.

*after a few hours*

"and thats it. You did great guys" Jb said after so many re runs and changes to some of our moves we are finally done and ready. We just need to practice our dance moves a couple more times before the comeback and everything is going to be okay.

"Markiepooh, manager said Eunjee is with JYP-hyung now. Why don't we go there and see Eunjee" Jackson said practically failing his efforts to do an aegyo.

"You atleast need to take a bath first Hyung. You are failing aegyo and you stink" Yugyeom said after throwing Jackson his towel.

"Yah! I may not be able to act cute since we have Mark here for that. But you'll never take my being Sexy and Hot" we all look at Jackson while he tries to act sexy in front of us. We all look to his thighs and laughed. "You are all mean and bullies" Jackson said which cause us all to laugh a lot more.

When we all finally settled down after fits of laughter we heard a slow knock and then our manager came in bringing us all Ice coffee and some cake.

"This came from Eunjee, she told me to give this to you guys before she went to visit JYP. " he handed us each Ice coffees and placed the cake at the center of the dance studio.

"Noona is really great" Bambam said

"Guys I'll get some water, do you guys want some?" I ask them but they all said no so I went out on my own and went to the nearest water refill dispenser. I saw some of the trainees passing by, them bowing low while passing me and me smiling towards them and also some waiting just like me for the people in front of us to get done.

"Yah! did you see our companies new Doctor yesterday?" I heard some guy said while I was waiting for my turn. I wasn't really fond of eavesdropping but since I know who they are talking about it made me a bit curious as to what they are going to say.

"oh yeah. Doc.T right? she was really nice" The other guy said, I smiled a bit.

"Yesyes! I heard one of the nurses called her that. She wasnt just nice, she was actually a bit Hot" the first guy stated making me a bit annoyed because of his statement

"You should be careful of what you say about her though" another guy says, it was my turn already so I had to move a bit and refill my water bottle slowly just so I could still listen to their conversation.

"I heard from one of the noonas that shes very close with JYP-hyung and that shes friends with our Got7 Hyungs."

"Really?! Isnt she a bit old to be friends with the Hyungs?" The second guy asks

"But she looks really young. I wasn't sure she was the new doctor if it wasn't for the nurses calling her one" the other guy said. My bottle was finally full so I have no other choice but to face them.

When I did face them they were already looking at me and shock was very much clear in their eyes.

"Ma..mark-hyu...hyung" one of the guys stuttered.

"You three are probably new here because I dont remember meeting you. Just a piece of advice. Gossips can kill your career right before you could even get one. So if you really want to succeed, more working and less talking. Also, the new Doctor happens to be really close to us 7 if we hear you guys messing around with her or just causing trouble, you all have to deal with us." I finally said before walking out.

I don't usually treat our juniors like that, we are all like family here and everyone knows how cool I am about meeting new people but what they talked about made me bit annoyed. Calling Eunjee hot and a bit old and just talking about her behind her back is making me uncomfortable.

I came back to the boys after making sure that i'm not annoyed anymore, well not enough for the guys to take notice. I saw my coffee placed near my bag so I took it, I drank half of it in hopes of appeasing my growing annoyance.

"Are you okay Mark?" JB asks "You look like your about to kill someone" he finishes, waiting for me to answer.

"Had to deal with some trainees talking about Eunjee" I honestly told him cause I didn't have the will to hide it, especially to Jb, his our leader after all.

"Why ? what did they do to Eunjee?" Jb raises his voice earning us weird looks from the guys.

"What happened to Eunjee?" Jackson walked towards us

"Did someone hurt her again?!" Youngjae added

"Do we need to go to JYP again?" It was now Jinyoung whos asking while all the boys kept on waiting for me and Jb to speak up. I sighed and looked all of them.

"Relax, I've already took care of it. Its just some kids talking about her. They said a couple of complements which was good but they end up also talking some disturbing things about her." I explained to them briefly, but since this is Got7 people we are talking about they wont settle for brief they need to know exactly what happened. So I did tell them everything.

"They sure do know how to use their mouth!" Youngjae said breaking the silence that happened after I told them everything.

"We should have been there? it would have been a nice show to see." Jackson smirks "Its Markiepooh defending our beautiful Eunjee from the three hideous blabbering fairydudes" Jackson announces with both his hands clapping.

"Has anyone ever told you how stupid you are?" It was Bambam who said that which made us all look at him weirdly.

"Yah! Im your crazy Bambam but Im not stupid" Bambam defends

"Enough with the childishness. It was great that you defended Eunjee, you are starting to become a good Hubby in my eyes " Jinyoung says also giving me a lot of heart signs.

Well it was still a part of my responsibility to protect Eunjee, even if we are both pretending to be happily married in the eyes of my parents, I am still her husband so she is still my responsibility.

"Ohhh! Are you actually starting to like Eunjee?!" Jackson teases earning him a glare coming from me.

"Don't be stupid. You all know why im being so protective of her. She is still my wife and my responsibility, if i dont take care of her she might use this relationship we have so she could end me for good. Taking care of her is like taking care of my career." I told them which is a bit of a lie, well it was true just until yesterday, i had to say that so they'll stop teasing and hoping that we could both be together. I know how determined Eunjee is to end all of this now so she could take the money her father left for her and leave me. I cant be attached to her knowing that someday i'm just going to lose her.

Its better for the guys to know it now than to make them witness me getting hurt.

"Is that how you really feel hyung? you've change a lot you know, we all saw how you become so possessive and protective of noona. We saw you do a lot of things for her this past few days. Thats why we are still hopeful" Yugyeom said

"Eunjee is a nice person it would take a really stupid person to not realize that but shes like a very good friend to me. I dont want her getting hurt and just as I said before I feel responsible." I tried defending myself. Jb saw how uncomfortable I was so the next he did was make the guys stand and clean up our mess. Of course they all whined for a bit but did the chores as instructed.

"Thanks" I silently told Jb and he nods.

"If you want to talk about it. You know you can talk to me right?" he says

"I know" I told him after.


I was feeling guilty for eavesdropping but I had no choice I heard my name so I just had to know what they were talking about.

"Ohhh! Are you actually starting to like Eunjee?!" I heard Jackson said, I tried adjusting my ears to the already slightly opened door.

"Don't be stupid. You all now why I'm being so protective of her. She is still my wife and my responsibility, if i dont take care of her she might use this relationship we have so she could end me for good. Taking care of her is like taking care of my career." Hearing him said that hurt a little bit, I wasn't expecting him to feel that way. Its true that what we have is fake, but everything has been civil between us until recently when he suddenly became all cuddly and sweet and spontaneous.

I didn't have the guts anymore to go inside so I went to the clinic instead. After my conversation with JYP-hyung I decided to keep on working here. He did offer me to stop but I told him im fine. Well I was until now.

I didn't know that he sees me like that, like someone who'd manipulate him or someone who'd use this fake relationship we have so I could get what I want. It crushes me even more because I didn't want him to feel like that. I didn't want him to feel like I'm some kind of responsibility placed on his shoulders. I feel guilty at the same time angry that we both have to go through this.

I felt tears starting to form at the bottom of my eyes. I was about to let them fall when my phone rings, I looked at the caller and saw that it was Mark. I didn't want to answer but I had no choice. He didn't know I heard what he said so I clicked the answer button and released a sigh before putting the speaker on  my ear.


"Where are you?"


"Well the guys wanted to see you and remember, I'm going to drive you home"

"You guys can go ahead. I have to finish something. I can just drive myself home Mark"

"So you're at the clinic right now"


He ends the call right away after that. I didn't bother calling him back instead I made myself focus on the things I still need to do. That part of my alibi is a bit, True. This will also help me forget what I just heard, well atleast distract me.

Not a minute goes by when I heard a knock and someone opening the door. I prepare myself with a pepper spray and some tazers which I bought before going here. Just incase someone attacks me again atleast Im ready to defend myself.

"Noooonaa!" Yugyeom was the first one to enter, I was relieved to see it was the guys and not some random dude again. "We thought you might need some company" all the guys entered looking at the things I'm working on.

"Yah! Why are you still doing this? What you need is rest!" Jackson said while rummaging to some files I yet to finish.

"Well, this files came late, I still need to see some of this people to update them. I'm just checking their histories." I explained to them. I saw Mark just looking at me, our eyes met for a moment but I was the first one to look away. "I'm fine being alone guys. You all need to rest. Well you need all the rest you could get, I heard from JYP that you're having your comeback already. Congratulations." I smiled to all of them, well all except Mark.

"Thanks Eunjee, let us at least accompany you tonight." Jb said

"As much as I want your accompany guys, I don't think i'll be able to finish this all with you here. I mean no offense, I might just get distracted with you here guys" I plead because its quite true they are all distracting.

Jb seems to understand because he nods towards me then pats Bambam and Youngjae's shoulder, "Eunjee's right, we cant distract her now. Shes working and needs her space." He says to the pouting younger members.

"Thanks guys. I'll make it up to you I promise" I told them and they all nodded. They all went out saying their good byes, I didn't notice Mark stayed behind.

"Why are you still here?" I asked him

"I remember telling you that I'll drive you home" he states moving near my desk and looks at me.

"You can go Mark, i'll be fine going home on my own" I told him

He nods then sighs "Fine then, if thats what you want" He walks away then looks at me again "Bye" he says before going out of the room. I released the breath I was holding in and just focused on finishing my job. I guess getting rid of Mark wasn't that hard, anyways I was just no one to him anyways. Im not important enough for him to insist on staying and wait for me. I felt a heavy feeling inside me and decided that I've done enough for the night. I could use a drink though. I need something to take away this painful feeling inside me.

I put away the things I was working on and gathered all my things.

I walked out of the clinic and decided to grab something to drink. I saw the vending machine and took out some of my coins. I chose to get some carbonated drink since I could really use some. I was trying to uncap the bottle but failing to do so because the cap was too tight. I was giving up and getting frustrated when suddenly someone snatches the bottle from my hand and opens it infront of me.

"You know? for a doctor, you are not setting a very good example" too stunned to response I took the bottle and wonder why in the hell is Mark standing in front of me smirking and teasing me.

"Why are you still here?" I asked

"Well, I had to drive someone home today so instead of listening to her and leaving her behind, I waited for her in the practice room" he states

"But why? Why would you wait for me?"

He looks around, maybe looking if someone is watching us or listening to our conversation but considering that its already late and that most probably everyones gone home or doing something some where else, the corridors are empty. "Can't a husband be a little bit responsible to his wife?" he smirks again before snatching my keys from the clip hanging to my bag. "Lets go, if you want me to go home so bad, then we should go now so i'd be able to drive myself back to the dorms" he adds before leaving me behind and walking towards the exit.

I followed him behind not being able to say anything else and just let him do what he wants to do. Well the guy waited why not just let him.

He led me to my car which I don't know how he found since I was the one who drove it here earlier. I didn't make a sound of protest when he opens my door and goes to the drivers side after.

I made sure to keep my distance from him cause I wasn't comfortable just being near him right now. His words kept on ringing in my head that I had to practically look outside to distract myself.

"Why are you so upset Eunjee?" Mark asks randomly but I didn't answer "If you don't want to talk about it at least know that we are all worried. Especially the guys, you smile like nothing is wrong but your actions says otherwise. If you don't want to tell me at least let the other guys know what your thinking" he continues then before I know it we were in from of my house. His car was somehow parked in front which made me wonder so I looked at him "Jb drove it here awhile ago, Jackson helped him" he states before going out of the car and goes to my side. He lets me out but before I could go away from him he stops me and looks at me.

"Let go of me Mark" I told him

"I want to but I cant. Not when you're looking like that" he was acting so worried about me when I already know that his really not, his just doing this to look like a good person in front of me but his really not. He just wants me to feel like his one so I could keep my mouth shut and not ruin his reputation.

"You can stop the act Mark, I wont tell anyone about our marriage because just like you, this can ruin my career. We can keep acting like civil people and just not care about each others whereabouts. You can do what you do best and I'll do mine. Just stop acting like you care when obviously I know that you don't. I wont tell on you Mark. Im not that kind of a person." I told him which made him lose his hand on me "I know its my fault that we are both in this kind of situation and I am sorry for ruining your chances of being the most honest idol to their fans. If I could just say no to this I would but we both can't. If I could change my dads will I would but that also I cant do." I started feeling my eyes water "So please stop making me feel like you care for me when obviously you see me differently. Stop making me feel like i'm someone important when I'm not. Lets just be honest to each other Mark and stop with all the intimacy. It doesn't help us both" I finally told him before leaving him behind dumbfounded. I took out my keys and opened my doors, I was supposed to close it when Mark suddenly decides to stop me and make me face him one more time.

"You are important, I dont know why or how but you are, not just to the guys but to me as well, I'm sorry that you heard what I said to Jackson but I was just being stupid okay! I was scared that what they were saying was true, I'm still figuring myself out Eunjee. What we have is a new ground for me, I don't know how to act. Yes I was scared that you might use this against me but I am not now." He tells me with sincerity written in his eyes and I can see that. He breathes in deeply "let me figure myself out first. After our comeback and all the things I need to take care after that, we'll talk about this again. You need to rest, I might not able to see you much often so I want you to atleast promise me you'll take care of yourself while I'm away. Mom and Dad may visit you from time to time so thats a relief. You are not a bad person Eunjee that I know so please just wait for me" he pleads looking at me sincerely waiting for my response.

I nod and he does the same. He walks away and goes to his car. He opens his door then looks at me again before driving off my place. I sighed and went inside not forgetting to lock my doors. I just hope that things will get better.