"How many times do i have to tell all of you" i stared blankly to all the paparazzis and journalists gathered outside my patients room. I was getting really pissed at all of them for making it so hard for me to push them all out. I breathe a sigh and handed my charts to the resident i was with. "THIS" I randomly grab one person from the sides "IS" then another person "A" then another " HOSPITAL" I lightly push the people i gathered towards the door that says Exit. I face the remaining people whom i wasnt able to grab "This is not some kind of playground or mall where all of you can hang out! I've already told all of you that his okay and he'll be more okay if all of you just be gone and LET HIM REST" I finally lose it because no one was moving and i even saw some girls wearing some uniform giving me the dirty look "Either you all decide to go now or i swear ill personally drag each and everyone of you outside of this hospital and im telling you i dont back down on my words" I warned them but no one listened.
I was about to drag them all out when the hospitals security came and asked the people gathered to go or they'll be put into prison for disturbing peace inside a private establishment. That must have scared them because after the security explained to them how this can make all of them look like criminals they all vanished really fast.
I was left feeling a huge block being taken off of me. I wasnt a fan of being put into reports for being a savior of an idol. I love my job more than anything and i donr want to mixed it with criticisms from the media or the internet. I like a simple breathable life where i can just do whatever i want without pressure and anyone picking out my mistakes.
"You were on fire Doc T. I really thought you'd drag them all out." The new resident said giving me very disturbing kind of grin
"Stop grinning its making me feel weird and by the way. I seem to forget who you are? Are you like new here or something" I honestly said because I really dont have any idea who she is.
"Oh im sorry Doc T. I was actually recruited here a week ago. I was first under the care of Doc Charles but since you still lack about two more resident to manage i was put under you so to balance out the 1sr and 2nd year residents" she explains
"I believe i asked you for your name and not your explanation" I told her which made her a little embarass for what she did.
"Im sorry again. My name is Camilla Jo Iyu, you can just call me Yuyu if you want or whatever you want. It nice to work with you please take care of me" she gives me a full ninety degrees bow before standing up straight again. I nod at her introduction and didnt say anything else but i kept wondering why wasn't i informed that i was incharge of residents. I just thought they were following me to see me do my job or to help me, i never thought that i was going to handle or something.
"Lets go see our patient" I told Yuyu after checking Lee Minhyuks scan and nothing seems to be wrong. If I have to guess Ill say he was just faking it.
Yuyu led me to the room and opened it for me to enter. They said his somewhat famous for his good rapping skills and for having a good voice as well. I was used to this kind of situations now more than ever so talking to him honestly might make things easy.
"Good Afternoon Mr Lee. How are you feeling right now?" I asker him, walking near to his bed and doing my follow ups.
"I feel fine, but i heard someone asking my fans to go." He says making me look up to him. This might be the part where he yells at me or something. I just know that media is their way of showing their fans how much they love them and thank them for their support.
"Sorry to dissappoint you but trust me as your doctor I just wanted you to have a peaceful rest and they were not making it happen because they are constantly talking outside your room" i defend "plus, they were crowding the hospital so sooner or later someone qas going to kick them out"
"Thank you" he slowly said smiling to me "the reason im here was because of them. I really wanted to rest or have some time for me to regain my self but i constantly see their messages and dm asking a lot of things about me and its making me feel uneasy." He explains "I did lie though, i wasnt really feeling unwell. I was just in great need of rest so this is the only place i can think of"
I actually give him credit for admitting his wrong behavior. I mean ive seen multiple types of fans and there can be a lot. Some of his fans might have been really obsessed to him.
I was about to praise him when his door suddenly opens loudly and stops me from saying anything because a group of boys came in running towards minhyuks bed seeing as they are all in panick mode hugging ang looking to minhyuk. Another set of boys came in this time this boys i do recognize.
"NOONA!!" Both Bambam and Yugyeom saw me first then runs to give me a hug. I was beyond shocked right now but im pretty sure YUYU is now wondering whats my relation to the Got 7 boys.
"EUNJEEE. I havent seen you in awhile!!" Jinyoung said giving me a side hug which i smile too.
I watch as the boys check on minhyuk and him explaining why his admitted to our hospital. Someone taps my shoulder and when i look back it was Mark giving me a smile, i smiled back but didnt say anything.
"Excuse me. I was actually about to explain to Mr. Lee but since you are all here I guess you all could hear it too" i told them and they all nodded with the Got7 boys giving me all their attentions as well as the BToB boys. "His CTs and Labs came out just fine. He already admitted that he only came here to rest so thats what im going to put in his charts." I informed them and they all nodded.
"Noona can I also get myself admitted so i can also rest" Bambam asked which earned him a series of aish from his hyungs.
"We are sorry for the incovenience but we are thankful for your kindness" One guys told me "My name is Eunkwang and this are our members including Minhyuk. Thats Changsub, Hyunsik, Peniel, Ilhoon and our own maknae Sungjae and we are" he straighthen up "BTOB,nice to meet you" they all said making me a bit shy to their sudden introduction.
"Its nice to meet you boys. My name is Dr. Eunjee T. But you can call me Doc T." I bowed to them and so did they also.
"Sunbae, you all dont need to feel worry when Eunjee noona is around. Shes really the best" Youngjae praised
"I actually agree to that. She single handedly drive out my fans. If you guys came a little bit earlier you would have seen her in action." Minhyuk-ssi boasted and i was left a bit embarass again.
"Thats Eunjee for you. Shes doesnt like paparazzi so much that if she sees one, her blood boils and her own hulk version comes out" Jinyoung said
"I havent seen noona get mad at us though" Bambam added
"You want to see it now?" I suggested making him shake his head to the point where i really thoughg his head would detach itself from his neck with all the shaking. "You can stop now"
"How come your close to this guys?" Changsub-ssi asked
We all look at each other cause im pretty sure they forgot that someone is inside the room other than us.
"Shes my wife" Mark suddenly said earning him a lot of shocked look from his members but also from me.
I tried looking to the other boys inside the room and they seem be in shock as well until Minhyuk-ssi started laughing and so I did aswell, in awkward kind of laughing though.
"If shes your wife then shes my girlfriend" Minhyuk-ssi suddenly comments which made me more embarass of whats happening.
"Oh are we playing this game now. THEN SHES MY SISTER." Eunkwang comments as well earning him a dirty lool from their maknae Sungjae
The Got7 boys released a very awkward laugh to cover Marks words. I tried not showing how nervous I was and when I looked at Mark he was already looking at me laughing.
"It looks like all of you are just making fun of me now. I should probable leave you all to hang out or whatever you guys do. Just dont cause disturbance to other patients okay?" I eyed them all especially the Got7 guys and they all nodded.
I left their room with Yuyu on my tail. She didnt asked me about my relationship with the guys so thats a relief, i told her to check on them from time to time and to tell me if something changes. She nods and gave me a big smile before running to do her rounds.
I thought back to what Mark did, why did he even say that. It was a good thing that they only took it as a joke but if this goes out we'll be both in trouble.
After Eunjee left all the guys looked at me well all except the btob guys because they were already too busy making themselves busy.
"Seriously though. How are you guys so close to my doctor?" Minhyuk-hyung looked at us making me feel a bit weird. Why does he want to know anyways.
"Noona is our companies Doctor. Shes been assigned like about weeks now." Bambam explained
"Shes also the one who treated Dahyun when she was caught in an accident" Jb added making Minhyuk-ssi nod in understanding.
"Who knew someone would fall for your fake chestpains and headaches hyung. Your acting skills are improving hyung" Yook Sungjae said while doing a praising stand.
"Since our Got7 friends are here why dont we do something fun?" Eunkwang-ssi interjected making all of the guys nod. But i wasnt up for it, for some reason I feel a bit irritated to Minhyuk-ssi. I cant even call him hyung or sunbae cause i feel so inferior to him. Seeing as Eunjee didnt even bother to admit my sudden confession before made me even more irritated cause i really wanted to show them shes my wife that shes mine.
I excused myself from the group and told them that I was just getting some food, some of them offered to come with me but i insisted on going alone. I was already used to this hospital so i practically know my way around.
I finally found the place I was looking for, i was standing in front of the emergency room hoping that i'd be able too see Eunjee even just for a bit. I havent had the chance to talk to her since we keep doing our promotions. I saw someone familiar typing something on the monitor infront of her, if my memory serves me right shes Kim, Eunjees closest friend here. I dont see Eunjee anywhere and i cant stay here long before someone recognizes me then takes a ton of pictures. I had no other choice but to ask her where Eunjee might be.
"Excuse me" I tap the doctors shoulder and waited for her to look at me and when she finally did her eyes grew big "Im sorry that I have to bother you but i was looking for Eunjee, i was hoping you could tell me where she is?" She gulps for a second before taking out her phone she pressed something to it before raising it to her ear.
"Hey. Are with Eunjee now?" She nods looking to me back and fort "Okay. Thanks" she puts down her phone then looks at me again "shes in the lounge, shes resting i guess but you can go there. No one but her was left there. Its in the second floor to your right. Just go straight and you'll see a door saying for staff. No one will be there until later. You can relax when you meet there" she informs me giving me a smile and so i bowed to her leaving her still smiling to me.
I followed her instructions and I immediately saw a door that says for staffs only. I tried knocking but no one answered that when i tried pushing the door and it was open.
"Eunjee-ya? Are you here?" I tried calling but all i see was an empty place with different things scattered on the table and on the floor. I saw another door in the corner with a little light illuminating inside. I entered the room only to see Eunjee lying down on one of the beds, she was busy playing some game with some earphones stuck in her ears. So thats why she didnt hear me.
I walked towards her and yanked away the earphones in her ears.
"YAH!" She suddenly sits up then looks at me but when she saw who I was she suddenly froze."Ho...How?... The Guys...wh what are you doing here?" She statters which made me laugh at her and pinched her cheeks.
"I asked your friend where were you and she instructed me here. You dont need to worry aswell because no one is here." I told her sitting beside her.
Shes fixes herself before looking at me again. "Why are you even looking for me?" She asks looking at me curiously. The light was obviously very dim and so i can only see a little bit of Eunjees face. She was biting her lip for no reason but it was kind of cute seeing her doing that.
"Quit bitting your lip" I told her and she stops. I leaned on her bed pulling her towards me making her lay down on my chest. "I missed you" I honestly told her and she smiled looking to me i kissed her forehead making her close her eyes for a bit.
"Why did you suddenly say im you wife awhile ago? That could ruin you." She suddenly sits up then looks at me again waiting for my explanation.
"I just felt like doing it. Everyone took it as a joke anyways" I pulled her back again and made sure to just hug her tightly so she wont sit up again. She again looks at me while bitting her lower lip.
"I warned you" i told her
"What.." before she could finish her sentence i crushed my lips to her shutting her up. The kiss started a bit rough but with sweet pressure i felt Eunjee move a bit so i let her she adjusted her position making her straddle me while keeping the kiss going. I let my hands move to her back caressing her and holding her tight. We were both gasping for air but that didnt stop me from giving her light kisses on her neck and shoulders making her move to the side a little bit to give me more access to which i gladly accepted as well.
Who cares that we're both inside the staffs lounge to which anytime anyone could see us doing what we are doing now. At this point im just enjoying Eunjees attention