Yugyeom and Mark finally came back with them is a bunch of food like chips and sweets. Well i do know for a fact that they do eat a lot but not this many they may need to hit the gym anytime soon because what they bought are a whole lot of sweets.

I was sitting in their sofa when Mark sat next me handing me some gummies and some chips as well.

"Did they do something to make you feel awkward or uncomfortable?" He asked me the others gather around us and went to their different places for the movie, i was seated on the corner part of the sofa and Mark was at the center, Jinyoung was the one who sat next to Mark and the other around us.

"No they didnt, they were all sweet to me actually" I told him which made him look at me even more a hint of jealousy in his eyes.

"Hyung what should we watch?" Bambam asked as he opened their television and go to netflix. The guys chose some horror movie since they all wanted to watch something exciting. Since my last encounter with horror movie i really prayed that it wasnt as brutal as what i saw last time.

The movie started making us all attentive to whats happening. The room was dark only the light coming from the television was lighting the room and the televisio usually shows dark so you get the idea.

When the scarry parts started coming around at first they were not that scarry just normal ghost coming in and out but when the scenes got so brutal, I was trembling but i couldnt scream like Bambam and the others did. Bambam was actually hiding to the laughing Yugyeoms now. I started moving nearer to Mark and when he noticed my movement he takes my trembling hand and hid it inside his hoddies pocket. He suddenly urged me to lay my head on his shoulders and i did.

The movie kept playing but Marks hand are making magic between my hand inside his pockets. He made the trembling go away and I wasnt so afraid of the brutal scenes anymore. While the other guys kept on screaming and laughing, I was busy getting comfortable at Marks shoulders.

The movie was about to finish and everyone was already thinking what to watch next because its still that early to sleep and rest so they decided another movie wont hurt their beauty sleep.

By the time the movie ended they all decided to take a break before the next movie and went to check their phones and some went to the bathroom. I on the other hand went to Marks room and took his pillow and went back to my place awhile ago only that Mark has taken that place now living the the rest of the sofa empty. Jinyoung was now lying down with the guys, the coffee table now gone and replaced but futons.

Mark pulls me beside him seeing as i was so confused to what just happened in the room.

Bambam clicked the next movie we were going to watch and good thing it was a sci-fi movie. We all watched the movie, me now lying on Marks pillow while his behind me watching as well.

Halfway through the movie Youngjae was already sleeping Jb was covering him with the blanket he took awhile ago from their room. Mark also took our one blanket behind the sofa and covered us both with the blanket. I felt Marks hand circled arounfmd my waste and his breathe on my neck. I was getting ticklish because of his breathe but i didnt complain.

I looked at the others and sure enough they were already sleeping hugging each other and looking so cute. I saw Jb fighting off his eyes but his tiredness won and the next thing i hear was his light snores. I tried hiding my smile but it was useless they are just so cute. I felt Mark shifted making him hug me more.

"Why are you smiling?" He whispered, i thought he was sleeping awhile ago because i felt him breathe like he was sleeping.

"I thought you were sleeping" i whispered back

"I was for a bit. Why were you smiling?" He asks again.

"The guys look so cute sleeping thats why" I held his hand thats around my waist and he hugged me even tighter.

"Lets go rest inside my room, its safer there than here" he tells me before he pushed me to stand up.

We both got up and went to his room, he locks his doors after getting in. I moved and layed down on the right side of the bed and he did the same on the left side. I faced him still hugging his pillow and he looks at me.

"Yah! Why are you so far aways. Come closer!" He pouted which is totally cute for his age.

"I dont wanna your pillow is more comfortable to hug than you" I tried moving farther away from him but he was too fast to grab me and pin me down. He removed the pillow in between us and started kissing me but he didnt go further just a sweet kiss to end the night after that he hugged me tight and we both fell into deep slumber.

*Next Day*

I woke up after hearing continuos knock from the other side of the door.

"HYUNG!!!NOONA!! Wake up!!! Pleaaasee wake up!" I rushed to the door and opened it and there I saw a very frantic Yugyeom

"Whats wrong?" I asked in worry

"Bambam woke up vomitting and now his complaining about his stomach non stop. His been vomitting like crazy" Yugyeom told me so rushed back in the living room and true enough Jb was helping Bambam threw up in the bucket.

"How long has he been this way?" I asked they all let me get near Bambam

"He woke up an hour ago and this is his fifth time vomitting and his been complaining about his stomach aching" Jb said calmly.

"Hey! Its going to be alright but i need to know where it hurts, do you understand me bambam?" He doesnt say anything but he slowly moved his hands to ung stomach. "We need to lay him down for a bit i need to check his stomach." The guys helped me move him "does it hurt here?" I move to his stomach and he didnt reply "Bambam I need to know where it hurts or else I wont know whats wrong" I tried making bambam react to where i'm moving my hands.

"Left side, it hurts there" he whispers

"Okay" i toke a notepad from their side tables and wrote some medicine on it. "I need someone to buy this for me, im suspecting that the vomitting is because of acid reflux but his left side hurts it might be because of something else. Buy this medicine first then meet me us at the hospital. ill call them now to reserve a room and call your manager now" I instructed without looking to whom im speaking too but i felt someone took the note. I ran back to the Marks room to take my phone and saw that the bed was empty so Mark must be outside with us but i didnt see him. I called emergency and told them about the situation. I went back to the living room and saw the others helping Bambam stand up. Jb was missing so was Jackson so maybe they were the ones who bought what I asked for.

"Noona Mark hyung is already downstairs waiting his the one driving, manager hyung is going to come at the hospital to meet us and his on his way now." Yugyeom informed me and I nod.

We all went down their dorms not causing too much noice as to avoid someone waking up because of us. We saw the car waiting and went inside making sure that Bambam is placed comfortably. I sat on his other side while Jinyoung sat in front with Mark and the others at our back.

Mark drove fast to the hospital, the vomiting stopped so thats a bit of relief I just need to make sure thats why i suggested bringing him to the hospital. When we were getting near I called the  emergency again and told them were near, and when we arrived they were already waiting for us outside with the stretcher and my interns.

"Take him to the ct's and take some labs. I've already ordered someone to buy him the medicine for the vomiting just wait for it to come and make him drink that. Order his tests asap under my name, Understood?" once Bambam was safely placed on the stretcher Boom and Annie was there so I instructed them that. We all rushed inside and went to do their jobs the guys were instructed to sit first and wait for further instructions, me on the other hand ran towards our locker and change into something more hospital friendly than what im wearing now. I tied my hair and went back running towards the emergency room.

I saw the guys and went to talk to them "Listen guys" i caught their attention "i think it best if you wait on one of the private rooms here, someone might see you and this might cause some uproar. I dont want anyone getting hurt and getting criticized so please, ill tell the guards to escort you there while I check on Bambam, rest there for awhile." they all look at each other contemplating about what I told them. I know it wouldn't be so easy for them to agree so I looked at Mark and Jinyoung hoping that as the adult ones they'll agree. I know how much they are worried about Bambam but they cant stay here for long or someone might see them.

"Lets just follow her guys, he only wants us safe too but please call me if something goes wrong" Mark said and i nod. I told the guards to escort them to the private rooms and not long after Jb and Jackson came rushing in with the medicines i ordered for them to buy i took it from them and told them where the rest of the guys are, they agreed on waiting there for me and went to join their members.

"Doc, his results are in" Boom informed me making me move quickly to the monitor to check his results. Annie took the medicines from me and gave it to Bambam helping him drink it.

I checked his cts and his labs, his cts were fine but his labs ph and blood gas shows inbalance. I think I might know whats wrong with him but i need to make something sure first.

"Give him full IV drip of *medicine here* i need to make sure something first" I ordered Boom and he followed, I left them for awhile to meet up with the guys.

I knock to the door before entering and there I saw the guys with their manager waiting. I walk to the center and they all gather up in front of me in circle.

"Listen I need to confirm something first before I explain anything to you" i told them and they all nodded "Is Bambam under diet right now?" I asked

"As far as I know his not. You said it yourself during their physical exam that his good. He didnt really need to lose some weight, he was doing fine" their manager

I explained to them what wrong with Bambam and that he'll dp just fune for now. "He needs to stay here until tomorrow for observation" his manager nods at me and goes out of the room to do some paperworks while the guys came closer to me "you guys should go home and rest for a bit. Everythings going to be fine. Ill stay here and look after him" I told them

"I think Eunjees right we should go home and take some of Bambams clothes then come here later" Jackson agreed

"Someone has to stay here though incase he needs something else. Im sure manager hyung will need to report back at the company after he settles some paperworks here" Jb said

"Then i'll stay. I dont have anything scheduled for later so I can stay here"  Yugyeom said

"Do you want me to get you some clother back home?" Mark asked, if he didnt spoke i would have forgotten his here.

"Its fine, you should go home and rest. Ill text you if I ever need anything" i smiled to him and he nods

Their manager went back short after and offered to drive them all safely home. I assured them ill text them if anything comes up. After they left Yugyeom went to see Bambam while he was being prepared to tranfer to one of the regular rooms.

I went to rest for a bit in the lounge area. It was already 5:30 am so my regular duty was about to start so I took a very fast bath and went to change my clothes with one of my scrubs cause i didnt have a choice. I wore my coat and went out to do my rounds.

I just hope that i wont have to do emergency operations today so i could atleast rest for a bit.